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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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The Weekly Randomness


April 26, 2013

This weekend is going to be SUPER FUN in our world…one of my dearest friends, Megan AKA Hurt, is getting married Saturday and I cannot wait to have all our friends together to celebrate the last one of our college group of girls tying the knot. Put us all together and craziness always ensues. I sure love her and have so many incredible memories of times we have spent together…bring on the wedding fun!

I have had some people inquire where I get Caroline’s bows and wanted to share another one of my favorite finds…it’s called Julia’s Bowtique and the quality and prices are amazing. I have purchased the 3 and 4 inch bows and have been extremely pleased with all of them. You can even make your own “package” which make WONDERFUL gifts for little ones…in our house, an outfit isn’t complete without a matching bow 😉

There are so many reruns and bad “new shows” on television that I am going nuts trying to find something decent to watch…that new Ryan Lochte show is horrid (seriously, is he THAT stupid?), Ready for Love is a Bachelor wannabe, and The Rachel Zoe Project finale was the other night so there goes another favorite until next year. Can we please fast forward a bit and bring back Homeland and Boardwalk Empire? It’ll make me one happy girl!

Ever feel like treating yourself to something you’ve really been wanting? Funny enough, I was on the search for the perfect summer tote when I got a friends and family email for Tory Burch…it’s like they read my mind, right? I usually find one handbag I love and use it for a long time, so I splurged and was lucky enough to save 25% AND use my Ebates account to earn money back, too. I should totally be on that coupon show-haha. Please Mr. Postman, bring me my new lovely soon! 
If any of yall are pregnant, or have friends or family that are expecting, I wanted to make sure to tell you about a fantastic site…it’s a “registry” of sorts for people to sign up to bring meals to your home once you are all settled, and it is SO helpful for parents trying to get adjusted with a newborn. Meg did one for me when Caroline arrived and we are participating in another for a dear friend that just had her baby girl. It’s called Meal Baby and I highly recommend it! 
I’ve got some fun posts coming up next week…between guest blogging over at one of my friends’ blogs, showing off beach necessities for the babe, and a fun giveaway for a new cookbook, it should be a great week in blogging land. Hope yall have a wonderful weekend!! 

  1. Jennifer B says:

    I have been eying that same bag and was so happy to get the friends and family e-mail! I am also right there with you about TV shows, especially Homeland. I can't wait for it to come back! Happy Friday 🙂 Love your blog!


  2. That TB bag is a beauty! Love the colors–and they can carry you into Fall too!

  3. Katie says:

    Ha, the TV thing totally cracks me up! It's such a 'SAHM-problem' when nothing good is on at night! Sometimes all we have to look forward to is a little TV drama 😉 I'm ashamed to admit I watched Real Housewives of OC though, and that is new right now, much to my husband's dismay.

  4. Tess says:

    Ohhhh have so much fun at your girlfriends wedding! Hopefully she will get perfect weather!

    I got a new Tory Burch straw beach bag at my wedding shower last weekend, and I'm tempted to bring it to the store and possibly trade it in for a tote like the one you got, just seems a little more practical.

  5. Sara says:

    Did you ever watch Arrested Development? I thought it was one of the funniest, most clever shows on TV. It was cancelled, but Netflix is bringing it back for one final season starting sometime in May. If you haven't watched before, you've got time to catch up before the new season. HIGHLY recommend.

    And have so much fun at the wedding!

  6. Okay, I need that TB bag!!! LOVE it!

  7. jayme says:

    i love that bag!! i call dibs if/when you put it up on a blog sale! 🙂 haha

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