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Holiday Card Giveaway…Hello Cardstore


November 18, 2013

I think everyone is more generous during the holidays, and a blogger should be, too! I promised you I’d be running some fun giveaways over these next few weeks, and this one is sure to excite a lot of you out there…especially if you’re like me and LOVE some good holiday cards! Any excuse to send out personalized mail is good in my book.

I have introduced you to Cardstore before and I am back this time talking about their Christmas, Holiday, and festive greetings for all those merry friends and family on your mailing lists. Here are a few of my favorites:

Adorable, right?? I’m proud to partner with such a stellar company that helps you personalize your cards, and integrate your personal touch to the greetings you send. For this giveaway, we’re offering one lucky reader 50 free holiday cards to use as you like, and customize with your unique preferences. See entry specifics below and good luck! 
  1. Mel says:

    I love the Joyful Joyful card!

  2. Mel says:

    My favorite tradition is picking out our Christmas tree and then bringing it home and getting it all set up to decorate. I love the fresh pine and the anticipation of everything that comes along with the season.

  3. Tara Smith says:

    I love creating and sending out Christmas cards, however they do get pricey when you have to send out a lot. Great giveaway!

  4. Thank you for hosting a great giveaway! I actually need to order my Christmas cards, still, so this would be great to win! 🙂 Have a great Monday!

  5. I love baking cookies and decorating the house for Christmas.

  6. Amy says:

    I love the lettering overlay with candy canes 🙂

  7. mhg says:

    I love, "Wishing You the Merriest of Seasons!" So simple and festive!

  8. mhg says:

    We have a brand new baby for Christmas this year and I am dying to carry on so many traditions that my mom started with our family. This year I am loving shopping for the little one and reading her all kinds of Christmas stories!

  9. Nina H says:

    I love the Joy and Love card!

  10. Nina H says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is opening stockings on christmas morning!

  11. Rychelly says:

    This year we are a family of 3 instead of 2 and I am so excited to create some new traditions but my favorite will be taking her to the Trail of lights at the zoo!! So much to look forward to!!

  12. Rychelly says:

    Love the Christmas wonders card!! So cute!!

  13. Jessi Otey says:

    What a FABULOUS giveaway- I use cardstore for almost every birthday as well! Favorite holiday tradition for me? Making our rounds to the families on Christmas Day! (even though it is super tiring!)

  14. Rebecca says:

    Awesome giveaway! I haven't even started on Christmas cards yet — I need to get on it!

  15. So excited about this giveaway. There are so many cute cards it would be hard to choose just one.

  16. I am so behind on Christmas cards this year! I love the white lettering overlay.

  17. Ashley says:

    I love the Monogram Noel card


  18. Ashley says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is making these 2 casseroles on Christmas morning that my mom made every year when we were growing up. I love that I can continue the tradition with my kids


  19. SEW-G says:

    I love the giveaway! So many of the cards are so cute, it would be hard to pick just one!

  20. SEW-G says:

    One of my favorite Holiday traditions is decorating our house! I put on festive music and we drink warm drinks and enjoy getting into the season!

  21. Alivia says:

    Making our family's Dutch cookies!

  22. I love the Ed ribbon overlay design!

  23. Alivia says:

    12 photo-a year in review is my pick!

  24. I love these cards- any of the ones with wreaths or a monogram are my fav! I love decorating the house with my husband and picking out a Christmas tree. My birthday is Christmas eve so we always have a big family breakfast on Christmas Eve- I love it!

  25. khotop says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is taking a walk with the family on Christmas morning. It sounds a little silly, but in mid-Missouri, the weather is usually crisp and chilly. We all get bundled up before opening any gifts, grab a cup of coffee and enjoy the silence and togetherness in our neighborhood. There are never any cars out, you can see families gathering for the holidays and the smell of fireplace smoke and (hopefully) snow!

  26. khotop says:

    For card choices, I LOVE the Merry Christmas overlay one. Very festive!

  27. Kelly says:

    Great giveaway! Nice reminder to start designing those Christmas cards!

  28. Brittnee says:

    Such an awesome giveaway! My favorite would have to be Joy Red Ribbon Overlay, it just draws your attention so easily.

    My favorite holiday tradition would have to be making my mom's Christmas mix. It's amazing and I stuff my face with it all the time.

  29. Ashley says:

    It's tough to pick, I love their cards! They aren't overwhelming like some sites. I would pick the Playful Monogram & trees.

  30. Ashley says:

    I'm excited to start new traditions with Colton this year, I think my favorite will be picking out a small tree for our porch.

  31. mandysmoney says:

    I love the Twas the Night Before Christmas card! It would be perfect for our little fur-family

  32. mandysmoney says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is baking all the same cookies that my grandmother and mother used to make as well as putting up our Christmas tree on Black Friday after shopping of course!

  33. Elisabeth says:

    My favorite holiday tradition was when we'd put on our pj's, put hot chocolate in our travel mugs, and ride around looking at Christmas lights. I miss those days!

  34. Elisabeth says:

    My favorite card is the "red script on Noel white." It's so sleek and cute. I love it! And if I won this giveaway, it'd be such a huge blessing!!

  35. Taylor says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is definitely Christmas Eve service! Such a special time 🙂

  36. jamie vespa says:

    This is so great. My favorite tradition is decorating the tree. It's usually done by my mom and I, but since I moved in with my fiance I'm looking forward to making it our own! And my favorite card is the Joy red ribbon overlay! So cute!

    Jamie @
    The Growing Up Diaries

  37. Kimberly says:

    Love all of these! Can't wait to see your sweet little ones on a Christmas card 🙂

  38. Kelly says:

    My favorite design is the Your Message on Chalkboard. I like that it has multiple openings for pictures and I can incorporate Christmas and New Years together!

  39. Kelly says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is spending as much time as possible with my famiy!

  40. Oh, this is perfect timing. It is on my list to look for Christmas cards! 🙂 Thanks!!!!

  41. This is seriously one of my FAVORITE things to do for the holiday season, and our first year being engaged, so much fun!! I love the Green Stripes and Red Circle 🙂 Our favorite holiday tradition is hanging up our ornaments that we've collected thru the years.. we sit back and talk about where we were traveling and how fun the memories were!

  42. Ericka says:

    My favorite is the photo tree collage on chalkboard…so darn cute!

  43. Ericka says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is opening present/stockings Christmas morning, while Christmas music plays in the background…doesn't get much better than that!

  44. Jackie says:

    I love helping my mom bake for Christmas dinner!

  45. Jackie says:

    I love the Photo Tree Collage on Chalkboard!

  46. Jen says:

    I love the monogram with Kraft paper card!

  47. Jen says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is Christmas eve we do a big pasta dinner (we're Italian) and Christmas craft.

  48. Ooh I like the painted brush strokes card!

  49. My favorite holiday tradition is baking cookies with my mom for all our friends and family!

  50. kelseylynae says:

    Great giveaway! All the cards are great, but I like the Joyful, Joyful because of its simplicity.

    My favorite holiday tradition growing up was going to the Christmas Eve service, then celebrating my mom's birthday [on Christmas Eve!] afterwards then getting to sleep with my sister [we normally had our own rooms] and waking up early and spending Christmas morning with our family and reading the Christmas story together before opening presents.

  51. Kelly says:

    There are so many cute cards on the website. I love the card with the tree made out of many pictures and the happy holidays card with many photos. It seems like a great way to showcase some favorite Instagram pictures!

  52. Kelly says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is decorating sugar cookies together. My mom is so excited to do it this year with my two year old she can hardly stand it:).

  53. LuLu says:

    I desperately need to order my Christmas cards but can't settle on a design and still don't have a picture I love yet.

  54. Laura says:

    Love them! Favorite tradition had to be decorating the tree while a good Christmas movie plays in the background 🙂

  55. Pamela says:

    I love baking with my mom! 🙂

  56. Sparkle is one of my favorite! Love the gold glitter.

  57. I LOVE driving through the "downtown" of my grandparents tiny hometown and looking at the lights and decorations on our way to and from their house on Christmas Eve.

  58. My favorite card is the photo with glitter look overlay and my favorite holiday tradition is riding around my hometown looking at all the houses on main street decorated for Christmas!

  59. Celeste says:

    I like the Psalm 96 card design. 🙂

  60. Celeste says:

    So many favorite traditions… church services, baking cookies, looking at Christmas lights around town together, etc.

  61. Katie says:

    I love the Magic of Christmas chalkboard card!

  62. Katie says:

    Too many fun traditions to pick just one…watching Christmas Vacation, Christmas Eve service, stockings! I love it all!

  63. I love Christmas cards! And as a newlywed, it's so fun to send out cards from us! There are so many cute ones to pick from! But of course, a girl has to make sure the card doesn't clash with the outfits in the picture, ha!

  64. Brandi says:

    I love them all! I can never choose a layout until we have the picture chosen. My favorite tradition is new jammies on Christmas Eve and our Christmas book advent calendar. My boys get so excited every night and reason a new holiday story.

  65. These are so adorable!! I have been looking for the perfect holiday card & these are so nice! I love the Joy 2013!

  66. meg1t says:

    i love white lettering overlay. and my fav christmas tradition is eating the same breakfast each year after we open presents…and this is the only time during the year we have this special recipe!

  67. My favorite holiday tradition is painting Christmas sugar cookies!

  68. I like the White Peace Overlay or Merry Christmas Tag. Such cute cards!

  69. Kelly says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is traveling to see my niece and nephews in Savannah, Georgia for Thanksgiving and Christmas!

  70. Megan says:

    Favorite holiday tradition is going to be a new one this year.. unwrapping a book each night leading to Christmas <3

  71. Megan says:

    I like the White Peace Overlay 🙂

  72. I made our family's design using the Magic of Christmas Chalkboard Art this weekend… now just waiting for a good deal to come along! 🙂

  73. My favorite tradition is listening to Wilford Brimley's rendition of "The Night Before Christmas" (on a casette tape!) after getting home from the Christmas Eve candlelight service at church!

  74. Haley says:

    Aww I love the last one!

  75. Haley says:

    My favorite tradition is Christmas morning breakfast.. hands down!

  76. Angela says:

    I love that I finally get to send out Christmas cards this year. Lots of happiness to announce!

  77. Angela says:

    My favorite tradition is Waffle House after Christmas Eve service

  78. Sarah says:

    I love watching Elf 🙂

  79. Jess says:

    I love the photo tree collage!

  80. Jess says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is picking out our tree every year

  81. ginny ellis says:

    Loving the White Joy Overlay!

  82. ginny ellis says:

    I never intend to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, but the holiday magic pulls me in. A morning in pjs with just my husband+kids before the craziness of the day is a tradition worth looking forward to every year.

  83. Caitlin Dade says:

    Merry Christmas Overlay is my fav 🙂

  84. Caitlin Dade says:

    My favorite tradition is cooking with the fam.

  85. Love the joy red ribbon card

  86. Also fav tradition is playing "grab bag" with my family. It's a tame version of dirty Santa.

  87. Kendra Lee says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is Christmas morning breakfast with my family. We have eggs, french toast, butter braids, sausgae, bacon, and much more!! Such a good time with great food!

  88. Kendra Lee says:

    Love the Hope was Born Chalkboard card!

  89. Jamie Pruitt says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is opening presents on Christmas Eve with the family and then Santa visiting Christmas morning!!

  90. Love the joyful,joyful card. Favorite holiday tradition is going to cut down our Christmas tree at the local tree farm followed by a big mug of hot cocoa!!

  91. Bethany says:

    I like the white lettering overlay! And I love holiday cards

  92. I love the simpleness of the Joy red ribbon one you have pictured!

  93. Favorite holiday tradition is going to see christmas lights!

  94. cw says:

    I like the Christmas WOnder card.

    a favorite tradition is cutting down our own tree

  95. Laura says:

    Love these cards! My favorite is Merry and Bright Geometric Ornaments!

  96. Laura says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is designating one person to be the "elf" who passes out all of the presents!

  97. Sarah says:

    I loooooove me some Christmas Cards!!!

  98. Heather says:

    Love the White Peace Overlay card. Huge fan of Cardstore because they will mail your cards for you! Major timesaver!

  99. Heather says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is decorating Christmas cookies with my family.

  100. Rebecca W says:

    Love the white lettering overlay!!!! Can't wait to see your cute cards this year!!!

  101. Rebecca W says:

    My favorite holiday tradition is when we all pack into the car with our hot chocolate, cookies and Christmas music blaring and check out all the beautiful holiday lights.

  102. I love the simplicity and classic look of the joy red ribbon card!

  103. My mom's Italian so every Christmas Eve we make homemade lasagna and have a traditional Italian dinner after Christmas eve service. Its a special way to celebrate my mom's heritage and get more quality time with the whole family!

  104. Lainey says:

    My favorite Christmas tradition is eating breakfast casserole and grapefruit with mimosas and bloody marys before we open stockings!

  105. My favorite holiday card is the Merry Ampersand Bright. Love it!

  106. ooohh.. my favorite holiday tradition is opening gifts on Christmas Eve after church.

  107. Andrea says:

    I love the christmas wonder card! 🙂

  108. Andrea says:

    my favorite holiday tradition is our annual christmas eve party!

  109. MarshMellow says:

    i love the Joyful joy card!

  110. MarshMellow says:

    Making gingerbread houses..snuggling up on the sofa in our new pjs watching our newest Christmas movie!

  111. Laura says:

    I love the Merry Little Christmas card…I'd like to combine a baby announcement and Christmas card to save a little on postage and that would be perfect. 🙂

  112. Laura says:

    I don't really have a favorite tradition, but I love how putting up decorations makes me remember past holidays.

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