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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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bath time favorites… caroline and carson edition


February 18, 2014

bath time

Bath time is never a dull moment in our house…I can promise you that. From dodging waterfall splashes to praying someone doesn’t “make a mess” in the tub, it’s a carnival of fun when bathing two wee ones. Today I’m talking about some of our favorites:
Toys: Squeeze Toys / Water Variety / Bath Crayons: all of these help keep Caroline entertained when her and Carson share a bath. They are perfect for her small hands, great for skill building, and aren’t too messy (I’m talking about the crayons).
Baby Care: I’m an avid user of Johnson and Johnson products…they are easy on the wallet, smell great, and are gentle for my girls’ tender skin. Can’t lie-I’ve tried some of the pricier brands out there and always seem to revisit the tried and true J&J as I know I won’t be disappointed.
Washcloths / Towels / Mitts: We love the RH Baby and Child hooded towels for post bath drying. They are way absorbent, large in size, and have fun details and accents. We also use some made by Carters which are great, too.
The Other Essentials: Trying to maintain a safe bath environment is SO important, especially when I’m juggling two under two and praying no one bumps their head, falls, or has a total meltdown. We have the bath faucet cover which has saved us from a few bumps, and bath mats are great for when someone (i.e. Caroline) decides she no longer wants to sit. And those sweet rubber ducks with the heat indicators on the bottom are ever so helpful when they are teeny tiny newborns and you have no idea how hot is too hot. 😉

  1. Meredith says:

    Same here, bathtime is always a party!! I love the crayons and millie has a blast with them!!

  2. My boys are older and still loooove bath time! I may need to order some new towels that are exactly the same – they argue over who gets which one. I'm definitely checking out the RH ones!

  3. Some of those are our bath time favorites as well. 🙂

  4. Nat says:

    I love J&J products too- they can't be beat for the price. I'm going to check out those RH towels- we need some new bigger ones.

  5. Alexa says:

    Such a great roundup. Love the Mustela products and right now we're loving a watering can in the bathtub. Fun toy!

  6. Have you ever smelled the Noodle & Boo lotions? My mother in law gifted it to me for when our little one come in August. Ahh it smells SO GOOD!

  7. We're always looking for new bath toys! I'll have to check these out. Love the bath mat. It's adorable!
    The Grass Skirt

  8. Ashley P says:

    Ellie is totally starting to love bath time. But our toy selection is null except for a few books and a duck. What are some good toys that will entice a 9 month old but still work when she is older?

    You can find me blogging about "Life on the Parsons Farm" : atparsons.blogspot.com

  9. Jess Norden says:

    What a great list!! Bath time is ALWAYS interesting….I can't even imagine how it is with TWO! Bless you! 🙂 Cam LOVES his basketball hoop and boats…he's ALL boy. We bought the whale faucet cover, and it doesn't fit our faucet! I was so bummed!! Happy Wednesday!

  10. Jamie Pruitt says:

    I have a 17 month old and bath time is party time!! We love it!! We have the elephant faucet cover and my little one always tries to tickle it!! It has saved us from many bumps and bruises!! Thanks for sharing your fav's!!

  11. love the idea of just being there for someone. I am often afraid that I will offend someone–but you're right, there is so much power in presence!

  12. Sara Y says:

    I love j&j products. My daughter broke out with the regular yellow wash but does great with the purple bedtime moisture wash. Love the towels too.

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