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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Recent Happenings and Randomness


February 15, 2013

The weekend before last, we all ventured over to Meg and Aaron’s house to celebrate Aaron’s Dirty 30 Birthday with a Boubon and BBG Party!! Meg did so many cute things for the party, yet still keeping it masculine to play to her boys’ taste, but the party was a HUGE hit and we all had a wonderful time. Here are some of my favs:

 the bear scare pose…made notorious from our 4th of July celebration a few years ago
 “playing tipsy” 

My child never ceases to amaze me…the other day, Miss Caroline decided she wanted to help mommy with the laundry. Then, she proceeded to jump in the dirty laundry bag and got stuck. Yes, I took a picture even though she was screaming to get out #momoftheyearaward

Justin Timberlake WOWED me at the Grammys this past weekend…first of all, he looked dapper and dressed like a true gentleman. Secondly, he wasn’t shy about showing off his Tennessee roots. The album comes out March 19th-yes, I will be the crazy person standing in line at Target ready to purchase that morning!

I decided in the spirit of Lent (yes, us Methodists participate) that I would in fact give up something this year so that I can be reminded of God’s sacrifice…it’s not a big addiction, but I’ve decided to forego carbonated drinks. It’s not something I crave (like the year I gave up dessert) or will struggle with (like the year I gave up alcohol when I wasn’t pregnant–what was I thinking??) but it’s a little “treat” I let myself have a few times a week. No more cherry coke for me until Easter friends. Hasta la vista to the wonderful world of Coca Cola.

I’m signing off for the week…ready to kick-off the weekend with the family. Lots to get accomplished and only two days to get it all done. Have a HAPPY weekend lovelies!! 

  1. Katie says:

    I agree JT was fabulous, made me feel young again! What a cute idea that Bourbon Bar was !

  2. Chelsie says:

    It's hard at first not drinking sodas, but it definitely gets easier!

  3. Meg is so adorable. I love all her burlap details!

    And sweet, sweet Caroline. She is so funny.

  4. Tess says:

    Happy Friday!! I love the signs that your friends had at the Dirty 30 party. Joel would just about die for a bourbon tasting set up, so I may have to borrow that idea for his next birthday bash!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  5. Melissa says:

    Love JT! Did you know you can preorder the CD at Target? No standing in line for this girl!

  6. I gave up soda too 🙁 It's okay as long as I forget I can't have it. How GOOD is an ice cold cherry coke though?

  7. Samma says:

    I'm super excited that JT is BACK! Party looked great- I haven't seen Bev in ages!

  8. Caroline says:

    Justin was awesome at the Grammys! I can't wait!

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