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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Party Planning…Caroline’s 2nd Birthday


February 10, 2014

I bet you can’t guess what the theme is for Miss CC’s 2nd birthday can you?? Haha…yeah right. If you’re thinking of a small little rodent that’s animated and sings nonstop, you’ve got the right idea.
This year, it’s all about Mickey and Minnie at our house and we’re prepping for a super dee duper 2nd birthday for our sweet Caroline.

The adorable invites (bottom picture) went out last week and I love the finished product…colored envelopes + washi tape with custom invitations inside…yes please! They were designed by the fabulous Beth Hart Designs who never disappoints.
Our inspiration this year is simple…I know, I had to dial it down a notch this time around due to hubby wanting to kill me after last year’s spectacle. Yes, there will be hot dogs (DUH!), lots of Mickey ears to go around for our beloved guests, and some yummy adult beverages too (I know, we love to serve some alcohol for our kid’s bdays–lol).  
I can’t lie, I live for party planning…and I think yall know this by now 🙂

  1. Jess Norden says:

    I love it!!! Oh, Twodles…seriously? So cute!! I can't wait to see pictures! I've already started thinking about Cam's 2nd birthday, and although it won't be as huge as last year, it will still be so fun to plan!!

  2. Oh this looks so adorable! Cannot wait to see pictures!

  3. Katie says:

    Holy cuteness! I have no doubt that this party will be so stinking adorable! I live for party planning too, and I'm not even a mama yet! Fiance is scared for what is to come when it's my turn to plan the birthday parties for the little ones 🙂

  4. I just looked back at Caroline's 1st birthday & giiirl you did it up! I'm a sucker for throwing fun parties though too & just can't stop when it comes to the planning & so forth!! I can't wait to see what all you do for her 2nd birthday! An adorable theme!!

  5. Meredith says:

    I saw invitations like this on Pinterest, love!! I have to say though, this Momma is getting sick of the "hot dog, hot dog" song. we watch way too much Mickey Mouse Clubhouse at our house. lol

  6. Ashley says:

    Two cute 😉 I think this might be our theme for C's 2nd birthday too, can't wait to see more about it!

  7. BLovedBoston says:

    What a perfect theme for her birthday party!! Can't wait to see what the final product looks like!

  8. Carolyn says:

    Absolutely ADORABLE!! 🙂

  9. Meghan says:

    Looking so cute already! Don't worry tell your husband you'll can do it up big for Carson's 1st bday a few short months later, ha!

  10. Themed parties are my favorite. Loving this theme, so cute!

  11. She will love this!! Very sweet!

  12. Libby Boyes says:

    This party is going to be absolutely adorable! I can't wait to see how it all comes together. And I can't lie either, I'm a sucker for a party!

  13. Looks like so much fun! I think part of why I'm excited to have kids is so I can plan their birthday parties, no lie 🙂 Hope the party is awesome!


  14. P*P*P says:

    Absolutely adorable! Cannot wait to see the "finished" party! 🙂

  15. Oh, I can't WAIT to see more of this! How stinking cute?!?!?!!?! CC is going to LOVE it!!!!

  16. E Hayes says:

    Our friends did a "Two"dles theme for their little girl's 2nd and it was adorable! Ashlynn loves her MMCH and would totally do this theme too if we didn't go to one last year. Who doesn't love Mickey Mouse?!

  17. such a cute party idea! can't wait to see how you do it all!

  18. Looks so cute! I just started game planning for my daughters first birthday today, she's only 4 months old! There are just so many cute ideas and so many adorable decorations!

  19. Oh my cuteness!!! Love this so, so much. You are completely amazing!


  20. Chandler says:

    How cute!! I love the theme and everything about it 🙂

  21. Amy says:

    So fun! My little guy, Cash, will turn 2 on March 30th & we are doing a Mickey Mouse theme! 🙂 My husband is thrilled… 😉

  22. Ashley P says:

    I love this so much! Can't wait to see how it all comes together!!

    You can find me blogging about "Life on the Parsons Farm" : atparsons.blogspot.com

  23. Cherish says:

    Love all the inspiration pics and the invitation. And how cute is "twodles"?! Can't wait to see how everything turns out.

  24. Oh this looks like SO much fun!! Can we come?!! 😉 I am in awe of how well you have it all together…you inspire me every day! xo

  25. Jenny says:

    Love this! I'm planning a similar party for May for my daughter, who is also named Caroline! New follower and looking forward to watching your party planning!!

  26. Samma says:

    So precious! Poor Dell Harper didn't get a party this year since she was becoming a big sister a few days later! Ha!

  27. This is the cutest and I might have to steal this theme! My C is OBSESSED with Mickey and Minnie!

  28. This will SO cute! Can't wait to see!

  29. Nat says:

    Love this theme- so cute! Can't wait to see how it turns out!

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