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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Five on Friday…Ready, Set, Go!


June 28, 2013

Forgive me in advance, for today’s Five on Friday surrounds everything baby so no apologies necessary for those that want to bypass all the “glamorous” talk for something more appealing ;). I gave you forewarning!!

ONE. Post-Baby Summer Wearables. Let’s face it, gone are my days of wearing platforms and short dresses (unless it’s for a special occasion) and now I am in need of some more “family friendly” fashion. My go-to favorites are shorts and skirts, casual tops, and comfy dresses. I bought my first normal dress the other day and it felt SO GOOD to not be shopping the maternity section anymore.

post baby necessities

TWO. Leonisa. I was approached by the fine folks at Leonisa a few weeks ago to talk all things lingerie…given the fact I was majorly pregnant, I decided to go another route and test out their amazing line of post-partum shapewear. I wore something similar after I had Caroline and could definitely tell it worked and got my mid-section back to it’s former place a lot sooner than I had expected. This time, I am sporting the Tummy Reducer Panty and I am LOVING it…it’s easy to put on, comfortable, and it cinches in at all the right places. You know, us southern gals are all about the girdles and wearing those necessary undergarments to give us a little support and I don’t mind saying it…even better, they are having their Semi-Annual Sale right now so you can save up to 30% on some of their most popular bras, swimwear, and shapewear.

THREE. Double Stroller Time. I have officially turned into one of “those” moms…it’s like I need to go to one of those AA meetings, but for people with 2+ kids. I have never felt more old than I did the other day when I had to invest in a 2nd seat to make our stroller accommodate both babe and toddler. First of all, there are like a GAZILLION different options for double strollers out there, but we want to use our Britax B-Ready for as long as possible, hence, we bought the 2nd seat attachment. Fingers crossed this is a successful purchase and will get us through the next few months before having to buy one of the big boys.

FOUR. The Ever Popular Feeding Situation. I have had a handful of you out there in blogging land ask how things are going this time around in the breastfeeding department…some of y’all may recollect my experience with BF with Caroline wasn’t my favorite thing in the world (see post here), but I have to admit that with #2 it’s going so much smoother. I am less stressed out-simply because I actually knew what to expect- and it might help that Carson is such an easygoing newborn. No formula for the babe as of yet, but who knows how long I will continue to exclusively BF. I’ve invested in a good pump (yay Medela) and bought the glamorous hands free bustier (cannot wait until Jeff sees me using that thing!) and all seems to be going well so far. I’m not putting any parameters on how long I plan to BF, but I am just going to see how it goes and do it as long as we (Carson and I) are both happy.

FIVE. Working on my Fitness. It’s been two weeks, and I am already itching to get back into the gym and start working on toning up the post-baby bod. Last go-around, I started fast and furious and think I overdid it a bit to get back to that “happy number” on my scale. This time, I am planning on taking my time and doing it the right way, and got the Knocked Up Fitness After Baby Pilates video. It’s going to take some time, but I’ve already lost 17 of the 30 pounds I gained during this pregnancy so we are well on our way! Full updates on working out, eating right, etc to come soon I promise.

  1. Jennifer says:

    I love all those pretty clothes and cannot believe that strapless dress is from ON. Super cute! I am going to check into that shape wear company ASAP- never heard of them. You are doing great with 2, shopping and cooking dinner. Very impressive.

  2. Mariel C. says:

    That pink Target dress is too darling! Happy weekend!

  3. I saw that pink dress at target! Loved it, also have it in blue!

  4. Melanie says:

    New to your blog. I love your selections and good for you having the motivation to get back into the gym! Have a great weekend!

    I Pink i Love You

  5. Cute fashion picks Natasha! Have a great weekend!

  6. I can't believe that paisley dress is from Old Navy! I was totally expecting it to be from somewhere more expensive. Going to buy it TODAY!

    Sounds like all is going smoothly in Baby Land! (that's what I call it when there's a newborn in the house!) I love the B-Ready. I've also heard the City Select double is GREAT!!

  7. Vanessa says:

    I love all of this! I just bookmarked the DVDs and the shapewear for whenever we're ready for baby #2 🙂 Sounds like everything is going great with your little family of 4!

  8. rachel says:

    Such a great post! I know I will be needing all this in just a few weeks when Baby #2 arrives! 🙂

  9. You are balancing it all so well (as always), friend! Style, fitness, family … I could learn from you sweet girl!

  10. Sweet friend,

    I know you probably hear this all the time, but you are such a rock star momma {and I know you have days where you don't feel like that}, but truly – you already seem so well adjusted with two! Love your attitude about nursing as well… I had the same experience w/ J as you did with Caroline, so it was nice to read your take on it now with Carson!

    And for real – how did this happen so fast??? Days ago you were working on a nursery for a sweet baby girl and now you have TWO and a double stroller??!!

    Ps – when I have babe # dos I'm going to ask you to come and stay with me for two weeks instead of my step-mom or MIL. Deal????? 😉 😉

    Have a fabulous weekend, sweet friend!

  11. Kelly says:

    Love this! Could you link to the hands-free bustier? I'm trying to get my bearings straight about things I'll need when the time comes, and I love all your suggestions! 🙂

  12. Loving the bright summer shorts this season..they are definitely a must! Happy Friday!

  13. Adorable clothes. Congrats on your new arrival. I remember those days.

    Thanks for the opportunity to link up again.

  14. Fancy Ashley says:

    We had the B-Ready and LOVED it! It was great! That fitness video looks like a great one!!! Cheers to the weekend! xo, Ashley

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