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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Favorite Kids Product… Merino Kids Sleep Sack


February 3, 2014

I like to talk about great products when I find something that really works. Let’s face it…you can get bombarded with so many items when it comes to baby and child that it can be a bit overwhelming, so learning from others’ experience can be helpful. Today I’m talking about the Merino Kids Sleep Sack:

To put it simply, it’s the best sleep sack I’ve ever used…
I love that it has a thicker fabric than its competitors (100% natural merino wool), the design is genius in that it buttons AND zips, and it fits newborns to age 2 so it’s an item you can use for a long time which means you’re not having to buy new sleep sacks every 3-6 months. It’s allergy safe, itch free, and has an organic cotton outer layer as well. My other favorite details include the ability to naturally regulate a child’s body temperature, it meets all US and international safety standards, and the seat belt aperture allows you to put the baby in their carseat with the sleep sack on…AMAZING for errands, travel, etc when it’s cold outside! Hello, why hasn’t anyone else thought of this before??? This would’ve saved me countless missed naps with Caroline :).
They come in a variety of fun colors and patterns and I chose the Raspberry striped sack…I think you can tell Miss Carson loves it! P.S. do they come in my size??

  1. Carson is so adorable! Such a sweet smile.

  2. She is so cute!! I've never found a sleep sack that worked – I'll have to try these on the next little one!

  3. Jo says:

    love this ! baby #1 (girl!!) due in May so good baby gear recs are my fave right now, thanks!

  4. E Hayes says:

    she is soooo cute! We love sleep sacks, I was sad when Ashlynn started walking and I had to stop using hers (didn't want her knocking out any of those hard earned teeth!). She never keeps blankets on. I'm planning on swapping K to a sleepsack soon too since she keeps getting free from her swaddles, this one looks so cozy!

  5. Jess Norden says:

    She's so cute!!!!!! PS I am adding this to my list for Baby #2…it is so much longer than I ever thought it would be, but I guess I am getting wiser with age! Haha!

  6. Sam Kellen says:

    What an adorable little girl!! I know some babies have allergies to lanolin; is this gentle enough on her skin? If so, I may repostit to my own blog. I'm trying to get more family-friendly tips on it. 🙂 Nashville Homes

  7. Ashley P says:

    super cute!! that is great about the sizes! thank you so much for sharing

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