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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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My Funny Valentine(s)


February 14, 2013

This year, I have not one, but two valentines…aren’t I a lucky girl?? They are two incredible people, the two that comprise my family’s “inner circle” and my life would not be complete without them.

The first is the man of my dreams…the guy who I fell in love with when I wasn’t looking, the guy who  charmed me trying to win me over, and the one I said those all important vows to almost 2 years ago. I love waking up to him everyday, love that we have created our own family with sweet, simple traditions we cherish and that are “ours”. Jeff, thanks for being such a loving, wonderful, and kind husband and father. Your girls are lucky to have you and you’ll always be my number #1 valentine. I love you the mostest in the whole world!

The second…my little Tuttie, also known as Caroline. This is our first Valentine’s Day together with you out here in this big world and I can’t help but kiss and hug on you way too often for I know these moments pass by way too quickly, but I hope you know how much you’re loved! Mimi always says I am the best thing she has ever done in her life and now I am fully able to understand that sentiment…you are the best thing Caroline and you light up my life.

Tonight, me and my hot dates are headed to a local eatery called Urban Grub for a fancy schmancy Valentine’s Dinner…the early bird reservations for 5:30-HA! We wanted a fun dinner out with our little family. Hope yall have a fantastic and Happy Valentine’s Day, too. Here is CC’s basket filled with all sorts of fun goodies…

  1. Allison says:

    So sweet! Enjoy your night!

  2. Katie says:

    very sweet! hope your family has a wonderful day! the basket for Caroline is adorable, I put one together for my lil man, my husband thought I was crazy!

  3. such a sweet post 🙂

  4. Chelsie says:

    Aww hope Caroline has a great first Valentine's Day!! Happy Vday!

  5. I just really love y'all!!! Hope y'all have a wonderful night…. happy first Valentine's day to Miss C!

  6. Laura says:

    What a sweet post! It is our little girl's first Valentine's Day too and we also got her the Mouse's Valentine's Day book. Enjoy your loves!

  7. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your's!

  8. Shari says:

    Have a wonderful night of celebrating! Happy Valentine's Day to you and your valentines. 🙂

  9. Courtney says:

    What am adorable basket for your even more adorable little girl. Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. Awww this is such a sweet post!! Love all the great pics!! xo

  11. We love Urban Grub. Yummy! Hope y'all had a fun night.

  12. Arielle says:

    Hope y'all had a good Valentines! Caroline's basket is just adorable! 🙂

  13. Love!!! By the way, where are your adorable pj's from(hot pink/orange)?! Love them!

  14. You are beautiful, and your family looks so sweet. I hope to have a family like that one day!

    Found you through someone who just followed my blog!

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