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Haute Smocks Giveaway Time!!


June 12, 2013

Yall! This one is GOOD, like as in REALLY GOOD! My blogging friend Chasity/Haute Mommy has a wonderful smocking business called Haute Smocks (love the real fashion reference, don’t you?) and she was kind enough to send over a little something for my littlest cupcake, Caroline.

She knows I am obsessed with anything smocked, and nothing is more adorable in my opinion than a baby in a bubble…case in point: see my big girl all decked out in her newest fashion find at her friend Addie Mae’s first birthday party this past weekend. 

Even better, her prices for smocked pieces are some of the best I have found and the quality is wonderful! She ships mighty quickly too, might I add. Here are some of my favorites:

She hosts weekly sales for her boutique items on Facebook on Wednesday and Thursday nights at 8PM CST, and you can contact her for additional info at info@hautesmocks.com.

How do you enter?? See Below! (and Good Luck)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
  1. jayme says:

    cc looks so pretty!!! i hope you're doing well in your last little while before sweet carson arrives!! thinking of you and your beautiful, growing family! XO

  2. Jennifer SS says:

    I absolutely love the little smocked ladybug outfit! How cute! I will have to check out her website!

  3. Sarah says:

    So sweet in her bubble! Love it! Love this giveaway!

  4. Emily says:

    These are adorable! I will definitely have to check out the website. My niece wears lots of smocked outfits! Too cute!

  5. kate says:

    I am glad to see I am not the only one who is obsessed with smocked outfits! Where did you get Caroline's adorable white sandals? I have been looking all over for a pair for my daughter.

  6. Laura Graham says:

    I agree! Smocked is best! Love C in that bubble. Also loving your new blog makeover!

  7. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Oh how fun! CC looks ADORABLE in her bubble! Love it. We just found out the gender of our baby, so this giveaway excites me to no end! 🙂 Thanks for the opportunity!

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