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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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summer bucket list


June 4, 2013

With the start of summer brings a whole new bucket list to check off for these next few months…I love making sure to take time to do these fun family activities that we can look back on and not waste the days away!summer bucket list
  • Build a Blanket Fort
  • Go on a Picnic
  • Visit the Library for Story Time
  • Make Smores
  • Draw with Sidewalk Chalk
  • Visit the Adventure Science Center
  • Make Homemade Ice Cream/Popsicles
  • Watch a Firework Show
  • Take Caroline on a Mommy/Daughter and Father/Daughter Date
  • Go to a Nashville Sounds Game
  • Find the Constellations at Night
  • Host a Backyard BBQ
  • Paint Canvases with Watercolors
  • Visit the Farmer’s Market

    So, what all do you have planned on your summertime bucket list?? I might need to add some additional family fun activities, too!

  1. Cute! The farmers market is the BEST place to get good fruits and vegetables! Then follow the healthy stuff up with smores! 😉

  2. Lauren says:

    LOVE this list! We really need to visit our local farmers market, I think Elyse would LOVE it!

  3. Ashley says:

    Love this! I need to write out my bucket list too!

  4. Sarah says:

    Such a fun list, I was actually just thinking the hubs and I need to make one of these.

  5. Ann Joseph says:

    I prefer happiness as a sandwich model… neatly packed between two thin (very thin 🙂 slices of sorrow, depression or boredom. Being a folklorist, I sometimes come across simple stories, inspirational proverbs and interesting sayings about happiness from all corners of the world. Here is a small list.. (no matching with your list though 🙂

    1.) Those who are happy do not observe how time goes by. (Chinese)

    2.) The monkey is happy when the dog is not there. (African-Swahili)

    3.) A child is a certain worry and uncertain joy. (Swedish)

    4.) The contented man though poor is happy; the discontented man though rich is sad. (Chinese)

    5.) One always thinks that others are happy. (Yiddish)

    6.) A home without many children will not know happiness. (Philippine)

    7.) There can be no joy without food and drink. (Hebrew)

    8.) Contentment is an inexhaustible treasure. (Turkish)

    9.) It is better to live in joy than to die in sorrow. (Yiddish)

    10.) Happiness is guarded by bold warriors. (Indian-Hindi)

    Hope you enjoyed…More of this is here 🙂 http://cuteproverbs.com/popular-proverbs-2/happy-saying/



  6. Laura Graham says:

    I want to take Fenn to the little Ladd Farm and to the Adventure Science Center in Murfreesboro! I am waiting till I am no longer pregnant so that I can keep up with him! ha and sno cones!

  7. Jennifer says:

    I agree- Discovery Center in Murdreesboro is awesome! Cheekwood Family Nights, Food Truck Festival and puppet show at Nashville Public Library. Fun times in Nashville. We are lucky to live in such an amazing city.

  8. such a great idea! After seeing Christina's party I absolutely want to hold a backyard bbq!

  9. Tiffany says:

    i love this!!! We havebeen wanting to host a big cookout this summer!!
    Ps. Your images are missing from some aspects of your design.

  10. Kelly says:

    One thing that's definitely on Drew's and my list this summer is the Arrington Vineyards music nights on Fridays! They're totally family-friendly, so maybe once Carson comes along, that'd be a fun family date for y'all! 🙂 We need to get ourselves to the zoo one weekend, too. And the Percy Warner Park Pickin' concerts!

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