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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Fun at the Fair


August 13, 2013

Last weekend was a no-go for the fair due to loads and loads of rain, so instead we gave it another go this Saturday…we watched the radar like crazy people, and decided to make the best of the forecast and go anyways. And then of course, the weather was great and it never rained…sometimes I wonder if meterologists just make educated guesses like the rest of us.

We met Mimi and Pappy at the Williamson County Fair right afternoon naptime for the girls so they would both be in prime time fun mode…or so we hoped. We started off the day touring the inside events, and walked through the exhibits to see the ribbon winners for photography, paintings, quilting, and all the yummy farming and food winners, too. 
 My little diva…sunglasses and all
 Isn’t Carson looking so big?? I cannot believe she is already 8 weeks old
 Family picture!! I feel like we never have one of all four of us
Best grandparents ever
 Cupcake time

Then we decided it was time for another “snack” and so each of us started off with corndogs…yes, calories don’t count when we visit the fair and yes, we eat SO much food! Off to the midway for games and rides…

 Jeff and Mimi in a water shoot-out challenge…
 Mimi came out on top and won Caroline her very first fair prize…a dragon!! 
 Carson felt like she won, too because she got to have the fan blowing her a cool breeze all day 😉
Popcorn time for Tuttie
I was SO excited to let Caroline have a turn on some of the rides while we were there…of course she barely made the height requirement, but seeing as how she did so good at riding the carousel a few weeks ago at the zoo, we decided to give it a go. Needless to say, she LOVED it!! Nemo was up first and then we took her to the boats…honestly, this was the best part of the day. 

There is that snarl face!!! She was so happy 

Before heading home, we made another run at the food vendors and had fried pickles, cheesesteak sandwiches, and the world’s best banana ice cream…it was all about the food OBVIOUSLY. A wonderful Saturday spent doing the stuff we love the most 😉

 Until next year…P.S. sorry if I made y’all hungry

  1. Looks like fun! And those matching outfits, soooo cute!

  2. I'm impressed Caroline went on the rides by herself, such a big girl! Also, now I want some fried pickles! Not always easy to find!

  3. Jen says:

    Could your family be any cuter?!? Caroline looks so grown up in these pics! And the matching outfits….darling! My sis and I matched all the time growing up! They will love having each other!! 🙂

  4. LC says:

    Love your fair pictures! We took Piper this year and the girl fell in love with the "ponies" aka the carousel.

  5. Looks like a blast…love the girls matching outfits!! XO

  6. In love with the matching outfits! Love the family pictures!

  7. Carroll says:

    What a fun recap! Sounds like you had a wonderful time and what sweet memories for your little girls. 🙂

  8. I LOVE fair time in our area! The girls look adorable 🙂

  9. Lauren says:

    so fun! I love your sweet girls in their matching outfits!

  10. Megan says:

    I just randomly stumbled across your blog, love it, new follower! Our blog names are similar, great minds think alike 😉 Your family is precious and you look fab Momma!

    Instagram: megawat

  11. Michie Scott says:

    beautiful photos,visiting for 5 for friday.
    new GFC follower
    hope you can visit my <a href="http://michperez.blogspot.com/2013/08/five-on-friday-1.html>Five for Friday</a>

  12. Meredith says:

    Looks like a blast!! CC looked so cute in the video at the fair you posted on Instagram.

  13. Sara says:

    Seriously, could CC be any cuter! Love her cheesing it up in the ride! We need to hit a fair, Mac would love that! Carson looks so unimpressed. 🙂 And I just love their little matching outfits!

  14. CC is ADORABLE. I can't even handle it. 🙂

  15. Caroline is so cute! I love the pictures of her on the rides. What a big girl!!

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