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Five on Friday Link Up…Here We Go Again!


July 19, 2013

Back again for another installment of the Five on Friday Link Up Festivities! Last week, we had more than 250 ladies participate…so excited to see so many new faces out there joining in on the fun! Make sure to visit April, Christina, and Darci out too.

ONE: Recipe: Homemade Lasagna

A few weeks ago when Pappy was on vacation, we decided we wanted to embark on a hefty cooking adventure and make lasagna…from scratch. It’s one of those things I feel like you have to do to say you’re a real “cook” and so we did it together. We found a few good recipes, ventured to the store, stocked up on all the essentials, and then went to work. It took more than 4+ hours, but the end result was WELL worth it and the entire family raved about how good it was. We mixed a few recipes together, but used these as inspiration and I can’t wait to make it again soon! P.S. homemade is SERIOUSLY way better than the store bought frozen kind…duh, right??
Paula Deen’s Lasagna / Tasty Trials Family Style Lasagna

TWO. Rodan and Fields Tanning Foam

Yall know I am an avid lover of the spray tan, yet in between sessions, sometimes you need a little “touch up”. I was recently introduced to the Rodan + Fields tanning foam by Melody and it’s been the best sunless tan I’ve used. It’s easy to apply, the smell is WAY better than most other versions on the market, and it gives you a nice “glow” rather than that normal orange/streaky color. Even better, it’s budget friendly, too!
Rodan + Fields are the infamous makers of Proactiv, but now are back focusing on targeting the aging market. They have products that help reduce fine lines and wrinkles, sun/age spots, eczema, rosacea, and are great for people with sensitive skin. Even better, Melody has graciously offered to waive the $19.95 enrollment fee for anyone that signs up as a Preferred Customer-you also get 10% off all products and free shipping, too! Feel free to email her if you have any questions or wish to order.

THREE. Birthday Week Shenanigans
To say we have been celebrating my birthday would be an understatement…I feel so fortunate that my friends and family have gone above and beyond to show me all sorts of love this week as I turned the big 3-0. I woke up to sweet cards and coffee Wednesday morning, complete with bagels and mimosas from our wonderful Alex, and then that night Jeff and I ventured to Husk for a proper dinner date.
For those that haven’t heard of Husk, it’s the same infamous restaurant originally from Charleston and they recently opened another location here in Music City. It was ranked one of the top 10 restaurants in the US and it definitely didn’t disappoint. The cocktails were outstanding and the food was incredible…a lot of ingredients and options you can’t find anywhere else so it was a fun experience!

FOUR. The Mixie
Though Carson is on 100% mama milk right now, I found this AMAZING product and couldn’t wait to share about it…I wish I had known about this lifesaver when Caroline was a tiny one, but I know this will come in handy soon! It’s called the Mixie and it’s a bottle and formula dispenser all in one. You can fill it with water in advance and put formula powder in the bottom compartment. Once you’re ready to feed, you push the button and voila…a perfectly mixed bottle! It doesn’t get any easier, right? I bet some of yall think I am crazy when I talk about these handy dandy gadgets, but these types of things make life SO MUCH easier with a baby and I want to pay it forward to yall, too!

FIVE. Back to School Shopping
I was the kid who couldn’t wait to go back to school shopping when I was growing up. Perusing the aisles of my favorite stores (Office Max/Target/Staples) to get the latest and greatest gadgets for the first day of school…seriously, I got PUMPED! Not to mention a new backpack, lunch box, AND new markers-hold me back friends. Now that Caroline is officially enrolled to start a Mother’s Day Out next month, I can’t wait to get the official supply list so we can stock up and send our girl off to “school” in fashion. I am a total nerd, I know.

Hope yall all have a WONDERFUL weekend!!! I am spending the day getting ready for my big party tomorrow night and cannot wait to see what Jeff and his party planners have in store for our guests..I know it’s going to be TONS OF FUN and I promise a full recap to come next week. OXOX

Friday, 7/19

  1. Happy belated Birthday!! Mimosa's are totally the way way to ring in a new birthday. The bottle is genius!

  2. Ha, I saw the back to school isle at target and was slightly excited and sad at the same time. back to school equals back to work for me. I don't know if I am ready!

  3. Julie says:

    Hi Natasha! Just stumbled upon your blog and I love it! So unique and fun. Decided to do your link up with you today! Can't wait to get to know ya some more 🙂


  4. The fact that you made lasagna from scratch is amazing me so much! You go on with your bad self, honey!

    PS … how amazing is Husk?! I've only been to the one in Charleston, but sounds like a Nashville trip is defintely in order now!

  5. I've been dying to try Husk – so many amazing reviews! So happy you had a wonderful bday!!!

    I gotta try that foaming tanner!!!

  6. Husk is the BEST and definitely has some unique dishes (and better yet, unique cocktails)!!! So jealous, I know your meal was amazing! Happy b-day!! 🙂

  7. Samantha says:

    Happy Belated Birthday! I am a new follower and new to 5 on Friday! I can't wait to read more.

    I was/ still am totally obsessed with back to school supplies. Just last night I walked through the Target isles browsing, even though I am not ready for summer to end and my kids to go back to school.

    Hope you have a wonderful party this weekend!

  8. Tess says:

    I'm so glad that your 30th birthday was one for the books. Bringing over champagne and a bottle of orange juice is the cutest birthday present ever! I'm putting that in my bag of tricks, for sure!

  9. Happy birthday!! Enjoy it! I have been wanting to try the self tan foam- so glad you love it!

  10. Happy belated 30th lady! Husk sounds amazing! What did you order? I love trying new restaurants! And I'm definitely pinning the bottle you suggested because it is genius!!

  11. Sara says:

    That lasagna looks amazing! I'm a huge lasagna fan and make it pretty regularly. I usually make a couple extra pans and freeze it for later, but it gets eaten around our house pretty quickly. Mac can nearly eat his weight in pasta! Also just as good as lasagna, but much easier to make: baked ziti. Try that next.

  12. Lea Culp says:

    Yes, you bet, homemade lasagne is definitely better!

    Gotta try that self tanner for sure!

    Those baby bottles are just too neat, my girls would have loved having those when my Grans were babies.

    Sounds like you have celebrated in style, good for you!

  13. Chantel Ward says:

    Yes-Yes-Yes to homemade lasagna! My husband spent some time studying architecture in Italy and learned how to cook. Bonus for me he loves it, I just cheer, taste test and clean up. Blueberry waffles and mimosas are in my cards for this weekend! Happy Friday, cant wait to hear about your birthday party shenanagins!!

  14. Happy Birthday Week!!! So much fun 🙂 And how cool is that bottle?? Totally keeping this in mind for my future mamma days 😉

  15. Hope you had the best birthday!

    I am so anxious to try the Rodan & Fields products. My friend and neighbor sells them…just haven't bit the bullet in ordering any quite yet.

    Thanks for the tip on the baby bottles. My sister-in-law is pregnant and I'm so out of the baby loop that I'm stumped on what to get her. But this might be one of the items I add to the list.

  16. I was totally the same way about back to school shopping. My oldest starts pre-k this Fall and I can't wait to load him up full of cuteness.

  17. Ashlee says:

    Going to have to try that lasagna!

    Love what you wrote about back to school shopping! I wrote about my fab 5 things for back to school if you're interested-theyre great for mdo!

  18. rachel says:

    So excited about that Mixie and will definitely have to get some for Baby #2! Jealous of your Husk dinner…dying to go!

    Enjoy your festivities this weekend!!!

  19. Mrs. Mess says:

    I love this link up and thanks for sharing the Mixie, I will have to tell my friends!

  20. Lasagna is my FAVORITE Italian dish. If I try out a new restaurant, I always try the lasagna first. I think I might have a make one myself this week. YUM! I have been craving a mimosa all weekend! Happy Happy! I love LONG birthday celebrations!
    I could have gone another month without the back to school photo. I haven't been "back to school" in over 20 years, but I have an addiction to school supplies! ha!

  21. I hope you're enjoying a wonderful Birthday weekend!! I'm so glad to hear you love the R&F self tanner…I just received my order but haven't used it yet and lastly, you are seriously a woman after my own school supply loving heart!

  22. oh my gosh- the mixie! I might have to order that today, seriously what a brilliant idea! that tanning foam might be my next try-I'm always on the lookout for a new one thats better than the last! Hope you had a fabulous birthday week dear!

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