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Five on Friday


January 31, 2014

One. The Lone Survivor. Jeff and I took advantage of a free afternoon the other day and went to see the movie he has been begging to watch for the past few weeks. I haven’t read the book (though I am going to have to now), but it was absolutely incredible, gut wrenching, and I don’t think I took my eyes off the screen for the entire two hours. This is a must see in my book, based on a true story, showing the valor of the brave men and women who protect us each and every day. Ya’ll seriously, go see this movie. And P.S. can I just proclaim how much I love Mark Wahlberg?? He is awesome.

Two. Good Books. Speaking of reading, I can happily say that I have gone above and beyond my goal of reading one book a month for January and have finished all four of these good reads. (yes, there is a sneak of what’s to come very, very soon!). And yes, by now I think you realize I’m fascinated with all things MOC.

Three. Lung Leavin’ Day. Last week, I was contacted by a blog reader named Heather who battled   mesothelioma, a rare cancer caused by asbestos exposure. She has an incredible story, one where she was told she had 15 months to live when she was diagnosed, and she had just given birth to her daughter. After undergoing a risky surgery to remove her left lung, she beat the odds, is an 8-year survivor, and has created Lung Leavin’ Day as a way to commemorate a day her life changed forever.

This holiday is used to encourage others to face their fears, and rid yourself of the things that prevent us from living life to the fullest. Every year, friends and family gather at her house on February 2 for a bonfire where they write their fears on plates and smash them into the fire. You can visit her interactive page here and virtually break your plate, too. (and yes, I broke my plate…my fear is failure and letting others down) 

Four. The Pickle Jar. I am always struggling with time management, to-do lists, and how to make the most of each day. I wanted to take a minute to share a new strategy I recently read about in the book “Perform Like a Rock Star and Still Have Time for Lunch” because it’s simple, and it works. There are a few articles I found that help to understand the theory, and I have included links to those here and here. I’m telling you, take five minutes to read this…it’s really easy and can help you work smarter, not harder. It’s all about filling your jar with the things that matter, and eliminating as much of the sand and water as you can.

Five. ATL “Work” Trip. This weekend, I am in Atlanta on a fun little work trip, and funny enough, it just happens to be the week that a crazy snowstorm invaded the city. Thank gosh I have a companion AKA best friend who is here with me to join in on the fun. Meg and I headed down to the frozen ATL tundra last night after she got off work and now we’re here for the big apparel mart. They say when you’re doing something you love, it doesn’t feel like work…and that is totally the scenario right now for me as well. Cheers to a few days with the BFF, some yummy food, and loads of shopping with all the other crazies here.
Happy weekend lovelies!!

  1. Caitlin C says:

    Lone Survivor was a phenomenal movie. It brought me to tears, and that doesn't happen often. If that doesn't make you appreciate our military nothing will. Thanks for hosting the link-up!

    Caitlin C

  2. The A-mart in Atlanta is indeed AWESOME! Enjoy your weekend, time with your bff and hoping you have safe travels!

  3. My fiancÊ read Lone Survivor and is dying to see the movie…will have to make it happen when we have a date night!!! Xx.

  4. Thank you for posting those links for time management and prioritizing! I think I will need to pick a couple of those books up myself 😉 I can't wait to see what you have in store! xo

  5. Kelly-Belly says:

    Welcome to Atlanta…lol! : ) Hope you have a good weekend.

  6. Jess Norden says:

    We saw Lone Survivor, too…holy gosh!! I was a bawling mess at the end. You have me SO intrigued with all of these links, causes and strategies! I Have a lot of websites to read today. 🙂 Happy Friday!!

  7. Kelli Kegley says:

    I saw Lone Survivor last night and I agree… SO GOOD. It made me want to go find every military person I could find and just hug them. Not that I didn't appreciate them before, it just made it so much more real, I guess.

    New to the link up this week. Glad to have found your blog!

  8. Hi Natasha! I'm a new follower, linking up for 5 on Friday for the first time. I love your blog so far. 🙂 I'm dying to see that movie, I've heard the same things about it over and over. Maybe tonight?! And, congrats on reading 4 books in January. That's awesome. My goal is to read #14booksin2014 and I blew Jan out of the water this month too, with 3 books and not one. Enjoy your weekend in Atl and good luck with this new business venture. Sounds exciting!

  9. Love Surviver was such an intense movie. I don't think I took a breath the whole time! Glad to once again be a part of this link up and thanks for hosting it! happy friday!!

  10. I've had a good feeling what your new career venture would consist of and this just solidifies it … UM, so very excited!

    And I, too, can vouch for Lone Survivor. Ian read it on our honeymoon a few years ago and has been dying for the movie to come out. We loved it! A true testament to what heroes we really have fighting for us daily.

  11. Pamela says:

    Loved Lone Survivor!

  12. Brandi says:

    I really want to see Lone Survivor! Though I'm a little nervous about how I might react emotionally—a dear friend was killed in Afghanistan three years ago, so I'm pretty sure the movie will be a hard one for me 🙂

  13. I need to get those books!! & Lone Survivor is on our list of movies to see for sure – def at the top!! Can't wait to see it! Have a fun weekend!! (Doesn't sound like that's going to be hard to do!! :))

  14. Ashley says:

    SO excited to see this new venture take shape!! I was hoping it was an online clothing store…you've got great style!
    Enjoy ATL 🙂

  15. J and A says:

    We loved that movie too and reading the book is on my to do list. Have a fantastic weekend!!

  16. Whitney says:

    We're going to see Lone Survivor tonight…my husband just finished the book (and he doesn't usually read! LOL) and is begging to go, so date night it is for us! 🙂 Enjoy your weekend in Atlanta!

  17. Ah have fun in ATL, hope it clears up there for you! I think we're going to see Lone Survivor this weekend, I've heard so many good things! Have a great weekend!

  18. Tess says:

    Ummm, it sounds like you have something VERY awesome under your sleeve and I cannot wait to hear all about it. You are a rockstar and I have no doubt whatever it is – it'll be a smashing success!

  19. Jess says:

    I can't wait to see what you have in store and I'm going to read that article asap. I need to do a better job at organizing and completing to-dos without getting overwhelmed.

  20. I think I'm going to have to hold off on Lone Survivor until post-baby. No one wants to sit in a theater with a sobbing pregnant woman. haha.

    Online retail business? You have my full attention! 🙂

    I CANNOT believe you are in ATL during the snowpocalypse! Have so much fun with Meg! xo

  21. Carroll says:

    Can't wait to hear more about your future venture! Have fun in Atlanta and hope it thaws out soon!! 🙂

  22. melissa says:

    Looks like some interesting reading. I'm VERY excited to hear more about this online retail business and ATL trip. Sounds awesome!

  23. Ashley P says:

    I am getting my groove back into reading since bringing home our darling girl (8 months ago). That Moms on Call book looks great – I'm going to have to check it out!! Thanks for sharing!

    New follower here on Bloglovin'

    you can find me writing about "Life on the Parsons Farm" at
    atparsons.blogspot.com hope you stop by!

  24. Lizzie Roles says:

    The film looks amazing & right up our street. Well done on the reading score, I fail dismally at reading although I love it & must read more! Still waiting with bated breath at the business reveal, hope it's all going well. Have a great weekend L xx

  25. Lone Survivor was a wonderful movie! I don't typically like "war movies" but this one was amazing!

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