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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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it’s all about the hair


March 1, 2013

I’ve put it off long enough, and I think it’s time to fill you in on my little hair secrets. To those that have emailed me about doing a video hair tutorial, my apologies in advance…I’m just not that tech savvy, nor do I think it would be that helpful to anyone since I’ve “borrowed” my styling from some other fabulous ladies who can do it WAY better than I.
With that, I wanted to fill you in on my hair regimine…the products, the styling, and the other tidbits that may help you achieve the wavy curl look. Here goes nothing:
The Products
Let’s be honest, when Mom and Dad were footing the bill and paying for beauty products, I used all the best items on the market. Now that I am in the “real world”, I spend a lot less on these essentials, just because I’ve noticed that just because it’s more expensive doesn’t necessarily mean it works better.
For shampoo and conditioner, I love the Clean brand (you know, the one endorsed by Heidi Klum). I tried it out a few months ago and have been an avid user ever since. I use the damage and color repair duo and they work wonders on my coarse, horse-like, thick hair. Even better, at around $5 each, you can’t go wrong, and it leaves my hair less frizzy, smelling great, and not so frazzled.

After I towel dry for a few minutes, I brush my hair out with a flat paddle brush…this helps detangle and then I spray in another cost-conscious find, Tresemme Heat Tamer Spray. This helps protect my hair from all the damage of the dryer, curling iron/straightener, etc. It’s a lifesaver!!

Moving on, when I am ready to dry my hair, I put a few drops of the Hana Shine Shield Oil on the ends of my hair…not the roots because that tends to make my locks look greasy. I know oil can be a bit pricey, but it lasts FOREVER and only takes a small amount to work wonders! This shield leaves my hair shiny with less flyaways and makes it SO much easier to style.

Then comes the other goody…the hairstylist I used for my wedding day hair filled me in on this hidden gem and it’s become a staple ever since. It’s Alterna Caviar’s Rapid Repair Spray and I spray it on the ends of my hair right before I curl or straighten a section…when you’re constantly highlighting your hair, it tends to get dry with split ends and one big hunk of mess. I seriously could not live without this product.

The Tools 
On to the tools of the trade…for my curls, I use the Babyliss Pro 1.25 inch curling iron from one of my favorite beauty sites, Misikko. I love the width of the barrel as it’s just the perfect size for my hair length (long, about 1/2 way down my back). I usually put my hair up in sections and fix it that way because it’s easy for me to manage and actually doesn’t take that much time (approximately 15-20 minutes total, even with ALL my hair). Seriously, if you’re in the market for a new curling iron, get this one–it’s amazing, heats up quickly, is easy to use, and will last a long time!

When brushing each section before I curl, I use a round wooden brush to help combat static and eliminate any tangles. Ok, so for the specifics on how I curl my hair…I found this tutorial awhile ago on You Tube and have stuck by this ever since. Now, before you rush to the bathroom and try for yourself…remember, this takes practice, but then you’ll get the hang of it and you’ll be sporting those “effortless” looking curls in no time.
Hope this helps you ladies!!!

  1. Erin says:

    Oh I absolutely need to try the rapid repair spray! My ends are disgusting by the very next day after a trim because I straighten them so often. Thanks for your tips!

  2. P!nky says:

    Guuuuuuuurl, I swear by the Clear shampoo and conditioners and the heat tamer spray! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

  3. Katie says:

    Great tutorial, thanks for sharing! And I am always looking for new product to try. I agree I used to use alot of luxury items when mommy and daddy were footing the bill!

  4. Kel kel says:

    Thank you! I'm so excited to try this out! : )


  5. I did not know Heidi was an endorser for Clear! Maybe I need to give it another try. I bought the dry/damage one and I just couldn't comb through my knots. Maybe I'll give it the benefit of the doubt that I just needed a trim- ha. Loved reading about your fav products! I always love getting new insight on beauty products 🙂

  6. Sam says:

    I've been hearing so many great things about the Clear shampoo/conditioner and now that my bottle of shampoo is running low I think it's probably the best time to try it out!

  7. I'm so glad you've share your hair secrets!

    I've always admired your curls 🙂

    I've been using Dove shampoo for the past couple years…my husband always did and now I have since we've been married. I used to use bumble and bumble.. oh how times have changed!

  8. I've heard that Clean Scalp stuff is awesome – I need to try it!

  9. Ashley says:

    Ahh thank you for posting this! I always LOVE your hair and have wondered how you do it…I have so many issues when doing my hair. I'm going to be watching this asap!

    Also – that heat tamer spray is the best.

  10. I too have horse-like hair {this is a post-pregnancy treat, I suppose … thanks, thanks a lot}. I'm headed to Target shortly and throwing that shampoo and conditioner in my basket!! I'm actually using a pricier brand right now, but I don't feel like it's making any impact – at all!

    Thanks for sharing…. this makes me wish my hair stylist could just magically show up at my house every day and make my hair look all kinds of gorgeous. 😉

  11. Brandi says:

    I have super thick horse hair too… It is straight as a board and so coarse! I may have to give the clear brand a shot I keep hearing great things!

  12. Hi there. I am a new follower of your blog — congratulations on baby #2! My babies are 15 months apart so definitely close in age as well. Will definitely be back to check up on your darling blog!

  13. I will have to try the caviar spray- my hair gets so damaged on the ends and it's hard to repair that and make it look healthy. I'm with you- when mom and dad picked up the tab I tried any and all beauty products with out keeping prices in mind! Now I'm a little more careful what I invest in!

  14. Caroline says:

    I will have to check the tutorial out. You have the cutest hair!

  15. Kayla says:

    Just discovered your blog – so fun! Would you mind terribly sharing the secrets of your hair color? I love the blond on top and brunette underneath – what's natural, do you highlight or lowlight? I'm thinking about doing something new for spring. Thanks!

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