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Blog Everyday in May Challenge…Day 27


May 27, 2013

Day 27: A Letter From Me to You

Dear beloved blogging friends,
I want to say a big thank you to so many of you who are kind enough to hop on the world wide web everyday to see what’s going on in our little world. I could’ve never fathomed that when I started blogging more than five years ago that I would now have more than 2,000 (dare I say) friends who care about what I have to share. It means the world to me, and blogging is something I thoroughly enjoy…it’s absolutely one of my favorite “hobbies” and I hope I am able to continue to share snippets of our life with you. There are obviously certain personal aspects I still choose to leave out because a girl does need some privacy, but I am an open book when it comes to most topics and I think you can tell I am certainly a candid person. It takes a lot to make me blush.
In some ways, I have grown up so very much these past five years, yet in some regards, I think I am still the same person. I still believe friends and family are the most important things in life, I still love to find fun new recipes to share, I still love to shop and play dress up, and sometimes, I still think I am 25 years old (except when Caroline decides to cry and scream and then I totally feel like a mom).
I know our days are about to change all over again once Carson comes, and I am at a place in my life where I can say I am 100% content…content about the present, and content about what’s to come these next few months and years. God has been extremely good to me and I know I am blessed because of His love and mercy…nothing else.
So thanks for listening to my banter, for caring about what pregnancy symptoms I’m currently experiencing, for looking through vacation pictures, and for letting me venture out of my reality a little bit and write openly and from the heart.
I am so very appreciative of each of you! Happy Memorial Day friends…

  1. Kristen O says:

    I think I speak for all of us when I say thank you for sharing it with all of us! It takes courage to put your life, hopes, and dreams out there for others to read. Looking forward to many more posts 🙂

  2. Ashley says:

    I agree with Kristen – thanks for sharing! You have such a wonderful blog, it's been so fun watching you go through such life-changing events over the years!

  3. Michelle says:

    I love the picture you included with this post. I want to walk on that road. : )

  4. Katie says:

    Lovely 🙂


  5. Brittany says:

    Hi Natasha! I know you wrote this post quite awhile ago, but I've been following your blog for sometime now, but I'm just now reading some of your older posts from before I started following your blog. I just really wanted to tell you thank you for being an inspirational person! Obviously I don't know you, but there's just something about the things you talk about, mostly your faith, that just really makes me feel at peace. It's a crazy world we live in and to read such a fun, sweet, and from the heart blog it just makes me so happy. So, I guess what I'm getting at is, thank you. Thank you for being you and sharing your life with others! 🙂

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