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Five on Friday


February 21, 2014

Hello and HAPPY FRIDAY!!! This week has blown by at record speed, so I was up late last night working on my post for today…somehow I am not being so great at juggling this crazy schedule we have going on lately.
One. Double Stroller Time
We did it…we pulled the trigger and I am sitting here anxiously awaiting the arrival of our new double stroller. I swear this has been something I have been stressing over these past few months as I knew our faithful Britax B Ready’s days were numbered. Basically, as much as we loved that stroller, the baby on bottom screamed all the time because they couldn’t see out=not fun. So, we did loads of research, I sold my old faithful on Craigslist to another happy mama, and ordered the Bumbleride Indie Twin. And I got it on sale during a big Valentine’s Day promo!!! Now if it will just get delivered already so we can be outside enjoying the side by side action…yippee!!

Two. Best Brusher Ever
In an effort to get my girl brushing her teeth way more than she likes, I ordered this adorable chart via Under the Light Table on Etsy. Is this not adorable?? Heck, any way to get stickers will make Caroline happy any day and make it a far more enjoyable task for momma, too. Plus, the beavers with pink and orange sold me!! Maybe I should get Jeff one of these chore charts for making the bed, doing laundry, or unloading the dishwasher. He likes stickers, too. 🙂

Three. The Power of Presence
Do you ever struggle with what to say when someone you love is going through a tough time? I do, and I’m not afraid to admit it. I always feel like I am going to say the wrong thing, or offend someone, or say something totally inappropriate. A few weeks ago, a speaker at MOPS shared that the Power of Presence sometimes is all we need. Just being there can be enough, and that shows that you support them and want to help them during a trying time. Presence can be a hug, or a funny joke to put a smile on their face, or telling them they need a shower because they stink. Just follow your intuition and show those you love the most that you are there, even if the words fail you.

Four. I Can’t Help Myself
I’ve been shopping this week for Caroline’s birthday presents and Gap got me again. Let’s just say she is going to be working it at the beach again this year in this hot little number. I cannot WAIT to pair this with a big floppy hat and sandals and have her cuteness bobbling in the water. Bring it on!!

Five. Family Birthday Fun, House Work, and Singing Praise
Don’t you just love the “normal” weekends?? This is going to be one of those and I can’t be happier. Getting excited to hang some stuff on the walls, install some window treatments, celebrate Aunt Shell and Uncle Robert’s birthdays tomorrow night, and then praising the Big Guy on Sunday morning. It’s supposed to be a little hint of spring-like weather this weekend in Nashville so you best bet we will be taking the minis to the park for some much needed swinging time. Adios friends!! 
So excited to see all of your weekly Five on Friday posts!!! You know the drill…link up below please 🙂

  1. I love "normal" weekends. They are usually so jam packed and I never get caught up on the household stuff that I want to do. Enjoy it!

  2. That bathing suit…. too cute!!! Loving that sticker chart, I may have to implement some sticker action too to reward for doing what mommy says. Sounds like you have the perfect weekend planned, enjoy! 🙂

  3. Love that about the power of being present. And it's so true! I always feel helpless when someone I love is going through a rough spot and I can't do any actions to help them. But just being present sometimes is all they need.

  4. "Normal" weekends area always the absolute best. Hopefully your double stroller comes soon so you can take the girls for a spin in their new wheels ;)! Xx.

  5. Jamie Pruitt says:

    "Normal" weekends are the best! Love the toothbrush sticker chart! Stickers make anything more fun!! Today was my first day linking in with the Five On Friday! So excited!! http://www.thejamies1.com

  6. Does that swim suit come in an adult size?? So cute!!!

  7. I've been thinking of getting that same swimsuit for Elin. Love little suits for babies and toddlers! 🙂

  8. oh my word that swimsuit is adorable! I can't get over it! Enjoy that double stroller 🙂

  9. That swimmy for Caroline is adorable!!! She will be too cute for words in that little number!! The weather is supposed to be gorgeous here this weekend too… I can't wait for it!!

  10. Sara says:

    I've been meaning to ask you what double stroller you guys used. Thanks for the recommendation. Let me know how it works out for you. And that little swimsuit is so stinking adorable! I can't wait to see photos of Caroline running around in that.

  11. Jen B says:

    That swimsuit kills me. So perfect! Enjoy your weekend – low-key is so underrated!

  12. We struggle with brushing Jack's teeth. I wonder if at 19 months this would work. The kid loves stickers!

  13. Oh my goodness that swimsuit is ADORABLE! Man blogging is getting to be bad for me because it makes me want to buy everything that people post about . . . even if it's an adorable swimsuit for a child I don't even have 🙂


  14. Meghan says:

    Ooh I'll have to look into that stroller when we have a second! Double strollers are tough. I don't like the idea of one child being under the other, but side by sides can be wide to maneuver some doors. You'll have to let us know how it works out!

  15. I saw that little peplum suit at the store last week but we don't find the gender out until Tuesday. If it turns out to be a girl I am so buying that!!

  16. Um I die.. That's the cutest swim suit ever.. Just sent the link to my gf for her baby girl!

  17. Ali Damron says:

    I love MOPS speakers! We had one this week that was talking about friendships and how important they are. Sometimes we get busy and put that on the backburner, when in reality, that should still come first. It was enlightening.

  18. How cute is that leopard swim suite!? They should make them in adult sizes!

  19. Oh my goodness that swimsuit is too cute! Happy Friday!

  20. Sarah says:

    The Gap has the best quality swim suits. We always get one for our daughter each year!

  21. Kelly-Belly says:

    Yeah for a normal weekend….actually anything normal these days is much appreciated. Hope you have a good one. : )

  22. Soulshine123 says:

    So would you recommend the britax b ready stroller for 1 baby? I'm about to have my first. I have looked at the bumble ride single strollers too. Where did you find them on sale?

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