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Derby Days…Southern Living Cookbook Giveaway


April 29, 2013

When the fine folks at Southern Living contacted me with an AMAZING mint julep recipe to celebrate all things for the Kentucky Derby from their new cookbook Feel Good Food, I couldn’t resist sharing with y’all. Even better, they have a fun and festive idea of setting up your very own mint julep bar for your party guests, which I love! 
Apparently I went to the Derby as a young one, but don’t remember so that is something Jeff and I definitely want to cross off our to-do list in the next few years…the hats, the dresses, the racing-OH MY! It sounds like way too much fun and a great way to spend the 1st weekend in May. 
Given the fact the running of the Kentucky Derby is this weekend, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to post this recipe in case anyone is hosting a big celebration for the greatest two minutes in the sports world…
The recipe for classic mint juleps with four variations is below. It would also make a wonderful non-alcoholic spritzer by omitting the bourbon and adding club soda to the mix.

Derby Julep (makes: 1 serving hands-on time: 5 min. total time: 5 min., not including syrup)
3 to 5 fresh mint leaves2 Tbsp. desired julep syrup
Crushed ice
1⁄4 cup bourbon
1 fresh mint sprig
1. Place mint leaves and syrup in a chilled julep cup, and muddle. Pack cup tightly with crushed ice; add bourbon and mint sprig.

Julep Syrups
Set up a mint julep bar with an assortment of flavored syrups at your next gathering.
1. Mint Syrup: Boil 1 1/2 cups sugar and 1 1/2 cups water, stirring often, 2 to 3 minutes or until sugar dissolves. Remove from heat; add 15 fresh mint sprigs, and cool completely. Cover and chill 24 hours. Strain syrup; discard solids.
2. Grapefruit-Honey Syrup: Prepare Mint Syrup as directed, reducing sugar to 1/2 cup and stirring 3⁄4 cup freshgrapefruit juice, 1/2 cup honey, 3 (2- x 4-inch) grapefruit rind strips, and rind from 1 lime, cut into strips, into sugar mixture with mint. For julep, muddle with 1 small grapefruit rind strip.
3. Peach-Basil Syrup: Prepare Mint Syrup as directed, substituting basil for mint and stirring 2 (5.5-oz.) cans peach nectar and 1 split vanilla bean into sugar mixture with basil. For julep, muddle with 1 peach slice.
4. Blackberry Syrup: Prepare Mint Syrup as directed, adding 6 oz.fresh blackberries, halved, with mint. For julep, muddle with 2 fresh blackberries.
5. Pineapple-Lemongrass Syrup: Prepare Mint Syrup as directed, reducing granulated sugar to 1 cup, adding 1/2 cup light brown sugar to granulated sugar and water, and stirring 1 cup pineapple juice, 2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice, and 3 (3-inch) pieces fresh lemongrass into sugar mixture with mint after removing from heat. For julep, muddle with 1 small fresh pineapple chunk.

Even better, for all you cocktail lovers out there, Southern Living has graciously offered to let me giveaway one of their new cookbooks to one of my lovely blogging friends. To enter, use the Rafflecopter widget below! I’m not sure if yall are like me, but I LOVE any reason to add new cookbooks to my collection… good luck ladies!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

And P.S. for an extra shot of summer, head on over to my friend Darci’s blog, The Good Life, for my featured guest post today, featuring some of my favorite must-haves!

  1. Kerr says:

    Mint juleps are my favorite!

  2. Mint Juleps are pretty hard to beat, but I'm on a mojito kick lately 🙂

  3. Amber says:

    I love the idea of a mint julep bar!

  4. never have tried a mint julep before!!! my fav summertime drink is a pina colda…mmmm!

  5. Dawn says:

    Such fun! These looks tasty! 🙂 Love Southern traditions!

  6. Katie says:

    I love a good margarita–especially in the summer!

  7. I can't wait to not be pregnant again and enjoy some summer cocktails. Im a simple girl- vokda, setzler and lemon wedge!

  8. Lauren T. says:

    I grew up in the north, but after living in the south for 2 years, I'm slowly becoming a Southern gal! This cookbook would be great! My favorite summer cockttail is grapefruit juice and vodka over ice!!

  9. My favorite summer drink would definitely involve some sort of pina colada/daquari concoction. As long as there is a little umbrella in my drink, I'm happy happy happy!

  10. I've never made mint juleps but I think you just gave me a reason to try them this weekend!

  11. Michelle says:

    Never tried a mint julep but i love any kind of flavored lemonade/margarita mix!

  12. I just love traditions in the south and attending the Derby is definitely on my bucket list too. Thanks for hosting the giveaway, my favorite summertime drink would be margaritas. My family had a tradition when we all lived in the same town of meeting for margaritas after work on Fridays. 🙂

  13. Callie P says:

    How fun!! I'd love to add this great cookbook to my collection!

  14. I'maNolaGirl says:

    Oh my goodness, those julep syrups sound amazing. A friend and I were just devising a plan to have a chic cocktail night, and these syrups are just the thing to add a little pizzazz to our party!

  15. Sangria is a summer fave!

  16. Lindsay says:

    Skinny margs are my fav in the summer!!

  17. Jo & Ant says:

    I love a good mojito! having married into a bourbon loving family, these mint juleps would be a huge hit with the fam!!

  18. Emily says:

    I would love this cookbook!

  19. I could use a Southern Living cookbook on the shelf!

  20. jayme says:

    mint juleps, clearly! ahhh derby!!!! next year, when you're not preggers, y'all should come in for the festivities!! it's a great week in the bluegrass! xo

  21. Amanda says:

    My favorite summertime cocktail is a sloe gin fizz…so pink, sweet, and fizzy 🙂

  22. my favorite super-easy summer drink is raspberry vodka and sprite!

  23. Fresh Peach Daiquiri!!

  24. WAIT. Southern Living contacted you?! OMG. That would make my life. I am so jealous. You are a lucky lady!!!!

  25. Malibu Bay Breezes are my fav summer (or anytime) cocktail!

  26. Oh I would love to have this! Shirley temples are my favorite!!

  27. melissa says:

    Mmmm – a mint julep. Sounds delish! I'm going to a bridal shower for a sweet friend on Saturday, then out with the girls for drinks afterward. I might need to order myself a Mint Julep on Derby Day!

  28. I love reading your blog – it is one I look forward to reading every day. Also, I would love the chance to win this cookbook as I am a huge SL fan and love collecting cookbooks as well! Thanks for the opportunity! 🙂 We'd also love to go to the Kentucky Derby one day too!

  29. Mint Juleps are my favorite "once-a-year" cocktail!

  30. mint juleps are such a romantic drink…always make me think of long porches, and The Great Gatsby

  31. Andrea says:

    I love your blog & my fave summertime cocktail is a mojito!

  32. It's hard to pick just one summer time favorite cocktail! I love sangria and margaritas, but my favorite has to be a mai tai!

  33. Jessica says:

    I love sangria in the summertime!

  34. cpfoley says:

    My favorite summer cocktail… hmm that is a tough one! I love a good gin & tonic but when I'm feeling more fancy I go for huckleberry vodka lemonade!

  35. Taylor B. says:

    My favorite summer drinks are mojitos and margaritas

  36. K says:

    Ooh….I want to go to the derby, too!!!

  37. How wonderful does a mint julep sound this very second?! Fun giveaway…. so neat that they contacted you!

    And thank you again, dear, for guest posting today!! I big puffy heart you. 🙂

  38. Susieutk84 says:

    I just love a good ol'sangria in the summer!

  39. Heather says:

    Love margaritas, sangria and mint juleps -and Southern Living!

  40. preppylove says:

    I made the sarasota recently and it was SO good!! It was white wine, pink lemonade and raspberries!

  41. Elizabeth says:

    my favorite cocktail in the summer is vodka, grape juice, and a splash of lime flavored water….so good

  42. Half pomegranate juice and half lemon lime soda.
    it is the tart with the sweet.

  43. I love any cool lemon drinks (lemon meringue, lemon drop, etc)!

  44. Sarah says:

    I'll take a Malibu and Pineapple juice any day of the week!

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