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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Weekly Updates and Whatnot


March 26, 2013

a. I had NO IDEA last week’s post would spark so much positivity and well wishes for those of us that blog…I appreciate ALL of your emails and comments and thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you said. I assure you I won’t be backing off from the blog anytime soon, but it’s nice to know that others out there can relate to criticism, too! Even better, it’s good to see that we won’t let the few hateful ones steal our happiness 🙂

b. This past weekend was just way too much fun. We had two days full of family time, a birthday party for our CC’s boyfriend, Collier, a dinner party with friends, and a night out celebrating Lauren’s birthday, complete with cosmic bowling…it’s weekends like that where I feel refreshed and happy to take on another Monday-Friday. They just don’t happen nearly enough!!

c. I think everyone has said this before, but I’ll say it again… SPRING, WHERE ARE YOU?? It’s almost April and our forecast calls for flurries! I remember bringing Caroline home from the hospital last year and I was wearing flip flops for heaven’s sake- get it together because we need some outside time! This weekend, we are hoping to go to Cheekwood’s Spring Art Hop Event for CC’s first egg hunt. Fingers crossed we get to scavenge for some treats!

d. I am thinking about hosting another blog sale for babies, maternity wear, and spring staples and wanted to gather some thoughts on this subject…is anyone interested? What do yall think is the easiest way to do this? Post on here, devote an Instagram account to the items, etc? I am all ears and want to make it easy!

e. Speaking of fun giveaways, Darci and I were so happy with all of your support and participating on the Easter Goodie Giveaway last week, and want to give a big CONGRATS to Melissa at For the Love on being the big winner! We appreciate everyone playing along and hope to do another fun giveaway soon.

Today, Tuttie and I are off on an around-the-town adventure…stocking up on Easter necessities, finishing shopping for her Bunny Day outfit, hitting up the gym, and then cooking dinner. Have a great Tuesday friends!

  1. Glad you guys had such a good weekend, sounds like a lot of fun! And I know, we are freezing here in Bham too 🙁

    I'd surely be interested in some of CC's clothing 🙂

  2. Amanda says:

    I would definitely be interested in a blog sale of maternity clothes and/or spring staples. I think posting on your blog would work fine, but would certainly be fine with an instragram account, as well 🙂

  3. Jenny says:

    This will be our third year for Cheekwood. Normally the weather is so much nicer and it's crazy busy so prepare for the crowds. Just a tid bit, for food we tried the food truck last year and the wait was crazy. Bring a blanket if you plan on going that route. The tend to have some for borrow but they go quick. The Pineapple Room is where we went the first year so I made a reservation this year. It tends to be super busy too. Good Luck and hoping for good weather!

  4. I would definitely be interested in your blog sale! I think posting on your blog would be the easiest, as not everyone used Instagram? If you do a first come, first serve with people that email you about which item they want, I think that would work well?

  5. I am not even preggo, but would totally buy maternity clothing from your blog sale. 🙂

  6. Jen Gordon says:

    hell friggen yes to another sale! Hopefully next summer I will be in the midst of my own "round two" and will def. be in need of some new maternity clothes! 🙂

  7. Meredith says:

    I would love for you to do a blog sale with baby stuff.

  8. melissa says:

    Thanks for hosting the amazing giveaway, Natasha. I was so excited (and shocked!) to have won!

  9. Jess Norden says:

    I would love to figure out a way to do a blog hop type of clothing sale! We would just link up and in the title put what we are selling…it would be so great for ALL of us to be able to share our goodies 🙂 Let me know if you're interested…I could help host and organize it!

  10. Anna says:

    I was just thinking about selling some of my pre-baby clothes (I'm no longer able to zip up my size 0 dresses)… and tons of landon's clothes. I hear IG is a great way! good luck!


  11. Tara says:

    This post made me go back and read the last post and all I can say to that is "way to go gal". There's no need for blogging bullying, like you said – no one is made to read your space so if they don't agree than they can go on their marry way. I for one, love your blog world and read often even if I don't always comment 🙂

  12. Nat says:

    Sounds like a great weekend- those kinds are the best.
    I think doing a blog sale would be great- I know a few bloggers have made a separate blog that links to theirs with all the items they are selling and some just do a post. Either way I think you'll be successful.

  13. Dining Diva says:

    I've been reading your posts for the past few years and for some reason never comment — just wanted to say I enjoy reading your life updates and keep it up! also congrats on the future new home — my hubby and I had our dream home built last year and it was an awesome experience! my best tip is to trust your contractor. 🙂

  14. Ashley says:

    I'm sick of the snow too! I don't know about you but my little cutie and I are getting stir crazy being in the house all day!


  15. Katy S says:

    I would definitely be interested in a blog sale!

  16. Sarah says:

    Do you have an instagram?

  17. Samma says:

    I always love when a blogger I "know" wins something! Ha! Glad the weirdo commenter didn't get you down.

  18. Ashley says:

    I think an instagram account is a great way to sell items – I know a few people who have very successful shops there!

  19. Cardin Lopez says:

    I'm so glad to find a fellow Nashville blogger! Love everything.. Keep up the great work!


  20. I am with you, where is the Spring-like weather already?! It just doesn't seem right to spend Easter bundled up. I definitely would be interested in a blog sale, you have the cutest clothes 🙂

  21. Oh I wanted to leave a real long comment on your post the other day but I'm pretty sure I had a baby in my hands! I'm so sorry you opened the floor up for questions and got negative feedback instead. I just don't get it and I read through all of your answers. Keep up the real talk lady, I love it!! Xo

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