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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Carson’s Nursery Inspiration


February 27, 2013

I think the majority of y’all remember Caroline’s boudoir, but if not, see this post for a show and tell of her special space.
Now I have to say, as much as I absolutely LOVE her room, I want Carson’s nursery to be completely different…I know they are going to have distinct personalities all their own and even though they will be close in age, I want each of them to feel special and I want to take just as much time selecting each detail for Carson’s room just like I did for Caroline.
However, that’s where it gets tough…let’s be honest. There are some “interesting” nurseries out there, so when I started searching for inspiration for her room, I had a REALLY difficult time finding something that stood out to me. I want feminine (yes pink), but I want bolder colors…something that makes a bit bigger of an impact than the light palette I chose for Caroline.
That’s when I decided to venture out of my comfort zone and have decided on a color palette of navy, coral pink, and gray, with accents of gold. Here is the inspiration board I created for her space…

Carson's Nursery

So, what do you think? I know it’s completely different than anything I’ve done before, and I think that is why I love it so much…I want Carson’s room to be fun and bright, partly because there is so much natural light in the space.

We have already ordered her crib and dresser from Restoration Hardware (oh my love affair with their child’s furniture is ridiculous) and I bought simple white and coral pink bedding from Serena and Lily that is being delivered this week…moving on to the other details and decor within the next few weeks and I am excited to see what it looks like once we’re done! 
  1. So cute. I am currently re-doing my room in navy, antique white and gold with slight pops of coral (flowers, picture frames, etc.) Can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. Jess Norden says:

    Adorable!! This is so similar to our girl nursery…but we had a boy and ended up with Navy and lime green!! I can't wait to see the finished room!

  3. Rebecca says:

    I fell in love with coral for my baby girls nursery. We panted our own dresser inspired by this: http://laybabylay.com/coral-and-navy-delight/

    Though you might find it helpful 🙂

  4. Chelsie says:

    I love your color idea. It's going to look so much better than just the traditional nurseries!

  5. {Jessica} says:

    I love it! But then again, my husband and I have chosen to do a pale grey, navy blue, white and soft yellow palette for our son's nursery – so I am partial to the color scheme:) I think it will look great, and will be a sweet variation from Caroline's pale pink room! They will both be gorgeous, I have no doubt!:)

  6. Brooke says:

    Her room is going to look so cute! I have those baskets on my 'to buy' list as well!


  7. I'm in love with it!! This color palette might be my favorite for a little girl.

  8. Emily says:

    Love your inspiration board, I think the color scheme will be just perfect and it sounds like the bedding will be too. Of course, anything Restoration Hardware will look superb as well! Can't wait to see it all come together!

  9. Tess says:

    LOVE these colors. I started with a very similar pallet for my wedding actually. I ended up swapping out the pink for a limey green, but I love the look for a little girls room. I'm borederline obsessed with nautical touches, and your rug makes my heart swell!

  10. Jen Gordon says:

    LOVE this color scheme!! If we ever have a little girl, this will be exactly what we do! Classic, timeless and a little bolder than the pastels as you mentioned!

  11. Alex says:

    I really like the colours and all of the things in the picture!

    Bump to Baby

  12. Oh I LOVE this color combo for a little girl! So sharp! And something she can really grow up with! Perfection!

  13. Love your nursery theme!! I think the navy and coral go so well together! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

  14. Natasha, I L-O-V-E it!

    Sophisticated and preppy and glamorous, all wrapped up in one.

    I'm sure she will be all of those!

  15. Brooke says:

    Love it! This blogger did almost the same color palette!


  16. Samma says:

    Love the colors! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  17. melissa says:

    I LOVE the colors! I'm dying to do a navy room in our new house (you know, once we buy it!). Can't wait to see how it turns out!

    Also, I must have missed the announcement of baby girl's name but I had to say that I love it! Beautiful!

  18. Lauren says:

    I love those colors together. So pretty! Can't wait to see what the nursery looks like when it's finished 🙂


  19. Looove this pretty palate:) so classic and chic, cannot wait to see how it turns out

  20. love this color palette! I am thinking navy and pink with grey and white accents when we know for sure if its a girl…3 more weeks:)

  21. I LOVE it…. I think it'll be fun to go a totally different route. And I love the coral pink / navy / gold combo – it's going to be gorgeous! I'll keep my eyes peeled (who says that??? I guess I do) for anything that goes w/ your design board!! And I just have to add —– time has seriously FLOWN. I remember your big reveal of Caroline's nursery and that seems like two days ago!!

    Carson is one lucky little lady already! xoxo.

  22. Jenny says:

    SO fabulous!! It's a gorgeous color scheme and will look stunning in a nursery. Can't wait to see the finished product!

  23. Ashley says:

    Love it! So classic and very you – in my opinion! I know it'll look wonderful, can't wait until you post pictures when it's all done.

  24. Laura says:

    I love it, so so pretty!!

    P.S. Have you ever seen Shag? It's a super cute movie about four best friends from South Carolina and two of the girls are Caroline & Carson. I have Caroline(6), Charlotte(4), and baby Emily(8mo). The baby is named after my grandmother, but if I had thought of Carson I may totally have stolen your name to have 3 C's. 🙂

  25. Kimberly says:

    It's perfect! And it's also very Delta Gamma;)

  26. Hannah says:

    I love the colors you picked for Carson's room! I am excited to see the finished product. You are so good at decorating! 🙂

  27. Caroline says:

    Love this! I can't wait to see!

  28. Jordan says:

    Love the colors!

  29. Savannah says:

    Love your inspiration board … and especially the hint of Delta Gamma. 🙂 Can't wait to see the final product!

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