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I’m Still Living in Fall…Halloween 2013


November 26, 2013

I know, it’s been almost a month since Halloween, and by this time most of you are already putting up your Christmas trees…oh I wish. Blog post planning has taken a backseat and I feel like I am a horrid mom because I am just now posting these pictures…I almost gave in and said no I can regain my composure on this subject next year, but I want this stuff documented dang it, so here goes nothing:

painting (aka markering) the pumpkin before carving it up!
forget the shirt…it’s time to get down to business

Halloween was great this year…no crying and no meltdowns, though the city of Nashville decided that due to rain and wind, they would pretty much hold off trick-or-treating for Friday night, November 1st. Me, being the rebel that I am, said absolutely not, we are not celebrating Halloween any other night than October 31st and we went on our merry little way to see friends and family. I’ll show you!
P.S. I was right…it rained a tiny bit, but nothing crazy like they forecasted (surprise surprise) and we had a wonderful time dressing up our little mini goblins. (P.S. if it rained on Halloween when we were growing up, WE WENT ANYWAYS…there are things called umbrellas for a reason!!)
My girls will hate me one day for the “matching” costumes, but there is simply nothing sweeter than two babes dressed up in costumes that coordinate…introducing my monkey and banana.

 holy heck we got a family picture!! i know, i was shocked, too
haha…momma, i can’t see!
  ohhh candy!! 
 her face says it all…”let’s get this over with”
 are they not the cutest little things ever??

  1. Oh my gosh! Cutest little monkey and banana I've ever seen!

  2. BLovedBoston says:

    Too cute for words!! I always said when I have a little one they are getting dressed up as a monkey!! 🙂


  3. This is so sweet! Better late than never, right?!

  4. Emily Powell says:

    So cute! We are still in full on fall mode here. No Christmas for us until AFTER thanksgiving!

  5. HAHA! I love their little costumes!! I'm not sure I could resist dressing them in coordinating outfits either!!

  6. Taylor Perry says:

    Awe Very Cute!!!!!! Better Late then never thats for-sure, those photos are worth holding
    on to Fall!!!

  7. Ericka says:

    Monkey and banana, I love it! Too Cute!

  8. Dawn says:

    Your little monkey and banana were super cute!!

  9. Jess Norden says:

    Too cute!! You look JUST like your beautiful mom in that family picture!

  10. I love that you shared all these pictures!! It's never too late to share Halloween costumes. 🙂

  11. melissa says:

    I'm with you – not ready for Christmas. Wasn't it JUST Halloween? I haven't blogged about it either. Your girls were absolutely adorable! I'm sure the day will come when they don't want to coordinate but until then, live it up! I sure would!

  12. Whitney says:

    Such sweet pictures! I can totally understand the trick-or-treating thing…we did the same…cold/hot storming/sunny it didn't matter! 🙂 Glad to see someone else who wants to pass this on!

  13. This is absolutely precious!! Love Love the monkey and banana idea!

  14. Nat says:

    Oh my gosh this is so precious!! My mom always dressed me and my sister in matching or coordinating outfits growing up- love it!

  15. Carroll says:

    What an adorable costume combo! I'm so glad y'all had so much fun trick or treating. 🙂

  16. Ashley says:

    Love the combo!!! Colton went as a monkey too, same costume! Without the bow, of course 😉

  17. Kate says:

    Hahaha!!! I love it! When Trace has a little sibling one day (down the road) I want to dress them as a monkey and banana — so cute!

  18. can't get enough of the costumes!! so sweet!!

  19. I love their costume combo!!!!

  20. Get out your girls are so adorable! Love the monkey and banana!

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