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Hello Happiness…Five Randoms


March 21, 2014

One. Devotional Time
I asked my Instagram friends last week if they had any recommendations for a good devotional and of course, they came through yet again. Fast forward to my trip to Costco and there it was, starting at me in the face…then I knew that was the one! Jesus Calling has been an AWESOME daily devotional for me, especially when I am trying to spend a few more morning minutes with the big guy before the day gets going. It’s a great, great book and I would highly recommend this to anyone looking for a little Godly inspiration to keep them going, ease their worries, and brighten their day. (P.S. I got a great deal on my copy at Costco for $9.99)

Two. My First Real Lent Test
I wanted to give in the other day, I really did. But I stayed strong and walked away. I was in Old Navy buying a birthday gift for someone and saw adorable workout tops. They caught my eye, and boom, next thing I know I’m over there picking out my size. It took me 2.7 seconds to realize, DUH, I can’t buy this…totally defeats my Lent challenge. But I can proudly declare I walked away empty handed and felt REALLY good about it…I’m keeping my word and holding strong!!

Three. The Best Place for Flowers
I’m guilty, I love having fresh flowers in my house…I may not get them nearly enough from a certain someone, so I take it upon myself to stock up on the fragrant goodies whenever I get a chance. And let’s face it, I love a great deal so recently I’ve been hitting up Trader Joe’s to stock up on springtime florals to scatter all over the house…between hydrangeas, gerber daisies, tulips, and sunflowers, I’ve spent about $4-5 per arrangement and have been so pleased with how long they’ve lasted. Props to TJ’s yet again!!

Four. Swimsuit Season is Inching Closer
I’ve been slacking in the workout department and I’m ashamed to admit it, but maybe declaring it publicly will make me take note and get back into my habit. However, having said that, I’m still starting my search for some cute swimsuits to sport at the beach and around the neighborhood pool this summer. Honestly, as much as I love me a good bikini, I’m wanting to find some cute one pieces that are still fashionable and I think these from Kind of Style totally fit the bill. 
Five. Mickey Mouse and the Birthday Girl

Our big girl had a fantastic birthday week celebration (yes, ours tend to last awhile over in these parts) and I wanted to say a big thank you for all the well wishes, comments, messages, calls, and such. This blogging community is so much fun to be a part of and I am always humbled by so many of you who continue to follow along in our little journey called life. It’s so much fun watching our girls grow and learn and celebrate these sweet birthdays. Can’t wait to show you a full recap next week.
Here is our little hot rod in her new VW Convertible Bug:

As usual, you know the way to link-up. Simply follow the Linky Tool below and make sure to give us the details on your weekly Five on Friday jibber jabber. Happy weekend friends!! This lady is off to assemble all the food, drink, and decor for Jeff and Lauren’s 30th birthday bash tomorrow night.

  1. Nina says:

    I normally always say polka dots but I love the coral and the draping!! And that color is so flattering!!

  2. Albion Fit also has some really cute one piece bathing suits with a retro vibe. That VW bug is so cute!!

  3. I have a couple blank journals I've been wanting to start prayer journals in but just haven't yet! Glad you were able to fid a good devotional. I was just going to tell you what Kerry said that Albion Fit has cute one piece swim suits I see them in my Insta feed all the time now! I can't wait to get some more flowers. Mine are about ready to toss so it'll be time for some new ones this next week!

  4. I just started Jesus Calling this year and love it so far! I ordered one for my Mom as well and we are following along!

  5. Happy Friday, Natasha!! I need to hit up Trader Joe's for some of their gorgeous flowers asap!! Loving those fabulous swimsuits! Your sweet lit'l birthday girl looks too cute in her VW bug! Glad she enjoyed such a terrific birthday week! Wishing you and your family a beautiful first weekend of Spring!! xo

  6. Jess Norden says:

    I have been about 95% good on my no-spending Lent. I DID pick up a new work out top at Old Navy….they're addicting!!! I LOVE those bathing suits – I am so glad they have stylish one pieces since I am NOT in any shape to be sporting a bikini! 🙂 I am so glad you mentioned Jesus Calling…I picked it up a couple of years ago and need to make it a habit to read each morning. When I do make the time, it just starts off my day so much better!! Happy Weekend!!!

  7. I love fresh flowers in the house too! Loving those one pieces, so cute!

  8. Candace says:

    I got the cutest one piece at the end of last summer and thought to myself "Why did I wait so long to do this!?" Its SO much better! =)

  9. Lover of fresh flowers too. And one pieces…I wear them bc I have a big scar from some surgeries + these are SO cute! Thanks for sharing 🙂 Xx.

  10. Pamela says:

    Her little car is too cute!!!

  11. That car – so adorable! And I hear you on the TJ flowers…they never disappoint!

  12. I LOVE those suits, so cute!

  13. Cari says:

    WOW! What a great deal on flowers!!! I love fresh flowers in the house. Those suits are super cute

  14. Good for you for sticking to your Lent challenge!! I've wanted to cave a couple times myself but, I haven't caved! I am definitely going to have to stop by Trader Joe's soon to pick up some fresh flowers!! I always love a good deal! 🙂 & I think you would look fab in any of those swim suits!! I think one pieces can be really sexy too! & Yes, I just used sexy & one-piece in the same sentence… I love them!! Happy Friday!!

  15. Sarah says:

    I wish we had a TJ's. 🙁 *pout*

    That striped ON suit is my most favorite suit I've ever had (as a one piece wearing mama, that is.) The tiny stripes are really flattering (oddly enough), and the top of the suit has enough coverage & support without looking all grandma-like.

  16. Hannah says:

    I love those swimsuits!!! I have been thinking about getting a new one and those are perfect! And, can I just say how cute is little Caroline in that VW bug?! 🙂

  17. Nat says:

    I love the coral and the yellow one pieces! Good job on your lent challenge- I know how tough it is! Little Miss looks too cute in her VW convertible- Oh my gosh I love it. Can't wait to see the birthday party recap.

  18. Rebecca Jo says:

    Heck – I want that car for myself 🙂
    I wish we had a Trader Joes near us because they have cheap flowers like that.

  19. Love love love the swimsuit choices! And love that sweet ride CC got for her bday! Hope you guys had an incredible week long celebration 🙂

  20. Kelly-Belly says:

    Congrats on the big 2500! Wow! : )
    I have the Jesus Calling, Kids edition and have really enjoyed it. Hope you have a good weekend.

  21. I love the 1st and 3rd swimsuit! 🙂 Have fun at the birthday bash!

  22. Samma says:

    A one piece is just so much easier with toddlers. And I never want to be "that mom" at the club wearing a too revealing bikini, ha! Of course, the just having a baby thing is making me gravitate toward one pieces as well. . .

  23. I am really into getting a one piece as well. I haven't worn one since I was in like 5th grade!! I am liking your option #2!!

    check out my recipe linkup on Monday's

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