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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Carson’s Birth Story…Ready or Not, Here I Come!


June 26, 2013

Let’s back up a bit…it was Thursday, June 13th and I had gone to my OBGYN for my weekly status check-up. To say I was “advancing” would be an understatement, as I was shocked I hadn’t gone into “active labor” once she told me how much I had progressed. We scheduled my next weekly appointment, but she told me she wouldn’t be surprised if she saw me sooner.

Next comes Friday…I was active pretty much all day, lunching with Dad, running errands around town and such, and then that night we grilled out and ventured to our favorite gelato place for a treat. Next thing I know, I am having loads of contractions and we called Aunt Meg to come watch Caroline for the night as we were heading into the hospital to see what was going on. 
We called the parents, then got checked into triage so the nurses could monitor the contractions to see if I was indeed going into labor. That was around 11:30PM. Next thing I know, the on-call doctor wanted to watch me for another few hours because my contractions weren’t getting any closer together, so then we stayed for awhile. Then, they made the call to admit me into Labor and Delivery, but as an “observation” patient to see if things progressed and I either thinned out/dilated more/or my water broke. I got the OK to do some walking around the hospital to try to let gravity do its thing and then finally around 6:30AM, I was admitted and the on-call doctor broke my water.
 Glamour Shots…haha! 
 Sweet kisses from the hubby!
Mimi and Me
 Pappy and I cheesing! This was his funny quote from the day:
“I don’t know what we’re going to do with two of them, but it’s going to be so much fun!”

Funny enough, the on-call doctor just happened to be the same one who delivered Caroline and I had the same L&D nurse, too…guess that happens when you have weekend babies ;). 

It’s all kind of a blur once they broke my water. I was 5cm dilated and then I asked for my epidural as my contractions were really starting to cause a lot of discomfort. Man, the drugs…AHHHH!! The best thing that could ever happen to a woman birthing a baby. 
I then tried to get a little shut eye because I knew once go-time rolled around I would need all my energy. So Mom, Dad, Jeff, and I tried to relax and take it easy for awhile…then around 12:15PM, the doctor came to check me again, then confirmed I was complete. You should’ve seen the looks on our faces when she said delivery time was getting close. I was shocked and excited all at the same time, yet scared out of my wits because I was praying for a smoother process than what we had with Caroline (1.5 hours of pushing, having to wear an oxygen mask, etc)
Once the nurses assembled their “gear”, they called the doctor in and we did a few “test pushes” to see how I was doing. Low and behold, they said to get ready because she was coming… and soon. After 3 rounds of pushing, I heard the best noise in the world…at 1:06PM on June 15th, 2013, I heard the noise of my baby girl crying. I immediately looked down and saw her, with a head full of hair, making her way into the world. It was something I didn’t get to experience with Caroline so I was thankful I got to see it this time around. Jeff was able to cut the cord and then they gave Carson to me for some skin-to-skin bonding time. It was beautiful and I get emotional just talking about it…it was as if the world stood still and it was only me and her, looking at each other and me telling her how happy I was she was here. 
The next few hours I spent recuperating, getting my energy back, and visiting with the parents, Jeff, and Carson…it was actually relaxing and calm, which made for an easy transition for everyone. 
Then they took us upstairs to our recovery room where we could get more comfortable and guests could visit. It was mostly family and a few close friends, which made it nice so we could get some rest, since we had been up practically all night. We spent time talking about our tiny little peanut, admiring her perfect little self, and thanking the Good Lord for blessing us with another miracle. 
We spent the next two days at the hospital, having family and friends come visit, and most importantly, introducing Big Sister Caroline to her new baby. It warmed my heart once I was able to see my darling girl who had been visiting with Gran and Papa/staying with Alex while we were in the hospital, and I could tell she had missed her Mommy and Daddy. Most of all, it was amazing to see Jeff with our two girls on Father’s Day…I was so glad to give him a very special gift this year ;). 
Everyone told me how the second time around would be so much different than the first, and they weren’t kidding…I was able to understand how everything would work, knew what was coming my way, and I felt way more confident in everything that was happening. We were thankful for a smooth and fairly “easy” delivery, but most of all, we were thankful for a healthy baby.
God sure is GREAT! OXOX
  1. Jennifer says:

    Congratulations Natasha! Beautiful pictures. Welcome to the world, Carson.

  2. P!nky says:

    Congrats, she is beautiful 🙂

  3. What a beautiful story – CONGRATS again pretty mama x

  4. What a beautiful birth story! God bless you and your family!!!

  5. Jess Beer says:

    Congratulations! What gorgeous little girls!

  6. Allison says:

    Beautiful!! Congratulations!

  7. Katie says:

    Congratulations to you, Jeff and Caroline! Carson is absolutely precious– the perfect little addition to your family. And seriously, girl– I can only pray that I look that good before and after labor and delivery!

  8. Amy says:

    Beautiful story of your beautiful girl! She is an absolute doll!

  9. I love this! She is so sweet and it definitely sounds like an easier day than the first!

  10. Kiersten says:

    What a great birth experience. It's amazing how much faster and smoother the second time can go. Congratulations to you and your beautiful family!

  11. kellyhicks says:

    Thanks for sharing! What lucky little girls 🙂

  12. jayme says:

    look how alert she is! she's beautiful. congrats again, my friend. xo

  13. So precious!! Thanks for sharing. 🙂


  14. Carolyn says:

    So sweet! 🙂

  15. Andee Layne says:

    I just can't even believe you have another beautiful daughter. Feels like just yesterday when I stumbled upon your blog when you were prego with sweet Caroline! Congrats to you guys and amen to the drugs! lol xo

  16. Maggie says:

    Love your dad's quote! Congratulations!!

  17. Congratulations! She is beautiful!

  18. What a great birth story. She is a beautiful baby! Congrats again, girlfriend!

  19. Congrats Natasha! Carson is beautiful and it's awesome that everything went so smoothly for her arrival! Two girls will be so much fun 🙂 There are just two girls in my family and my sister and I are best friends! Congrats again!! xoxo

  20. The photo of her on your chest is the sweetest!! Glad your delivery was a breeze!

  21. emily says:

    What a sweet birth story! She's perfect! Congratulations!

  22. Aww. Congratulations! I'm a newer follower here. I was about to say I have a newborn, but – gasp – he just turned 3 months old yesterday. HOW does that happen? 🙂

  23. Erin says:

    Congrats! She is beautiful!

  24. Kelly-Belly says:

    Wow, you all are so blessed. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. May God continue to bless you all.

  25. Jenn says:

    Congratulations, your kids are beautiful!

  26. Megan C says:

    A great story! I bet it will be so much fun with two of them!! When was your due date?

  27. Lea Culp says:

    Oh, what a precious story and what little sweethearts! You will have more fun than the law allows with these girlies in the years ahead. Sweetest blessings to you!

  28. so happy for you! she is absolutely beautiful! too precious for words.
    thank you for sharing ur birth story!

  29. LMK says:

    Love your dad's quote!

  30. Wonderful story! So glad it went smoothly and you are enjoying that precious girl! Xoxo

  31. She is absolutely perfect and it was so nice to read how smoothly this one went. Hoping for the same the next time around! Congrats Mama!!! You did it!!

  32. fillenoire says:

    Congratulations, Natasha! Beautiful story and beautiful baby!

  33. Such a good story! Thanks for sharing!

  34. Raquel says:

    Awwww congrats!! It seems like everything went smoothly!

  35. Sara says:

    Finally getting a chance to read this! What a great birth story. Sounds like everything went very smoothly this time around. I love hearing that the second is easier. And WOW, is that one gorgeous newborn! She is stunning! Can't wait to see more photos of her!

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