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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Blog Everyday in May Challenge…Day 21


May 21, 2013

Day 21: A List of Links to My Favorite Archived Posts

It’s so much fun to look back on posts I’ve shared throughout these past five years (yes, I’ve been blogging for five years now!) and see just how much life has changed for me. In no particular order, I selected just a few of my favorite archived posts-hope you enjoy reading these as much as I enjoyed writing them! 
Earlier this year, I posted a small list detailing some fun things each of us can do to help others…to show people that there are still people in the world who want to help others…click here to see the Random Acts of Kindness
This one will come as no surprise to anyone…it is our holiday card AND big announcement reveal from this past year, as I couldn’t wait to share the news of our growing family…
A few years back, I hosted a giveaway sponsored by yours truly, which had an assortment of goodies…all little fun items that make me happy. This reminds me that I want to do another fun giveaway with new necessities, so stay tuned! It was fun to share My Favorite Things Giveaway
When it comes to cooking, yall know I have a love affair with anything sweet. It’s my weakness, and most certainly a downfall because I can ALWAYS eat dessert. This is my favorite recipe I have found to date…they are easy, have fruit, and they are crowd pleasers, perfect for any party or get together! 
Click here to visit my recipe for Mini Fruit Pizzas
We have lived in our home now going on 3+ years…a happy home, where we have created lots of memories and have shared happy times with family and friends. When we started decorating, I wanted to make it comfortable, happy, and bright…here is a Little Tour of our Home (which I totally need to update since things have DEFINITELY changed) 
I think a lot of us out there have a “bucket list” of sorts…a list of specific things we want to accomplish at some point, whether they be in bear future or within the next 30 years. I posted my Life List last year, and slowly but surely I am hoping to check these things off! 
And last, but not least, my Year in Review posts…it’s fun to venture back in time to see what all I did during a given time in my life and I thank heavens I have documented all of our experiences with pictures so I can share them with my girls one day…year they are: 
2012, 2011, 2010, and 2009

  1. Jess Norden says:

    I have been reading for about 4 years and have loved watching you change (without sounding creepy)! I can't wait to see an updated house tour and to watch you build a new home!

  2. vindiebaby says:

    What a lovely little girl. I love her dress 🙂

    Vintage Inspired Girls

  3. I love your posts and really look forward to them. 🙂 Thanks for always sharing!


  4. Kristen O says:

    You're such an inspiration Natasha! Thank you for sharing your world with us 🙂

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