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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Instagram Weekend Fun


April 30, 2013

I think my body is still trying to recover from this weekend and all the shenanigans that went down…we might be approaching 30, but we still pretend we’re in college ;).
Friday night, our weekend guests (Bev and Christian) arrived in town and we took in Local Taco for dinner…Little Miss decided not to nap that afternoon (molar monster is still living in our house) so that made for an “entertaining” dining experience. We put her down as soon as we got home and then spent the rest of the night watching Shark Tank and then going to bed…told you we were wild, didn’t I?
Saturday morning, it was our last round of swimming lessons at the YMCA, but our session got cut short when the thunderstorms and lightning decided it was time to get out of the pool. Bev and I took Caroline to stay with her great-grandparents so we could all partake in the wedding festivities, and then went and met our boys for a yummy carb and fat free lunch at Hattie B’s Hot Chicken. SERIOUSLY best hot chicken in Nashville I promise!


That afternoon, we did a little best friend shopping at the mall and then headed home to get ready for our very last Delta Gamma wedding…a little bittersweet that we sang our final song at Hurt’s reception, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed a few more members join the ranks of “mommyhood” soon-haha. It was so much fun having us all together to celebrate…though it had rained practically all day, it was perfect in that is let up just in time for the ceremony and reception-thanks to the big guy up above! And we all had such a WONDERFUL time-here are a few pics of our night! 
The “beeshes” OXOX
 Mimi with some of her favorite girls 😉
Me with my handsome hubby

As soon as the reception was over, we headed back to the house and called it a night…we were exhausted!! A great weekend was had by all celebrating a fabulous couple and a lifetime of love.

P.S. for those that asked, no my dress isn’t maternity (YAY!) and I got it from one of my local go-to favorites, Blush. Yall sure know how to make a girl feel good, so the kind words were very much appreciated, too.

  1. rachel says:

    You look amazing!!! I am all about non-maternity clothes so I just might have to go snag that dress. 🙂

  2. Meghan says:

    You look great! I would be so worn out being pregnant and chasing around an 1 year old! Good for you for still being able to go out and have fun!

  3. LuLu says:

    Love the green dress!

  4. Shari says:

    You look great! That dress is adorable. 🙂

  5. Emily Hester says:

    I'm a Delta Gamma too (from LSU) and am loving reading your blog!

  6. melissa says:

    You could not be more beautiful! Pregnancy looks good on you! Glad it was such a good weekend.

  7. Nat says:

    Love the dress! You don't even look pregnant in it. Looks like a great weekend

  8. You look fabulous! Love how long your hair is getting!

  9. When you posted the wedding pic on Instagram I immediately thought is is recent!? She doesn't even look preggo! Looking beautiful as always!

  10. Ashley says:

    Love the dress, your hair is SO long! Where is your sweater from in the first picture – is it maternity?

  11. Caroline says:

    love your green and white dress!

  12. CMae says:

    Natasha are you on instagram at all? I'd follow you in a heartbeat!! 🙂

  13. pretty pretty mama! what a fun weekend! you look fantastic!

  14. new follower coming over from britt at the magnolia pair!
    love your dress. and ps. you are ADORABLE. so so much.
    congrats with the babies! cant wait to follow along!

  15. Brett says:

    fellow DG here [from Boulder]! looks like such a fun wedding. we're getting ready for our first wedding next month and so excited for all of them to come! You look great, I love that dress 🙂

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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