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Five on Friday


May 24, 2013

Introducing Five on Friday! My blogging BFF, Darci, came up with a fun new concept for talking all about the random goodness (little happies, details on past posts, hodge podge) on Fridays, when we are all scrounging for content to post. Genius, right? 
I think this is the perfect way to wrap up the normal Monday through Friday nonsense so we would love for you to join us and hop on the Five on Friday train.  Join me, April of A. Liz Adventures, Christina of Carolina Charm, and Darci of The Good Life, as we host this link-up party! You can link-up on any of our four blogs every Friday!

The rules are as simple as 1, 2, 3……
1. Write your post about five things you’re lovin’ this week (or any five things you want to share!).
2. Share the logo above on your blog and link back.
3. Link-up at the bottom of the post so some new readers can check out your five things and say hello!

1. Baby Books
I FINALLY finished Caroline’s baby book this week-all the pictures inserted, all the details written out. This was a big check mark off the to-do list, considering I’ll be starting another baby book for Miss Carson in just a few short weeks. I had a few people ask where I bought these books from-they came from Katy’s Hallmark (local Nashville store) and the other came from Paper Source.

2. Blogger Header and Graphics
Anyone else having this technological issue? I have NO earthly idea how to fix this stuff and wish I could snap my fingers and have it fixed. I am assuming it’s a Blogger issue, since I have seen it on a few other blogs as well. Why does this stuff have to happen? I wish I was a graphic designer and could fix it all myself. If you’re a guru, and know how to help, PLEASE let me know!

3. Nobi Wearables
Another dear blogging guru, Alison from Long Distance Loving, contacted me a few weeks ago to introduce me to a new line of baby goodies called Nobi. It’s an organic line of children’s clothing eith adorable quotes and sayings on the back…the talented Alison designed did the design for the items and they are just ADORABLE. She was kind enough to send a onesie for both my girls, and I thought they were too cute not to share, especially since yall know my love for quotes. Even better, they donate a portion of every sale to the Clinton Health Access Initiative to work with maternal and child health care programs in Uganda…win win for everyone!

4. Chalkboard Shenanigans
Speaking of quotes, I doodled a fun new saying for the household chalkboard…just a simple reminder of the things that really matter in life…and that we need to remember these things ALWAYS.

5. Memorial Day Weekend
Three whole days where I get to spend my entire day with Jeff and Caroline…it doesn’t get any better than that my dear friends. We have kept our calendar pretty open this time, just because we want to spend a lot of time relaxing and enjoying these last few weeks as a family of three. Plans include swimming at Mom and Dad’s, cooking out with friends, working on the nursery, and then seeing what jumps out and gets our attention…maybe some food trucking, maybe some visits to the park-who knows? I wish all of you a wonderful holiday weekend!!

  Untitled #31

  1. Jess Norden says:

    What a fun link up!! I always have so many rambled thoughts at the end of the week. 🙂 I hope you have a great weekend…3 days as a family is a blessing!

  2. Amy says:

    I love your chalkboard. You have great handwriting. I have a chalkboard but mine never come out this cute! Have a great Memorial Day weekend.

  3. Ashley says:

    Good for you for finishing the baby book! I always find that hard to keep up with. Enjoy your holiday weekend with you sweet family!

  4. I love chalkboards too and have been pinning them in hopes to make one soon! Not sure about your header, maybe the person who designed your blog can help or try reloading your template. Have a great weekend!

  5. What a fun idea!! And I love the Nobi onesies! So cute!!

  6. I'm loving this link-up…. so glad we did it! 🙂

    Okay, so, a confession — I have yet to even start Jackson's baby book. And yes, he'll be 2 in a month. This is *not* okay! Of course, I have all of his stats, have written letters and have special milestones & memories written down (along with far too many photos). I really, really need to get to it and decide which book I'm going to make (thinking about a digital one). I won't lie, it just sounds daunting. WAY TO GO with getting CC's done – you deserve an award. Or I don't, either way! Ha!

    I LOVE those Nobi baby goodies! Going to have to check them out. Hoping they have some toddler boy shirts!

    And way to go on the chalkboard, it looks great!! Your handwriting is gorgeous, as usual! Did you use chalk pens or regular?

    Happy long weekend, girl. So thrilled you girls wanted to join me in hosting this fun link-up!!

  7. You've reminded me (again 🙂 that I need to finish Owen's baby book—he's 16 months now and it's still not finished. Guess I should work on it instead of pinning this in my spare time.

    Your chalkboard looks fantastic! I'm guessing it's freehand since we all know you have beautiful hand writing!

    Fun link up! Thanks for hosting!

  8. Tess says:

    Great quote on your board. I'm losing my priorities lately – and I think I need to stamp that on my forehead! Enjoy your low key weekend with the fam.

  9. Loving this linkup! Since I am new to blogging I am always trying to figure out how to get more readers. This is a great idea 🙂 I will be linking up next Friday – since today my blog is all about the Nordie's half yearly sale! 🙂

  10. THAT chalkboard! My goodness you have the best handwriting! I've been saving that same lil prayer to put in my house somewhere, but I was thinking about asking someone to just make it for me. haha.

    Have a wonderful Memorial Day, friend!

  11. Taylor B. says:

    What type of chalk/chalk pens do you use? Yours looks so much nicer than mine.

  12. Casey says:

    Your chalkboard is darling!! Where did you get it??

  13. Emily says:

    LOVE your Chalkboard design, and the prayer is perfection!! Thanks for hosting this fun little link up!! Have a great weekend!!

  14. I love the 5 on Friday idea – will have to join in!! I am working on Andie's baby book now, and even though it's a little overwhelming to get it all toether – I am with you, it's SO worth it! Can't believe you're going to be starting again so soon – I am so excited for you!

    Thank you for your support and love the last few weeks. You were so sweet to mention me in one of your posts, and I appreciate it so much! So glad I met you through this crazy blog world. TL and I have talked a lot about where we would move if we ever decide to leave CA, and it's definitely Nashville. Can't think of Nashville with out thinking of you 🙂

  15. Sha says:

    Such a cute little blog! Can't wait to keep reading! Also, so glad you guys started Five on Friday!!


  16. Nat says:

    The nobi onesies are so cute! Love that baby book- can't believe you'll be starting again in just a few weeks. I am totally playing along this week!

  17. Liz B says:

    I'd like to know where the chalkboard came from as well!

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