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2 Years Down, Many More To Go! An Anniversary Post


June 11, 2013

Today marks a special day in our little corner of the world…our 2nd wedding anniversary! Crazy how fast these past two years have gone by in the blink of an eye. It seems as though I shut my eyes one minute and it was just Jeff and I, and now I open them and we have Caroline and Carson (set to come any day now!)

These past two years have been the most challenging, exciting, rewarding, and happy times I can think of and I love you more and more as the days go by. We have most certainly kept our motto in “go big or go home” and it’s humbling to see just how much we have already encountered. I thought I loved you then, but I’m even more crazy about you now. You make each of my days better babe.
I know sometimes I can be a bit much to handle, so thanks for ALWAYS being there to hug, support, and love on me when I need you most. You are an amazing husband and father, and most of all, best friend in the whole world and my life wouldn’t be complete without you to walk by my side.
There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t thank God for you and all the joy you bring to my life. Marriage has its share of ups and downs, and we took those vows to love each other through the good AND the bad, yet I know at the end of the day it will always be me and you and that is all I could ever need.
I love you the most, forever and always…thanks for making me the happiest girl in the world.

And because I realized I never showed yall our wedding video, I thought this was the perfect time to do so…you’ll get a little taste of just how much fun our special day was! Hope you enjoy (and yes, yall can finally hear all our southern accents-haha!) 
P.S. It cuts off at the end because of You Tube quirkiness, but you’ll get the idea 😉 

  1. Happy Anniversary! It says the video is private. 🙁

  2. Katie says:

    Happy Anniversary! It says the video is private when trying to view! I can't wait to see it though, my wedding is this weekend!

  3. Brooke says:

    Happy anniversary! What a great video!

  4. Kelly says:

    Happy anniversary, Natasha and Jeff!!!!!! Loved the video — so sweet! May you have decades more of marital bliss! 🙂

  5. Happy Anniversary! Love the video! Love your blog!

    Lindsey W Wilson

  6. little b says:

    I don't know how you kept yourself from crying…I'm tearing up just watching the video!

  7. Lauren says:

    Happy Anniversary! I found myself tearing up while watching it and I don't even know you! Anyhow, it looked like an amazingly beautiful day! How cool is it that you have this awesome video??? Great idea!!!

  8. Amanda says:

    What a great video! You will have this to cherish for years and years!

  9. LOVE hearing your accent! You two are so cute! Happy Happy Anniversary!! xo

  10. Raquel says:

    Happy anniversary!! Loved the video, so sweet!

  11. Hailey says:

    SOOO happy you finally posted the wedding video, love it!! Happy Anniversary to yall. xoxo

  12. Carolyn says:

    Happy anniversary!! 🙂

  13. Meredith says:

    Happy Anniversary!!! 2 years 2 babies…hmm will 3 bring 3. 😉

  14. Mrs.HVK says:

    Great video! Loved hearing your voices! Happy anniversary!!

  15. Lauren says:

    Happy Anniversary!

  16. Jackie says:

    Happy Anniversary! You're video was simply wonderful 🙂

  17. Ang says:

    i love you/your blog so much more after seeing your video!! you're adorable and seem so fun!
    congrats on 2yrs… and for (almost) 2 babies! so blessed. 🙂

  18. Southern Doe says:

    Happy anniversary!!!!!! -Kristen

  19. Caitlin says:

    HAPPY Anniversary!!!!

    Cutest video in the world. It made me laugh and smile so many times! 🙂

  20. Kathleen says:

    Hi Natasha! Love the wedding video and happy anniversary! I've read your blog for a bit but just now commenting. My husband and I just moved to Sylvan Park and saw your cute family at Bobbie's Dairy on Saturday night. I was looking a hot mess so I didn't come and say hello. Next time for sure!

  21. Lori Capel says:

    looks like you had a great time!!! you looked gorgeous!! Love the accent too! Much different than my New Yawk one! ha


  22. jayme says:

    happy happy anniversary!! two years and two (almost) babies! not too bad, my friend! 🙂 y'all are a beautiful couple!

  23. Happy Anniversary!!! I loved watching your wedding video! It's so professional and seemed like a movie or something. Perfection! Also loved hearing all your accents! So adorable!!

  24. maureen says:

    Hi Natasha…I have followed your blog for over a year now. You are so full of wonderful grace! Thanks for sharing your wedding video. The music made me want to dance. You both make an adorable couple…and cute babies as well. Best wishes with the upcoming event of Carson's birth. I can't wait to follow along.

  25. Congrats! I love that you have film from the 'getting ready' stage. Couldn't help but smile when I heard your sweet southern accents!

  26. CMae says:

    Your accents totally fit you and your hubby! So sweet! I love the way you both sound! 🙂 I felt like I was watching a famous celebrity in a mini movie! Totally awesome! Happy anniversary!

  27. That was so much fun to watch! Looked like fun day. Happy anniversary Natasha!

  28. Sooooooo sweet!!! Happy Happy Anniversary!!!

  29. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Cute video! Happy 2nd Anniversary!:)

  30. P*P*P says:

    Happy Anniversary! So wonderful for you two…loved the video too….especially love the second song…totally just downloaded it for future video use! 🙂 🙂

  31. Tasha W. says:

    So adorable. Thanks for sharing and Happy Anniversary 🙂

  32. Awe this was sweet all around! I'm so glad you posted your video! I loved it! Your adorable and so is Jeff! Congrats one wonderful blessed two years!

  33. This was adorable!! You guys are too cute! Happy Anniversary!

  34. Happy Anniversary!!! Your wedding looked beautiful & so much fun!!

  35. Ashley says:

    Happy Anniversary! This video is amazing, so worth it to have this to watch over and over!! ps your parents are fantastic, they seem so loving and SO fun 🙂

  36. Kiersten says:

    Happy anniversary! Your wedding video is fantastic. What a beautiful day and fun evening. Here's to many more happy years ahead!

  37. rachel says:

    Awww, that video is so sweet! Hope you two enjoyed a wonderful anniversary. Cheers to you both!

  38. Chrissy says:

    Oh my gosh! That was such a wonderful and beautiful video!!! I absolutely loved it and it was so fun to get to hear your voices! You know its funny becasue we feel like we know you but we don't even know the sound of your voice until now! So cute! Your videographer did a fabulous job and I bet Caroline and Carson will love watching it over and over throughout the years!

  39. Leesa says:

    Thank you for sharing your wedding video. It was so nice of you to share it with all of us. You made a beautiful bride!! They did an awesome job at capturing your amazing day. 🙂 Congrats on two years together and many more to come!

  40. Happy Anniversary! What a beautiful day!

    I loved the trolly part of your video. I got married in August and I still say the trolly was my favorite part of the entire day. When will you ever have all the people you love the most in the same place like that? At one part of our ride I looked around and I saw my childhood friends chatting with my husband's friends and thought there should be no explanation why these people should be together other than their love and friendship for John and I. Thinking back on that moment makes me feel SO loved and blessed to be sitting next to my brand new husband. It truly is the happiest moment of my life. 🙂

    I hope you both had a wonderful day celebrating two years!

  41. Courtney says:

    What an incredibly beautiful video!!! You were a beautiful bride! My son played soccer with William, what a doll he is and such a small world!

  42. Shannon says:

    SO cute!! What a beautiful, perfect day. Loved the DG songs-and y'all have adorable accents!

  43. Savanah says:

    Happy Anniversary Natasha and Jeff! I have been reading your blog since before y'all got married and I don't think I've ever commented, but wanted to today! I just watched your entire video and you can just see the love that radiates off of y'all! Y'all are a beautiful couple and I wish y'all many more years of happiness and love!!! 🙂


  44. P!nky says:

    Ummm happy belated anniversary! LOVe your video, so beautiful and fun!

    Thanks for sharing!

  45. Samma says:

    Happy anniversary, sweet girl!

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