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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Five on Friday!


June 21, 2013


First of all, I wanted to tell each and every one of you thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the kind words you’ve sent our way this week… it’s been crazy (of course), but the absolute best kind of crazy, and life at home with our new peanut has been nothing short of amazing. It’s funny to see just how different she is from her sister, but still so much alike. I have been trying to relish each moment so pardon me if you don’t hear much from me these next few weeks. I promise to not be gone for too long though…be on the lookout for Carson’s birth story next week (because if I don’t finish writing it now, I may forget all the details) 
Jen from Baby J sent me the most DARLING playmat for Carson and I couldn’t wait to share on the blog. She started her company when her son needed a suitable “blanket” for when they ventured out to mommy and me classes and play groups and she realized a normal blanket just wasn’t working. She took matters in her own hands and ran to the store to see what she could come up with. The final design is PERFECT…it’s soft with fun fabrics, easy to fold for on-the-go travel, and it’s easy on the eyes, too. Take a look at some of the adorable options! You can see more options on her shop.
My name is Natasha and I am addicted to Candy Crush…please tell me there are others of you out there, too? Remember Snood and Bejeweled…yeah, I think I might have missed one or two classes in college because I was “too focused” on these games and had to win win win. Well, you guessed it…whenever I have a free moment or two, I am like an addict on my phone trying to conquer stage after stage. I’m on 50 and it’s driving me bonkers that I can’t seem to get past this level. I know, this is pathetic, but when you’re up at 2AM for a feeding, this is a perfect time to play. 
I can’t believe the 4th of July is fast approaching!! One of my favorite holidays-partly due to fireworks, food, and fun-but it really signifies the middle of summer and the fact that the 30th birthday is looming closer and closer…yikes. Of course I’ve got the girls outfits already picked out (the most important detail, right?) so they will be sporting the cutest red, white, and blue dresses around! 
Bring on the weekend PLEASE! Best friend/Aunt Bev is coming to visit and meet her newest “honorary niece” and I cannot wait to see her…it’s been WAY too long and I’ve been having major withdrawals. There isn’t too much on the agenda, except a few adult drinks (yes, you better believe I will be having a cocktail) and calling the pizza man–that’s the way to my heart. Then we’ve got fun Sunday plans with Aunt Candice and taking the girls’ pictures for Carson’s newborn photoshoot…fingers crossed we have cooperation from both my little lovebugs so we can get some sweet shots of the sisters…which is still SO weird to say! Cheers to an amazing weekend to all of you! 
  1. Jenn says:


    Also, I am addicted to Candy Crush as well. 🙂

    Have a good weekend!

  2. Jennifer says:

    Love the idea of those blankets! What a great product. Hope you are hanging in there with your two love bugs.

  3. Keri says:

    Love the new blog look and congrats again!

  4. Pamela says:

    SO happy for yall!! Such gorgeous kids!

  5. Congratulations!! So cute. The playmats are a great idea, and super cute too!

    Happy weekend!



  6. Lauren says:

    Can't wait to hear the birth story! What a sweet little face!

  7. I'm so looking forward to reading the birth story and would love to hear more about how 2 under two is so far!! Have a fantastic weekend, with some rest I hope! And enjoy those cocktails!

  8. awwwww what a precious little baby! Congrats girl!

  9. lori says:

    congrats on sweet baby carson! she is BEAUTIFUL and i hope you are settling in well at home… love her little play mat, so cute! i need to look into some options like that for when baby carter comes in september!

  10. Jessica M says:

    Congrats on your sweet baby girl! She's so precious! I am totally addicted to games like candy crush and they are perfect for late night feedings! What did people with 2am feedings do before smart phones?! I love that last picture! Enjoy your 'freaking weekend'!

  11. Aww I can't even imagine the preciousness you have coming your way in those pictures! Double the fun! Is it crazy I already want Weeks to have a brother or sis?! Enjoy your beverages!! Xo

  12. Amy says:

    Carson is such a doll! You have a couple of beautiful girls on your hands. You're not alone on Candy Crush! I used to be addicted but one day last week I just deleted it. I was stuck on level 152 for almost a month and just couldn't get passed it so, I decided it was a good time to call it quits! Sometimes I miss it…ha! Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Oh my gosh! She is precious. Just beautiful. Congratulations! And you look amazing. I can't even tell you've had a baby. I'm in Raleigh, NC and have wanted to link up for awhile, but couldn't swing it with my schedule, but was finally able to do it today.

    Great link-up. Leigh

  14. Amy says:

    Congrats again on baby Carson. She is just so sweet! I can't wait to see the newborn photos from your photo session this weekend!

  15. Carrie says:

    Congrats on your baby! I am new to Five on Friday, but I just wanted to write and say I LOVE your hair!

  16. Candy Crush is like crack! And I cannot crack level 70 – been stuck there for over a month! Carson is so precious enjoy your new mama moments and soak it up!

  17. Lauren says:

    Oh my goodness..Candy Crush is ridiculous, I wish it had never been created! I finally beat level 70, not sure what I'm going to do as they get harder!

  18. I hope you get to put your feet up and enjoy a nice cold adult beverage this weekend. Cheers!!!

  19. Jen says:

    Welcome to the world, Carson!! You have some sweet days ahead with your two little punkin's! Hope you have a great weekend!!

  20. Ashley says:

    Totally addicted to Candy Crush…it's hard to put it down!! Can't wait to see the newborn shoot pictures!

  21. i play candy crush at 2am too! haha

  22. Congratulations! So much cuteness! And I am so with you on the Candy Crush addiction!

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