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Life with Two…Helpful Tips and Tricks


January 14, 2014

Some of you have posted comments like “how do you get the girls ready and matching and dressed?” and other related questions, so I thought I would take time to write a post about how I manage this sweet little circus show…and throw in some tip that really help keep the chaos at bay, most of the time 🙂

1. Pack the bags the night before. For example, if we are going to church on Sunday morning, I pack Caroline’s backpack and Carson’s diaper bag the night before. That way, I’m not scrambling to shove everything into their totes before we run out of the house. It is SO much easier that way and then I’m not fearing I forgot to pack diapers, formula, bottles, snacks, etc. Trust me on this one…if you don’t do it, change your strategy because this has been a game changer for us!

2. Keep extras in the car at all times. Yes, this is another win I discovered. We have a storage cube I keep in my trunk with extra diapers, wipes, sippy cups, bottles, blankets, change of clothes, etc in case we are out and run out of something. Sure, there are Walgreens everywhere, but it’s so convenient knowing I have these essentials in the car…especially when Jeff takes one of the girls out with him to run an errand and someone has messy britches (and yes, this happens A LOT).

3. Pick outfits out beforehand. Another pre-getting ready tip. I “line up” outfits in the girls’ closets. So, if Caroline has school 2 days, I set aside 2 outfits at the beginning of the week for her to wear. That way, I know it’s clean, ready to be put on, and that way, anybody can get her dressed…bow and all.

4. A portable toy bag/bin/box goes a long way. I refuse to give into the iPad in the car motto…at least for short, around town trips. With that, I have a toy basket I keep in the backseat filled with books, light-up toys, stuffed animals, etc to keep my busy little bees occupied AND happy. The best part is that since these items stay in the car, they are almost like new toys since they aren’t being used as frequently. The Target $1 aisle is a wonderful place to stock up on these types of fun necessities.

I know, it may seem “obvious” to think of these like this, but when you’re living in toddler tantrum and teething baby hell, you might just forget. Trust me, it happens to this mama. Got any go-to tricks that work for you?? Please share!

  1. Jess Norden says:

    I love these tips and tricks!! They do seem so obvious, but I hardly ever remember to do them!! When I do pack bags beforehand, everything else is so much easier! I love just being able to pick it up and run out the door knowing we have everything we need. I NEED a car basket of toys…I may have to borrow this idea 😉

  2. #3 is genius- especially since you have two girls! It's hilarious to me when Stephen gets Weeks dressed. He always puts on his jeans, a flannel or button down shirt and tennis shoes! lol.

  3. Bevin says:

    Great tips!! This may help my diaper bag not to be so HUGE crammed with extra outfits and car toys 🙂

  4. E Hayes says:

    great tips, A starts school in the spring so I'm sure well be adding these to our routine!

  5. Kim says:

    I just pinned this, so I could find it when I need it. Great ideas!

  6. Megan says:

    I pack Sofia's diaper bag the night before & pick out an outfit with matching bow! 🙂 I'll be adding your trunk bin to my organization list, LOVE! Genius idea, Mama. 🙂

    Hello Newlywed Life Blog

  7. Great tips!! I'm not a momma yet but, I know these will come in handy one day!!

  8. Alisha says:

    Great idea! I love the extra cube of necessities in the car.

  9. Meredith says:

    What a great idea!!! I layout all Millie's clothes the night before too and mine as well, but the toy idea is great!!!

  10. Kelly-Belly says:

    I have my trunk set up with a pillow and blanket in case I have to change their diaper there…believe me, it happens to the best of us! ; )

  11. These are great tips. I'm realizing that I need more in the car to entertain my daughter with, having a toy bin would be a great idea. Checking out Target's dollar spot today!

  12. Awesome tips! Packing the bag the night before is so hard to get motivated to do when the couch is so comfy! I'm with you in no iPads in the car. My boys look at books most of the time (or choose a little car to bring). There's never whining about needing to finish an iPad game or tv show when we arrive somewhere.

  13. Jodi says:

    I do all of these too! You have to be organized with kids!

  14. Meghan says:

    Packing the bag the night before helps so much! I'm guilty of the iPad in the car. I've decided id prefer a cry free car ride ;).

  15. feel free to share more of your super-mommy secrets! Although they may seem obvious to many mommies, these are all new strategies to me!!! bookmarking this now! thanks friend! xo

  16. Love these ideas! I do a few of these, but now i need to add a few more to my list.

  17. Love these secrets and tips! I will definitely be looking back at this when the time is right! 🙂

  18. Chandler says:

    I love all of these suggestions!! And that Kate Spade bag is wonderful!

  19. I love this! I especially like the tip about keeping toys in the car. We don't have an iPad and I don't like giving Owen my phone to play with, so he always plays with toys in the car, but they are ALL OVER the backseat along with random fishy crackers and sippy cups. I seriously need to get it together in the car and you've inspired me! Thanks!

  20. Renee says:

    Great advice I am storing away for when B2 arrives in the next 16/18 weeks. Also useful for now as a working mumma with an 18 month old to organise. Completely agree re packing bags the night before – its been a lifesaver many times over. X

  21. Nat says:

    Such great tips! I'm still working on getting myself organized to get out the door with just one. I need to get the car basket- that is a genius idea

  22. Kassi says:

    Love these! I'm pregnant with our 3rd and mornings are rough so I've also been making all of our breakfasts the night before. I can't believe the difference it makes. 🙂

  23. Great tips! Where is the orange polka dot basket from? It's the perfect size!

  24. Nicole-Lynn says:

    Thank you for this… especially the diaper bag one.. seems obvious but I really need to start doing that! 🙂

  25. Great ideas! One of my goals this year is to get our car organized and stocked with the little things that come in handy.

  26. Ashley P says:

    I am a huge believer in having a separate toy stash for the car!!

    You can find me writing "Life on the Parsons Farm" at: atparsons.blogspot.com

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