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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Playing Dress Up…Leona Store Grand Opening Celebration!


September 26, 2013

I have to admit, there are some fun advantages in this wide world of blogging and this feature is one of those times where I had to pinch myself a bit because I was so giddy about the opportunity I was presented with. 
Say hello to Leona, a women’s high end contemporary apparel label. Lauren Leonard (the creator/designer) began her business more than five years ago in the wholesale retail market, but recently opened her first designer flagship store here in Nashville in the 12 South district. Her apparel combines southern sensibility and city chic seamlessly through custom prints and luxurious fabrics.  
In visiting with the fabulous girls at the Leona store earlier this week, I learned so much about the Leona brand and all the fun details behind her designs…
(1) All garments are designed by Lauren and made in NYC 
(2) Prints are custom, hand drawn, AND painted by Lauren in the NYC studio…she is SO talented and I was shocked at some of the prints she designed…they are incredible 
(3) Celebrities love her staple garments and pieces have been worn by Giuliana Rancic, Shenae Grimes, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Swift, and Eva Longoria just to name a few 
(4) You can also purchase her apparel from more than 200+ retailers internationally 
(5) You might have seen some of her pieces in various media outlets and on TV shows: People, The Today Show, Lucky, Ellen, Southern Living, and Teen Vogue
I love Lauren’s take on the persona behind her clothes…“The Leona girl is just as comfortable sipping sweet tea on a front porch swing as she is navigating the bustling streets of Manhattan. She is her own unique version of the modern, all-American girl.“ Lauren said. “She appreciates quality, is a fashion follower and she craves products with value and substance.”

With the fall 2013 collection out for all to see, I was invited to take a sneak peak at the collection and play dress up with some of the pieces. What girl wouldn’t want to have a fun day like that, right??
Here are some of my favorite looks: 

If you’re in Nashville this weekend, I invite you to stop by their Grand Opening Celebration!
When: Saturday, September 28, 2013
Where: Leona Flagship Store,  2309 12th Ave South Nashville, TN 37204
Why: Live music, as well as champagne and shopping with the designer, Lauren Leonard

To learn more about Lauren and the Leona brand, here are a few recent features:
N Focus: http://nfocusnashville.com/briefs-september-2013-leona/
Nashville Lifestyles: http://www.nashvillelifestyles.com/entertainment/qa-with-leona-designer-lauren-leonard
Channel 2 News/WKRN: http://www.wkrn.com/story/23034876/leona-to-open-first-flagship-boutique-in-nashville

  1. Kelly-Belly says:

    How is it possible for you to be this cute?….and after having two babies! Love these pictures! : )

  2. ALW says:

    I have a dress of her's and I love it! Such great quality and impeccable design. 🙂

  3. Meg says:

    Kelly-Belly is so right, you look so great!!

  4. {Jessica} says:

    Loving the cobalt blouse! That shade of blue is definitely your color:)

  5. Pamela says:

    You are SO gorgeous!! You look great in everything!

  6. Gorgeous clothes and they all look great on you! I love that she designs, draws and paints the prints herself — so unique!

  7. LC says:

    What a fun opportunity! Her clothes are lovely!

  8. Andee Layne says:

    woo hoo! how fab do you look mama?! Love that high waist print skirt with the blue top on you the most!!! xo

  9. Ashley says:

    LOVE that blue blouse!

  10. Raising Hill says:

    I'm loving that blue dress! Such a fun look!

  11. Adorable outfits! Love the boot pairing with the first one 🙂

  12. How fun! I absolutely lover her prints. Can't wait to check out the rest of the Fall 2013 collection.

  13. I love the blue shirt that ties! So cute

  14. Emily Powell says:

    WOW! What a fun oppurtunity! I just LOVE that color blue!

  15. Simply Amy says:

    That last outfit is awesome… the print is prefect!!

  16. Oooh I'm loving that blue number! So cute!

  17. Caroline says:

    I love that shoe dress!

  18. LOVE all those outfits!!! TOO CUTE!

  19. I LOVE that blue skirt! Like, really really love it!

  20. Samma says:

    I love Leona! I don't know if anyone in Knoxvilel carries it anymore, since Mary closed.

  21. You look gorgeous! Such cute clothes!

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