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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Pumpkin Patching with the Wee Ones


November 7, 2013

I mentioned this on Twitter the other day and got some feedback letting me know I’m not alone in my thinking…as soon as Halloween is over and the costumes are packed away, everyone fast forwards to Christmas and leaves sweet Thanksgiving behind. It’s so sad to me…Thanksgiving totally gets the shaft. I am not a Scrooge, for I LOVE Christmas, but hear me out. Thanksgiving is more than pumpkin pie and football and scouring sales papers for Black Friday deals…it’s all about spending time with those you hold closest to your heart and giving thanks in appreciation for all God has blessed us with, right? I think we all need a reminder every once in awhile as we tend to scramble around like crazy people during the upcoming holiday season.
Anyways, sorry to ramble, but today I’m showing off (a tad bit late), our trip to the pumpkin patch last week…try to hold back your enthusiasm 😉

My little helper…Miss CC has good taste in pumpkins!
 I die…she is getting way too big for her britches these days with sass for miles and miles
 Posing in the props…yes, I was more into it than her
 Yay for pumpkins to decorate!!
 Carson was in a great mood post nap 😉
 We brought Miss Alex along with us, too!
 Sister photo time…this is where it gets majorly tricky
 This baby gets cuter by the minute I tell you
 Kisses for sister
 Are they not adorable? I know, I am biased, but heavens to betsy I’m obsessed
 CC now says “cheee” and poses for pictures…hehehe

I’ll be back soon showing off their festive Halloween attire…yes, better late than never, but that’s the best I can do these days my friends. I know some of you can relate. As for us, we are quarantined at home right now with two sick little minis…and a mama that isn’t feeling much better. I know, perfect timing, right after I mentioned how thankful I was for our good health last week…  :/

  1. Lauren says:

    These are all such sweet pictures, you have two beautiful girls!! Love their outfits 🙂

  2. love the sweet pictures! i'm always a sucker for preshie pumpkin patch pics!!! so adorable! xx

  3. Meredith says:

    They're are so adorable. Millie says "cheeeese" it's so darn cute. ?

  4. Good gracious they are so pretty! Sass for miles, I love it!

  5. Rebecca Jo says:

    CUTE ALERT!!!!!… those girls in those Halloween outfits… PRECIOUS!!!!

  6. Sarah says:

    Precious precious babies! They are absolutely adorable! 🙂

  7. Tess says:

    Too sweet! I love Carson's boots.

    Hope you 3 are feeling better soon! xo

  8. Caitlin says:

    They are two of the most precious darlings!!! You all look great and the pictures all came out great!
    I hope you and the little ones feel better ASAP!

  9. Kristin says:

    Carson looks so happy!

  10. So beyond adorable!! Love all the fun you're having getting them dressed up too! They're so lucky to have a fashionable mama to look up to!! 🙂

  11. Aww! You're girls are so precious!!-

  12. Jess Norden says:

    They are so cute! The picture of the three of you is precious!!

  13. You look so great! Love their festive little outfits!

  14. Alexa says:

    They are so cute. Love their little Halloween outfits!

  15. Awww, two darling little girls and two darling moms! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!

  16. emily says:

    Very cute!!!!

    (and I totally agree that Thanksgiving gets a shaft!)

  17. Jessica says:

    I am obsessed with them!!!!!! Seriously, could they be any cuter?! LOVE LOVE LOVE.

  18. they are seriously the cutest!!!

  19. Cherish says:

    Your girls are so adorable! And I completely agree with you, Thanksgiving totally gets the shaft. It's one of my favorite holidays and kinda the calm before the storm of total Christmas craziness.

  20. Sara says:

    I absolutely cannot get over how cute those two are. Every time I think I'm close, you go and pull something like this on me and dress them in adorable holiday clothes and prop them on pumpkins. I CAN'T HANDLE IT.

  21. such cuties! Carson's smile is adorable!

  22. Jodi says:

    Your girls are too cute! I totally agree with you about Thanksgiving. I love the holidays but it's ashame Thanksgiving gets overlooked. It's my favorite holiday!

  23. So sweet! I love their outfits. Too perfect. Hope you all feel better soon!

  24. Nat says:

    Oh my gosh they are too cute!! I love their little outfits! Little girl clothes are just too cute.

  25. Mrs Gable says:

    Does her outfit come in my size!

  26. Laura Graham says:

    these pictures are adorable!!Carson is such a happy baby and is always all smiles!

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