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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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five on friday


October 25, 2013

one. 60 days until christmas
i know some of you may hate me for pointing this out to you, but today marks 60 days until the day when santa claus comes to visit…december 25th will creep up on us before we know it, which means i need to make lists for all my favorite people! cannot wait for my the holiday season and all the joy that encompasses the next few months…food, festive music, family, and fun!

two. bye bye baby weight
so, it’s been awhile since i have shed any light on the baby weight loss…as of today, we still have 5 pounds to go. since i’m not nursing as much as i was, my caloric intake has decreased as well, so that is helping, along with weight training, classes at the gym, and loads of cardio. toning has been a bit trickier this time, but i’ve got my goals in order and i will be hitting that number soon, I PROMISE. although it might be a bit longer than i talked about originally given the fact i just talked about the holidays and you all know my love of sweets and treats. bring on the sweaters and leggings!!

three. cute cooler
is this not the cutest way to display adult beverages at a kiddie party? this is totally random, and yes more geared towards summer, but i pinned this the other day because i thought it was GENIUS!

four. birthday celebrations
yesterday, caroline and i spent the day with my grandparents, aunt winnie, and mimi celebrating my gran’s birthday…sometimes, you need to put life on hold to spend time with those you love the most and this was one of those days. we baked a cake, hand delivered her cards, and took a few hours to savor with the woman who has made our family what we are today. she is a woman of grace, strength, and both caroline and i are lucky i am lucky to be named after her. birthdays are the best and i hope her wishes for this next year come true!!

five. fun weekend ahead
it’s here, it’s here, the weekend is here. it’s the last one in october and i am sad to see this month coming to an end. we are taking it easy tonight, then venturing off to the zoo tomorrow with jeff’s family for the ghouls at the zoo event, and then headed to aunt winnie’s for fall fest!! and no, it doesn’t stop there… sunday morning is miss carson’s baptism and brunch and we are happy that our family and friends will be there to celebrate our sweet baby’s big day. cheers to a blessed weekend lovelies.

  1. Meredith says:

    So exited about Christmas, I'm so ready to put my tree up!! I've already bought Millie's big present and I can't wait to give it to her!! I hope y'all have a fabulous weekend with Miss Carson's baptism.

  2. Miss Lena says:

    Wow, I can't believe we are that close to Christmas! When you put it in terms of days, it makes it feel that much closer! Better get my butt in gear if I want to stay on top of shopping this year!

  3. I'm talking about Christmas today too! It really is right around the corner and it's never too early to start shopping. I already have! Gotta beat the crowds when you have to take a little one along with you shopping!

  4. Chelsea says:

    I am so excited about Christmas too.. Every time I see a countdown for Christmas it means it is closer to the day we get to meet our baby girl 🙂

  5. P!nky says:

    WOOHOO! GO you! I know you'll rock those 5 pounds away asap!

    YAY christmas

  6. Jodi says:

    I was thinking the same thing yesterday that it was two months from Christmas Eve. Can't wait! We did our Zoo Boo last weekend and my son loved it. Happy Baptism Day to Carson!

  7. Megan says:

    I am so excited for Christmas as well! It may only be 60 days out, but it will be here sooner than you know!

  8. That cooler idea is genius! oh my word, I cannot believe only 60 days?! shew got a lot of shopping to start on!! 🙂

  9. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! It sounds like it will be filled with family and fun, and memories!!

  10. What a big weekend ahead!!! Hope you all have so much fun at the zoo and C's baptism! So sweet!

    And happy 60 day's until Christmas! xo

  11. Your Christmas countdown has me so excited!!! Favorite time of the year! Have a great weekend – can't wait to hear how Carson's baptism goes, such a special time!

  12. Jess Norden says:

    I can't wait for Christmas! I, too, am sad to see October go, but I love the start of the holiday season.

    We put adult drinks in a kiddie pool at Cameron's 1st birthday this summer!! It was a perfect use of a $10 toy!

  13. Congrats on being so close to shedding all of the baby weight!! I'm sad to see October end as well! It seem this month has literally flown by! & I love the idea of the adult cooler at a kiddie party! HAHA! Hope y'all have a great weekend! Hope to hear about Carson's sweet baptism!

  14. {Jessica} says:

    Cannot believe that Christmas is so close!!! Crazy! I need to get my rear in gear!!!!

  15. Tara says:

    I love counting down to Christmas, too (and all the sweet treats :)!

  16. mandysmoney says:

    Yay christmas! I LOVE that picture

  17. Pamela says:

    You go, girl!! Have a great weekend!

  18. Caroline says:

    I think the statement about it only being 60 days until Christmas has started to make me hyperventilate! Ahhhhh!

  19. I'm counting down to Christmas too – best time of the year, hands down!

  20. I LOVE the 60 days until Christmas reminder. I've been counting down since there were 100 days until Christmas… yea, it's one of my favorite holidays! I'm also loving the "smart girls use dumbbells" picture. I need to become one of those smart girls who use dumbbells!

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