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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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12-15 month favorites


June 18, 2013

12-15 month favorites
LeapFrog Shapes Sharing Picnic Basket / J.Crew Salt-Water® baby sandals / LeapFrog My Own LeapTop Violet LeapFrog / 1-Piece Knit Sunsuit baby girl / Gerber Graduates Fruit and Oat Bar, Apple Grape, 2.12 Ounce (Pack of… / Radio Flyer Girl’s Steer Stroll Trike Pink / 1-Piece Strappy Sunsuit / 1-Piece Flutter-Sleeve Sunsuit / Hape Rhythm Set

You didn’t think I would go and leave you high and dry in terms of “baby” recommendations, now did you? I have been bookmarking little odds and ends that have helped us survive these past three months, in anticipation of sharing some helpful advice for all of you venturing into toddler land…yes, I know, my first baby is no longer a “baby”, but a toddler, which to me is like an actual human being rather than some alien that has taken over your house…you decide 😉
Here we go…
Alligator Pull Toy: Once Caroline started walking, she took to this wooden toy like no other. She “walks” it around the house, and it’s the cutest thing in the world…it’s like her very own pet and it’s the perfect tiny tot size, too! I think this would make a wonderful birthday gift for a girl or boy.
Wooden Musical Instruments: Mimi and Pappy got our girl her own set of instruments for Christmas and she has really started taking an interest in learning to play her xylophone, drum, and maracas. These are made by Hape and are wooden so I know they are going to last a long time!
Gerber Fruit and Oak Snack Bars: Whenever we are on the go, these things go into our diaper bag right after the other necessities…Caroline LOVES them, and they are a lifesaver for preventing restaurant//shopping meltdowns!
Carters Sunsuits/Rompers: Caroline wears these things practically everyday…they are wonderful for around-the-house wear since they don’t break the budget, and I won’t be crying if they get ruined after 2 washes! Cotton, comfy, and cute prints, too!
Salt Water Baby Sandals: If I could buy one shoe in every color, these would be them…they go with EVERYTHING and they have made walking a breeze for CC. They are a great price point and we have been so pleased with the quality…easy to wipe down after she gets them dirty, which is always a big plus.
Leapfrog Laptop: We may have jumped the gun on this purchase a bit soon (as the package says it’s for toddlers 2+), but when we were getting ready for the beach I needed a car toy to keep her attention for more than 2 minutes. This is WONDERFUL! It talks, plays music, and she loves to hit the buttons and carry it around…I think it’s a great educational toy and the portability makes it even better.
Radio Flyer Trike: We bought this for Caroline’s 1st birthday and this has been the biggest hit in our house ever since. We take it on walks, brought it to the beach, and on nights where we sit outside for dinner, this is a good place to plop the tot so she can’t escape. It’s a grow-with-you trike that will eventually turn into a normal tricycle when she is big enough. Pricier than some toys, but this is something we will use for many years!!
Leapfrog Picnic Basket: Another big hit is this picnic basket set. It helps toddlers learn their shapes, plays music, and of course CC will spend at least 30 minutes each day taking everything out and putting it back in…if you need some downtime to do household chores, this is a great toy to keep them occupied and happy!
  1. Lauren says:

    I'm thinking we may need to invest in the last 3 for sure…we're all about toys that will keep her occupied! And with our trip to the beach at the end of the summer we're going to need lots to keep her entertained!

  2. Alexa says:

    Haha. Mila has that little picnic basket. She's 2 now and she still loves it!

  3. So many great ideas here! Thanks so much for the recs…especially now that Ethan is turning a year old!! 😉

  4. Brittney says:

    We love the gator at our house too!

  5. Those salt water sandals are adorable! This is a great list–especially the radio flyer trike! It grows with your child and can be fun long after the first year! Hope you all are settling in well as a family of 4!

  6. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Great recommendations! Congrats on baby #2, Carson is so precious. Can't wait to hear more about her arrival and how y'all are doing!

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