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Blog Everyday in May Challenge…Days 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13


May 13, 2013

I feel like I am kind of “cheating” on this challenge, as I am still doing a few posts at a time, but that counts, right? Yes, I am saying this to make myself feel better, and hope you don’t mind either. I’ll just use the excuse that we were on vacation at the beach last week and I totally “checked out”.

Day 9: A Moment in My Day 
This was me at the beach on Thursday, roasting myself. No, for those that are wondering…I didn’t sport a bikini-haha! I decided to rock the maternity swimsuits and had a ball sunning my arms and legs. 

Day 10: My Most Embarrassing Moment 
That’s a hard one…I feel like I don’t have one single moment that stands out as being super embarrassing, yet everyone in my family makes fun of my “Natasha-isms” and how I can never seem to get certain sayings correct. Case in point, here are a few instances of things that have actually come out of my mouth:
“I love calamari, but I don’t like the ones that look like testicles” (word was supposed to be tenticles) 
“Is there actually salt in salt water? Or is it just sand?” 
“Way to call the kettle black” (was supposed to say “the pot calling the kettle black”)
Totally poking fun of oneself is a must to keep things light-hearted and never taking you’re too seriously…and yes, I say stupid things all the time. It must be a blonde thing.

Day 11: Sell Yourself in 10 Words or Less
“hardworking, dedicated, energetic go-getter who always gives 110%”

Day 12: What Do You Miss? 
Not going to lie, sometimes I miss being able to travel like we used to. Jeff and I would take long weekend vacations whenever we wanted, and I loved that we could hop on a plane with little notice and spend some quality time together. That is one thing I hope we are able to do again one day because it’s so much fun to see what the world has to offer and experience cultures different than our own.

Day 13: A Public Apology
Hmmm…in trying to rack my brain, I can definitely think of some things I need to apologize about, but what stands out most to me is the fact that my fun little blog has turned into all things baby, child, pregnancy, and motherhood. I swore to myself I wouldn’t turn into that person, but low and behold, it seems I have taken a turn my dear friends. In scouring through old posts, I talked about fashion, decorating, cooking, fun parties, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now it’s all pregnancy updates, monthly posts on what CC is up to, and how I’m tired all the time. So, I am sorry for leaving my former self behind. I assure you though-you will not see me cut off my hair for the typical “mom style”, nor will I forego the beauty essentials to keep me looking sane, and I am not going to turn into the person who only watches TLC (I can’t stand that Duggar show). I’ll try to step up my game and get back to my old roots soon enough…cocktails and all 😉

  1. Katie says:

    I love the turn your blog has taken! I don't think you should ever apologize for that 🙂 It's YOUR blog & that's the stage of life you're in! You rock, mama!

    I'm constantly mixing up my words like that, too! I'm blonde also, so that must be it 😉

  2. Your blog is amazing! You definitely don't owe anyone an apology for being a great mother and caring first and foremost about your family!! That's a respectable woman to me!!! LOVE your blog!!

  3. i love reading all your challenge posts! even if they are in one sometimes 😉

  4. Don't apologize…I love the direction your blog has taken! I am pregnant so I love to hear all about your tips and advice! And even before I was pregnant, I loved reading it all 🙂

  5. Ashley says:

    I find the grocery store relaxing too!

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