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five on friday


October 11, 2013

ONE. The Kaleidoscope of K-Cups
For all you Keurig K-Cup lovers out there, I just stumbled upon the greatest goody for this season…the Fall Flavors Coffee Variety Pack from Amazon. For $15, you get to sample 18 different, limited edition varieties-ranging from pumpkin spice to cinnamon roll. Perfect to try if you want to add something different to your morning coffee, but don’t want to buy a box of one flavor. Sign me up!

TWO. Time for a Change??
I think it might be the right time for me to bite the bullet and take some length off my hair…no, I won’t be doing a major chop anytime soon (for fear I would end up with the dreaded “mom cut”) but I think I need a little fix-a-roo in the hair department. I’ve been browsing for some ideas and this is my fav. What do y’all think??

THREE. Gone Girl Review
Need a good read to add to your library?? Trust me on this one! I think a lot of you out there in blogging land have already read this page turner, but for others that haven’t, Gillian Flynn’s Gone Girl is a great read. It’s not the normal ladylike book I normally buy, but it’s dramatic, engaging, and keeps you hooked through the crazy events of a married couple and their unraveling relationship. You’ll enjoy I promise!

FOUR…Inspirational Quotes
Lots of different topics on my mind this week. We’ve got a lot going on in the Stoneking residence these days–exciting things ahead–but it’s been wearing on my heart a bit and I needed to see these reminders this morning. Hope they can benefit some of you, too 😉

FIVE…The BFF’s Birthday Party
Tomorrow morning, I am headed east to visit my best friend Bev and celebrate her big 30th birthday!! We are set for a jam-packed weekend of fun and I am elated to get some much needed girl time with some of my nearest and dearest. Yes, you heard it correctly…my first overnight trip away from Carson AND Caroline and daddy is on babysitting duty (with assistance of course) while I’m gone. There might be late night dance parties and cocktails in my not too distant future-YIPPEE!!!

  1. awww, YAY! have fun this weekend, girlie!!!
    {cheers y'all}

  2. The Mrs. says:

    So fun! Love weekends like that! My first time participating in Friday Five! Woo!

  3. raquel says:

    I have to tell myself everyday to not buy anymore items online, but now I already have some new Fall K cups coming my way! So excited to try the cinnamon roll coffee..

    First time linking up! Have a great weekend!

  4. Rebecca Jo says:

    I just finished another great book recommended by a blogger (Sea of Tranquility) so headed to upload your recommendation right now 🙂

  5. Have fun this weekend!! Love Jennifer Aniston's hair…she can do no wrong with me. And I LOVED the twists in Gone Girl! one of the best books I read last year.

  6. Jodi says:

    I've been meaning to read that book. I just have another to finish. Also, I may need to try that K-Cup pack. Enjoy your kid-free weekend!

  7. Carroll says:

    What a fun Friday Five!! I'm loving the Pumpkin Spice flavor of coffee in that set — it really tastes like fall! Also, Gone Girl has been on my list and I now want to move it closer to the top. 🙂 Thanks for the rec. Hope you have a blast this weekend!!

  8. Jess Norden says:

    Fun list!!! I hope you have so much fun this weekend…and I hope Daddy survives!!! 🙂

  9. I just got a Keurig so I am loving trying all the different flavors. I think the cut and/or color would look great on you!

  10. love love love that girl lady man boss quote! it's one of my all time favorites, I need to get a printable of that for my office!! have such a fun girls weekend, they're the best!

  11. YAY for an overnight girls trip! I hope you have a great time and that Jeff survives without you 😉 I'm chopping my hair (just a bit!) today too! It's time for a little change!

  12. Whitney says:

    I just finished Gone Girl yesterday! I loved it…not real sure about the ending, but OMG you are right it is a page-turner!! Have a fun girls weekend!

  13. I loved Gone Girl! Beware, Flynn's other books are not nearly as good though!

    Have fun with your bestie this weekend!

  14. Meredith says:

    Oh I need to get that k-cup sample pack. Can't wait to see your hair. Have a great weekend away!

  15. Cherish says:

    Girls weekends are the best, have a fabulous time!

  16. I love those quotes! Especially the Eleanor Roosevelt one – it's so true! Yaay for girls weekends!! I hope you have a fabulous time!!

  17. Jen Gordon says:

    I LOVED gone girl!!! I am hoping to find another book just as good! Mama needs new reads! lol!

  18. Loved Gone Girl too! Such a twisty ending, I love it.

  19. that cinnamon bun k cup sounds amazing!! I love the idea for a hair cut too 🙂

  20. I couldn't put down Gone Girl…didn't love the ending, but thought it was a great read. I'm chopping my hair off tomorrow….it'll be anything but a "mom cut" lol…I can't wait to have something a little fresher.

    I had no idea about that K-Cup sampler….that definitely is right up my alley…I hate when I have K-Cup buyer's remorse.

    Have a great weekend!

  21. Candice Lynn says:

    Short hair doesn't always mean mom cut 😉 Sorry I"m missing the party…makes me super sad 🙁

  22. I loved Gone Girl, too … a true page-turner. Have a BLAST this weekend, take lots of pics! (something you never have to say to a blogger)

  23. I saw that collection of k-cups on Amazon this week too. Definitely tempting!

  24. Sweet friend, here's my main question ::::: how do you find time to READ??? 😉 Just kidding – I guess I could fit it in too, but we've been spending 2 hours a night watching Breaking Bad. We're addicted. But, I so need to read. Ordering this book!

    Happy weekend, dear!!! Hugs to you and those angels!

  25. I've been hearing a lot about this book so I think it's time to check it out! And I love the quotes – think less, live more is something I am always reminding myself to do more of. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  26. Such a great blog and thanks for co-hosting! I'm excited to be a new follower of yours! 🙂

  27. Kelly Sue says:

    I just got a different hairstyle look for the fall and you and I both have similar hair. My hairdresser knows I am afraid of change, but knew I wanted something different but didn't want to scare me! 🙂 easily done with me. So in order to start the process of going a little darker(light brown), she put lowlights in the back and all the way up the sides, but left the front pcs lighter blond. Next time we will add a few more, and eventually I will have less blond for the fall/winter months. It looks really cute. http://www.coastalkel.com

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