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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Weekend Fun…Food, Family, and Fun Oh My!


April 24, 2013

This weekend, we took advantage of an event-free weekend (love it when those happen) and did everything we could together… the next few weeks/months are going to be a whirlwind, so we wanted to spend some time outside doing the things we love most!
Friday evening, we headed over to Meg and Aaron’s casa for dinner with our favorite peeps and spent the night hanging out and eating (of course-that is ALWAYS on our agenda). It never ceases to amaze me how good they are to us…we are so fortunate to have them in our lives and they are doing big things these days-I couldn’t be more proud of all they are accomplishing and can’t wait to fill you in soon!
Saturday morning was supposed to bring about another round of swim lessons, but we had to skip out this time because of the weather…it was just way too chilly and we didn’t want to risk getting our girl sick right before our big beach trip. We took it easy that morning, catching up on household chores and then walked down to a local pizzeria for lunch. That afternoon, I rested while Jeff whipped up a yummy dinner on the grill and we called it an early night.
Sunday, we headed to the zoo post morning nap…gotta start partaking in that annual pass, right? The weather was ABSOLUTELY PERFECT in Nashville…slightly breezy, 72 degrees, and sunny so we knew it was going to be a ton of fun. Mimi joined us for the adventure and we walked around the grounds, showing CC all the sweet animals and exhibits, indulging in a few treats (Icee’s included) and then called it a day. Rounding out the weekend, Jeff treated us and the Grunkes to smoked ribs off the grill for dinner before all of us caught up on all our junkie reality TV…never a dull moment!!

future photographer in the making with her princess camera 😉

 checking out some of our favorite animals
 of course Caroline called every animal a dog…haha
pretty sure she is eyeing her daddy’s snow cone right here 
 the elephants!! 
 my sweet loves

  1. Cole says:

    Your mom is adorable with your daughter. Caroline will look back and have such great memories with her, it's just so sweet!

  2. Andee Layne says:

    awww girl your bump is in full effect and you look just a great this time around!!! Ps isn't that stroller the best?!!!

  3. Jordan says:

    Pregnancy looks so beautiful on you! You really wear it well. Looks like a fun weekend!

  4. so fun and you look AMAZING!

  5. Tess says:

    I love weekends like those…and can I please look like you when I'm pregnant?!?!! My GOODNESS you are glowing!!!

  6. Where did you get your pink top you're wearing?! I'm pregnant right now and always looking for cute, colorful things to wear! Love it!

  7. Meg says:

    Natasha! You look so great, One day when Im pregnant I hope I look as cute as you! Looks like so much fun, what a cute family!

  8. rachel says:

    You look darling! Cutest pregnant person ever! Where is that pink top from??

  9. Leigh says:

    I never saw a response to the stroller question….do you still like your B-Ready and wil you use it as a double?

    • oh yes we still LOVE our B-Ready, it's just that we now use the umbrella stroller when we dont need a lot of storage or when we are just on short strolls and such… we plan to use the B-Ready as a double and just buy the toddler attachment

  10. Shari says:

    What great photos. Ya'll are too cute. 🙂

  11. You look so great Natasha!

  12. Megan C says:

    You look great! Love that pink sweater, where did you get it? I am looking for versatile maternity/normal clothing to fit a growing bump.

  13. Samma says:

    Ahh, you look so darling!

  14. you look SO cute!!! I wish we had a zoo near us, it looks like so much fun!

  15. Caroline says:

    How cute are you?!

  16. Nicole says:

    I love seeing Miss Carson!! You are looking so good girl!

  17. We had very similar weekend! We went to the zoo, BBQ'd and spent time with some great friends! You're so lucky to have elephants at your zoo. The San Francisco Zoo hasn't had them for years.

  18. Look how cute you are with your baby bump!! And oh my goodness, I just adore your little family 🙂 PS. We got that same exact stroller (color and everything) for Andie – we've tested it in the house, but hopefully you love it, we do so far!

  19. Wow! I look forward to family outings like this in the future! Great recap of a great weekend.

  20. Love everything about your blog and I am looking forward to following. Love your fashion style and also your heart! God bless. I am new to the blogging scene, follow me at http://foreverconvinced.blogspot.com/ 🙂 xo-Jess

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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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