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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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five on friday


August 16, 2013

One. My Next DIY Project. 
There isn’t much that hasn’t been decorated in our home, except for a few nooks here and there. Since our house building process has been pushed back a bit (building codes, new development taking longer to clear the land, etc.) I decided to move forward with decorating my little office nook upstairs. I spend a good amount of time up there-blogging, writing thank you notes, perusing the internet, crafting, etc-so why not make it my own? I found all sorts of fun ideas online and I cannot wait to get it all done.
Ready, set, go!

Up first, I am going to make a fabric covered cork board like this from Two Twenty One.  Then, I am going to hang some of the wonderful art from Lucy Darling Prints
once I stock up on some fun frames.

A few inspiration pictures to get me going…

Two. Words to Live By.
I am a constant cleaner of clutter…I can’t help it. I am always hauling off all kinds of stuff to Goodwill, or giving away items we don’t need/use anymore. I found this quote and it really stood out to me that I need to remind myself to only keep the “stuff” that serves an actual purpose or I absolutely love.

Three. The World’s Cutest Cardboard Boxes. 
It seems like we always have cardboard boxes on hand at our house…whether from ordering stuff from the girls or random items we receive via the UPS man, there never seems to be a shortage, but I am usually at a loss of what to do with them other than recycle or toss out with the trash. I found the sweetest ideas on Pinterest the other day! I think Caroline would love ANY of these, but my vote is that her daddy would like to make a lemonade stand to start her out there as a salesperson early in life :).

Four. Craft Time/All About Me Poster.
When we took Caroline to church Wednesday for the open house/meet and greet teacher day for Mother’s Day Out, I think I was just as excited as she was! We got to take a tour of her classroom, meet a few classmates, and talk with her teachers, Mrs. Lisa and Mrs. Carla. Of course the best part was getting our supply lists AND getting homework to make an “All About Caroline” poster so they could hang it in the class. As soon as we got home, I went to work and got out my crafting supplies…I was in heaven! Some of you think I’m nuts I’m sure, but this totally made my week. Here is the finished product, all ready for her first day!

Five. Frostings Book Giveaway. 
Thanks to each of you for entering the fun giveaway I posted earlier this week…It was fun browsing through your comments about your favorite flavors and why you love them so much. Totally made me want to devour cake after cake after cake!! With that, the randomly selected winner is Lisa from The Sweet Life of a Southern Wife. I will be contacting you today for details on where to ship your book…

That’s it for this week’s Five on Friday party…make sure to check out all the fun blogs that link up. It makes me giddy to be finding all sorts of fabulous new reads! And as always, don’t forget to visit my hosting gals-Darci, Christina, and April!
Friday, 8/16:

  1. Amanda Z. says:

    I always look forward to your Five on Friday! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    I just started a blog and I would really love if you would check it out and give me any pointers/feedback.

    Thank you in advance!!


  2. P!nky says:

    Love that quote! even though I'm the opposite. I keep THINGS because they remind me of happy times. I'm moving in with my soon to be husband nextmonth, so lots is getting donated. Makes me sad, but I'm also happy to declutter 🙂

    happy friday

  3. I love your office inspiration photos. We moved in to our house two months ago and I haven't done anything with my little nook except tack on a bulletin board. Such fun ideas for cardboard boxes!

  4. Meredith says:

    Love the poster and your handwriting is so pretty!!

  5. Aww lovie! I love the sign you made for Caroline!!!! I can't even wait for those school days! Room mom and all!!!

  6. i am in love with your handwriting on Caroline's poster!! It is perfect. I have awful handwriting- just awful…and I hate it!! 🙂

  7. Carroll says:

    I love the "All About Caroline" poster you made! So sweet. 🙂 Hope y'all have a great weekend!

  8. Annie says:

    I love that fabric-covered memo board! I think those are such a fun (and functional) decoration for offices and dorm rooms. I love Caroline's poster; it's darling! You have beautiful handwriting.

  9. Jessica says:

    LOVE the poster! How cute is that?!

  10. Can't wait to see what you do with your office space! The cork board is so cute! I was just looking at something similar. I can't believe you're already doing back-to-school night and an All About Me poster for Caroline!! It seems like she was just born!

  11. Caitlin says:

    Love love that quote! I'm the exact same way!
    Also, that poster for Caroline is just precious!! I hope everything goes well with Mother's Day Out!

  12. Love those office inspiration pics. I love de-cluttering. I can't stand it though I still love to shop! Oops! My vote is for the cardboard castle! Boy Howdy that things is sweet! Such a cute poster for Caroline!

  13. THE POSTER!!! SO CUTE! Almost as your as your t-shirt chair designs. 🙂 She will love MDO!

  14. Tess says:

    I LOVE the "All About Me" poster! Can you believe you are making one for your own baby? When I used to teach, we had all of the students make those every year, and I think it will be a major trip for me when I do it for my own bambinos! Life is crazy!

    Have a fab weekend girl! xo

  15. AH! that poster! that's right up my alley! so cute!

    have a great weekend! xoxo

  16. Lauren says:

    that poster is adorable! what a fun project for a momma to complete!

  17. Emily says:

    That poster alone makes me excited to have babies one day! It is just precious.

  18. You will love having a memo board!! I love mine! I did a super fun DIY gold one and each time I look at it, it makes me smile! I love that quote about having things in the house that are useful and beautiful. I have been on a crazy purging kick and getting rid of so much. Honestly, I would love to take ALL the toys to the goodwill and then start over with just a few! Ha! Happy Friday!

  19. Arielle says:

    omgosh her all about me poster is adorable!! & I hope the memo board turns out cute!

  20. Hi Natasha! First of all, you're lovely…and I enjoyed reading about your sweet little family. The memo board looks like a wonderful idea, and I loved looking at the home-office ideas. I agree with you about clutter…can't stand it, although I don't always keep it as under control as I should!

    Hope you'll stop by my blog and say hello!

    Cindy at Notes in the Key of Life

  21. Day Old News says:

    Her poster is so so cute!!

  22. Love the inspiration pictures..makes me almost regret letting my husband have our office as "his" space. haha..guess it was a compromise for letting me have the whole house 😉

  23. Courtney W. says:

    Definitely stealing that fabric covered memo board and pinning it – it's exactly what I want to do for my office!

  24. Laura Graham says:

    Oh I love Caroline;s little poster! So cute! Where is she going to Mothers day out? Fenn was at Judson but is starting Harpeth Hills Sept 3rd.

  25. You have the cutest little family! I love that fabric covered board. What a great project!

  26. I love the all about me poster! That is so cute! I need to do a similar project for my office too!

  27. Okay, the "all about me" poster is the sweetest thing I've seen in awhile!! Think it would be totally weird if I made one too and took it to Jackson's school and insisted that they hung it up???? HAHAH! When is CC's first official day of MDO? So excited for her — and for you! I bet you'll both love it!

    And the fair pictures, oh the fair pictures! Cuteness overload! Two things: 1.) I need to love on these sweet girls some day. They melt my heart. 2.) You're the skinniest person in America and look fabulous!


  28. OMG!!! totally was not expecting to see that I won the giveaway!!! thats so exciting!! i never win anything lol 🙂
    let me know what you need from me
    the sweet life of a southern wife

  29. Nicole-Lynn says:

    That poster you made for Caroline is adorable!

    I made a fabric covered memo board out of drop cloth that looks like linen. It was so cheap and covered a large cork board great. I used some batting behind the fabric and extra nailhead trim I had, but you can also use cheap thumbtacks from the dollar store!

  30. thebaucums says:

    That memo board is AMAZING! I want to make one of these to hang in my kitchen.

    BTW, <3 your blog (new follower)!

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