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Weekly Dinner Planning…Options Make It Easy


February 21, 2013

I had a few of you emailing/leaving comments asking for some easy go-to dinner recipes from my recipe box…let’s face it, we all get tired of making the same meals over and over again so I am always on the lookout for some new additions to add to our “lineup”. And yes, this is where Pinterest is a lifesaver because I can ALWAYS find something yummy there!
P.S. I have cooked all of these and they were given two thumbs up by the hubby so these should be crowd pleasers by your picky eaters, too. 

You can also find some other favorite recipes in the menu above under the Love List Page…all sorts of yummy appetizers, desserts, and entrees, too!

  1. All of these look delish. We need some new things in our rotation! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Shana says:

    My mouth is now watering { at 10 am mind you } ha ha! I need a meatball sandwich now 🙂

  3. Erin says:

    Thanks for sharing! Im going to try the last one tonight!

  4. Andee Layne says:

    yum thank you Pinterest for all the amazing recipes! Seriously what did we do before 😉 That meatball recipe looks amazing and i know my hubby would love that one. Thanks for sharing xoxo

  5. Katie says:

    Those all look so yummy! I added a bunch to our meal plan for next week! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Thanks for sharing, these all sound delicious. I cannot wait to try the creamed chicken and biscuits. It sounds right up my alley!

  7. Caroline says:

    I'm going to have to try these!

  8. OH my food. it all looks so yummy, where to start!


  9. melissa says:

    Brian would FLIP for those meatball sandwiches. I'm not a fan of meatballs/loaf, but I might put that aside for a night to make him these. Thanks for sharing!

  10. My tummy is growling…is it dinner time yet? Those enchiladas and meatball sandos look delish!!

  11. YUM! Looking at that makes me feel fat!! Haha!
    Check out my new facebook page for your girlie! http://www.facebook.com/hudsonlaneboutique

  12. As soon as everyone is healthy again we will have to try some of these dishes. Thanks for sharing!

  13. Jen Gordon says:

    These all look so good!

  14. Mmm. these all look really good! P.S. I'm hosting a giveaway today for a $75 credit at MINTED.COM! Be sure to enter! 🙂


  15. Allyce says:

    Yes! Thank you for this. I need some new recipes and all of these looks delicious!

  16. Ashley says:

    These look so delicious, especially the spasagna and enchiladas!

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