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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Small Victories


February 21, 2013

Last year, I embarked on a reading plan through our church to read the New Testament in 1 year…nothing where I would be reading a crazy amount of scripture a day (and would likely not be able to finish), but an easy-to-follow reading plan so I could complete my goal reasonably “fast”. As of this weekend, I am happy to report I finished it! Boy, doesn’t it feel good when you can check something off that’s really important to you? I know there are TONS of reading plans you can find online, which makes it easier to read the Bible daily…if you’re interested in doing this, you can find the plan HERE.

Thanks to RH Baby and Child’s and Serena and Lily’s big President’s Day Sale (P.S. why do so many retailers see this as an excuse to have a sale?) we were able to order Carson’s nursery furniture and bedding! Heavens to Betsy, I feel like I am so far behind this time because I’m just now starting to work on the nursery. Details to come soon I promise!  
We invested in Caroline’s 1st few pairs of REAL shoes…can you hear the excitement in my voice??Since she is pulling up, cruising, and now standing by herself, we knew it was time to venture into Stride Rite and pick up a few pairs to get her moving. Check out these adorable things…
and P.S. I’ve heard other great shoes are Pedipeds-Moms, if you know of others for more dressy occasions (i.e. Easter dress shoes) let me know! 

Is anyone else tired of cold, winter days? It makes it SO difficult to get out when you have to lug coats, hats, and gloves around and then take them on and off all the time when getting in/out of the car.  Please bring some sunny, springtime weather our way-I’m in need of some vitamin D, an ice cream treat, and my sunroof open to take in all the sights and sounds of spring (other than fun allergies).

The Oscars are this weekend and I can hardly stand it…I’m hoping to be wowed on the red carpet and I’m crossing my fingers some of my favorite celebs take a daring chance or two with their fashion choices. This is the time to do it up ladies, please don’t disappoint!!
P.S. I did want to say a big thanks to some of you ladies for having such positive things to say about my Love, Sex, and Marriage post from last week. Sometimes it’s hard putting myself out there and talking about my personal life and showing different aspects of it, but I know I am constantly learning and growing and hoping I can help others with that process, too. I’m working on some more stuff so stay tuned!

  1. Dawn says:

    Way to go on your Bible reading-that's awesome that you were able to accomplish your goal!
    I am SOOO ready for spring and warmer weather! Bring on sundresses, sandals and sun! 🙂

  2. lm says:

    That's awesome you finished your Bible reading plan, something I have had a hard time sticking to! I'm a new one to your blog and it is lovely! I completely agree about warmer weather! The weather in Nashville here has been a teaser, warm and then back to cold!

  3. Go you!!! That is so awesome and I am sure you learned a LOT on the NT!!

    As for a follow up post, you should totally host a link up! Would be interesting to see everyone's ideas on keep love, sex and marriage exciting and spicy! xo

  4. That's awesome you read the whole New Testament! I'm reading the 40 days of Purpose right now and starting to dive into church with a passion now. I think that's what has been missing for me.


  5. Jess says:

    For cute baby girl shoes, check out Livie & Luca (my fave) or See Kai Run (good for the chubby baby feet).

  6. Courtney says:

    I have had a Bible reading plan on my list for too long–I need to buckle down and do it. Way to go!

    My boys have worn Pedi's since they were walking (they are 3 and 5 now:) Great little shoes, they are always my favorites, I just ordered 4 pairs!

  7. ESB says:

    Big girl shoes are so cute! I like L'amour for dressy shoes, but I have a hard time finding them anywhere but online.

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