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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Easter Day Fun


April 2, 2013

Along with all the other bloggers out there, I can’t help but want to post some of my favorite pictures from our Easter celebration…it was Caroline’s 2nd Easter, though this time she was actually able to get excited about opening her goodies from the bunny, and this year we made it to church to celebrate with our family. It was a great day and one that both Jeff and I agree was the exact way we wanted to spend our Easter Sunday.

Little Miss opening her Easter Bunny presents!
Inspecting her Slinky
 Girlfriend loves her shades 😉 
After we all had our breakfast, we got ready and headed off to church to meet up with Mom and Dad and Gran and Papa…we even decided to play hooky and keep Caroline out of the children’s nursery so she could attend our worship service with us. She danced the entire time we sang and made it through about 75% of the service until Jeff and I took her outside. She was such a great girl and I loved the fact we were all able to be there together. Post church, we headed out to my aunt’s house for Easter brunch…complete with Honeybaked Ham-my absolute favorite! Of course the Easter Bunny visited CC a few more times from all our family members. 
Gran with her girls 
 Surprise, surprise…Mimi and I almost match! We walked into church and laughed at our wardrobe choices-great minds think alike apparently 😉 
 My little family…Jeff and Caroline look SO cute! 
 Of course we have to show Carson off, too!
 Happy Easter Friends!! OXOX

Easter Fashion
Caroline’s Dress, Bow, and Cardigan: Janie and Jack
My Dress: Forever 21 (I just ordered a bigger size…sneaky sneaky)

P.S. stay tuned tomorrow if you’re interested in shopping my closet!! Blog Sale for women’s and maternity wear goes live at 9AM…yay!

  1. Love all of your outfits! Aaah and look at that cute baby bump!!
    And girl, I live off of ordering the next size at forever 21, that's what I did with over half of my "maternity" clothes 🙂

  2. So adorable! And love your dress!! Glad you had a great Easter!!

  3. How cute is she with those sunglasses?! You look fantastic as always, mama!

  4. Not even surprised about you and your mom matching! so funny! What a great Easter.

    Soooo how do I get a blog sale sneak peek?! 🙂

  5. Samma says:

    Oh Miss Caroline is just too cute! Just like her mama! Seriously, I am starting to see such a resemblance between y'all!

  6. Jen Gordon says:

    love your dress!

  7. You are so fashionable and gorg during your pregnancy

  8. I love your dress, so cute! and your little baby bump:) glad you guys had such a fun Easter!

  9. All your pictures are adorable! Doesn't Janie and Jack have the best clothes? Love them.

  10. Shari says:

    Too funny that you and your mom matched. That's totally something I would do with my own mom too. I love the family photo of you 3 (soon to be 4). So cute!

  11. Melissa says:

    Glad you had a good Easter with your family! Did you order the forever 21 dress online? It's exactly the dress I've been searching for!

  12. Love the photos!! And the dress – your bump is adorable!

  13. Caroline says:

    Love these! And you are just glowing.

  14. Sadia says:

    Happy easter.. and looking gorgeous.. keep it up..

    sadia romi
    Health Fitness

  15. It looks like you had a wonderful Easter! You look fantastic and your bump is adorable. I've been trying to get by with buying larger sizes to accommodate mine too. F21 had some great maxi dresses that I couldn't resist!

  16. Inna says:

    Beautiful family!!!

  17. Andrea says:

    Love the pics & your dress!
    Where did you get the "caroline" bucket from? It is perfect!

  18. You have a beautiful family & I love your dress!

  19. What a stunning family!! You look so cute with your little bump. Love that your mom and you dressed alike! Two beautiful ladies for sure.

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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