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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Blog Everyday in May Challenge…Day 14


May 14, 2013

Ten Things That Make Me Happy

1. Having a DVR to Catch Up on Shows…we waited to jump on this bandwagon, but now that we have it, I cannot imagine life without it. It makes watching shows so much shorter by skipping all those pesky commercials, and being able to tape Caroline’s cartoons for major meltdown moments. 
2. Morning Coffee…it doesn’t take much these days to get me excited, but those sweet little K-cups make every sip good to the last drop! Sadly, no, this momma can’t give up her caffeine. It keeps me sane.

3. The Grocery Store: yes, I love going to the grocery store. Isn’t that weird? I know Jeff doesn’t mind that I am the one that takes on this chore, but I find it to be relaxing, especially when I get to go all by myself. Who needs a pedicure when I can pick out produce?

4. Random Text Messages: I’m not a big phone talker, but I love it when someone sends you a kind, sweet text message to let you know they are thinking about you. It goes a long way. 
5. Filling in My Day Planner…I am the OCD person who uses color-coded pens and markers for different categories and such, and I love taking the time to write in my planner to see what all is coming up. Yall, I love me some office supplies.

6. Fresh Flowers…thanks to Caroline and Mom, I now have two sweet bouquets of flowers to look at this week while I scurry (more like waddle) around the house. Flowers make for a happy home, don’t you think?

7. Justin Timberlake: not only can he do it all (dance, sing, and act), but he’s not too shabby to look at either. AND he’s from Tennessee. His new CD is now on repeat in my car and I’m obsessed. Fingers crossed we can get concert tickets for when he comes to Nashville so we can partake in the eye candy up close and personal!
8. Pretty Invitations: Do yall get excited about opening up pretty mail? I love a good party/wedding/shower invitation. It’s a paper fascination I tell you!

9. Warm, Clean Sheets Right Out of the Dryer…I don’t think this needs an explanation. There is nothing better than climbing into your bed with some yummy smelling sheets after a long day!
10. My Sweet, Wild Child: I always hoped for a child that had a bright, bold, and big personality and I think yall can tell by now that the Good Lord blessed me with just that…she never ceases to amaze me and she has changed SO MUCH these past few weeks with all her talking, walking, and toddler funnies. She keeps us on our toes I promise you that!

  1. This looks almost exactly what my list would be.
    Coffee. The grocery store is my favorite place;). JT! Random texts, invitations. Love this list!

  2. I had to have tea, every morning. Couldn't let it go! I love that you are a fan of the grocery store- these days that is a treat for me!!!

  3. Andee Layne says:

    girl i was with you too I could not give up my coffee during pregnancy either! xo

  4. Tasha W. says:

    Ha! I am totally OCD when it comes to my day planner too! Got to love those office supplies 🙂

  5. Haha – my list would be so similar! LOVE DVR, KCups, flowers, and the grocery store! I think it's anything with shopping. 🙂

    And obviously, my baby girl!


  6. Ashlan says:

    Where is her sun hat from? It's the perfect size! Thanks 🙂

  7. jayme says:

    ohhhh yesssss sheets! i forgot about that one. good call!

  8. Anna Nguyen says:

    gosh- i love these posts. i need to try something like this next month!


  9. Sarah says:

    Yes yes and yes! Coffee, grocery store and fun office supplies and planners- love all those things!

  10. i need to jump on your DVR bandwagon!

  11. Paige says:

    How funny- those are some of my faves too! Coffee, cute invitations, my planner, clean sheets! And of course flowers!

  12. Katie says:

    Justin Timberlake and DVR….YES!! Grocery stores? Hate them haha


  13. I could grocery shop daily without it seeming like a chore!

  14. My dear, me and you….. we were meant to be friends! This would be my exact list, minus the grocery store! Ha! That's actually on my list of things I loathe. Right next to laundry!! 😉

    Can't wait to hear more about Rosemary! The week after vacay is always hard for us — back to reality, ya know! Hope you're getting all caught up and having a good week so far! xo!

    Ps – and now I'm about to go wash my sheets just because warm, clean sheets sounds so lovely! Ha!

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