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Five on Friday Action


May 30, 2014

One. I Buy Kids Clothes
A fun benefit of being “petite” is having the ability to shop in the kids’ section at various stores…yep, you got it. This 30-year old mama of two shops next to tweens. I was in Old Navy a few weeks ago and was on my way to the dressing room when I spotted the cutest little sundress so I snatched it up. Two benefits: 1) it was only $16 and 2) it hit right above my knees which is perfect for me. So, for those shorter gals out there, when you’ve exhausted your options in your favorite stores, be sure to hop over to the kids section…you might find something cute (and save some money while you’re at it)

Two. Sugar Bit Summer Giveaway(s)
You may have seen some action on Sugar Bit’s Instagram account this week in the form of a MAJOR kick-off to all things summer giveaway, worth more than $100. The lucky winner will get their choice of a swimsuit, pajama set, wet/dry bag, and an accessory/toy (winner chooses baby/toddler sizes). The rules are simple:
1) Follow @shopsugarbit on Instagram
2) Repost picture w/hashtag #sugarbitsummer
3) Tag 3 friends (for an extra entry)
**Fine print: this contest is open to US residents only and the winner will be selected next Tuesday, 6/3…good luck!!

Also, be sure to check out my good friend Julie’s blog…Hudson is modeling some cute Sugar Bit attire from the Hatley collection and we are giving away two $25 giftcards, too!!

Three. Reading Material 
I’m taking a break from toddler books and such and have been focusing on reading more the past few weeks, which started at the beach. I LOVE Mary Kay Andrews books and they are the epitome of chick lit, which is fine by me. The stories are quick reads and perfect for days spent lounging at the pool, traveling, etc. If you’re looking for some good reading material, my favorites from her include The Fixer Upper, Summer Rental, and Spring Fever.

Four. Celebrate the Small Victories
I’m learning to savor the small wins and take note of the little victories…I used to take these things for granted and now as I get a wee bit older, I find myself paying more attention to the details that really make a life. As some of you know, we’re in potty training mode at our casa and we go absolutely nuts whenever Caroline goes pee-pee on her potty. I just celebrated a fun little milestone with Sugar Bit and I couldn’t wait to call Jeff and tell him. I’m just saying to take note of the things that matter and celebrate them…feel good about a job well done and smile when things go your way!

Five. Beach Recaps 2014 Edition
I’ve been going through the 900+ beach pictures from our big trip last week and cannot wait to share our trip recap(s) with yall next week!! We had such an incredible time and I love showing all the fun family time we had…stay tuned and cheers to a happy, healthy, sunshine filled weekend for each of you.

You know the drill by now! Link up below with your Five on Friday post and be sure to stop by my favorite gals’ blogs to see what those sweet mamas are all up to as well: Darci, April, and Christina always have some goodies to share. 

  1. I used to always shop in the kids section at Old Navy, Target, and J.Crew – however, since I had a baby, my chest has gotten bigger and the clothes don't look the same on me! I am hoping in a few months when I stop breastfeeding that my tots will shrink back down so I can shop in the kiddie section again!

  2. Carol says:

    I love Mary Kay Andrews! She and Jodi Picoult are my two favorite authors! Love the beach picture at the bottom!

  3. I'm so jealous that you can buy stuff from the kids section! And yay for fun giveaways and celebrating little victories!

  4. Rachel says:

    I sometimes find great cheap clothes in the kid's section! Old Navy is nice because their kids sizes seem to run pretty large–I've also found nice jeans in the girl's section at Kohls–honestly, they fit better than Juniors jeans because I think since they were made for girls, not teens, they weren't quite so skin-tight in the thigh, and I liked that!

  5. Bekah Bruce says:

    Oh I just love good chick lit! Better add it to my list! I will be quite the well-read lady by summer's end! Have a great weekend!

  6. Jessica says:

    Girl, I totally show in the kid's section too! Being 5'2'' allows for such things! My favorite kids section is crewcuts at JCrew. They have such cute things for girls and their prices are so much better than adult prices! 😉

  7. umm love that you can shop in the juniors/kids section! the prices are great 🙂 🙂 have a wonderful weekend! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  8. I need to check out The Fixer Upper. I LOVE Mary Kay Andrew books and need to add some to my summer reading list! Happy Friday!

  9. yep, i am a total kids section shopper! cant wait for beach pics!!!!

  10. Love all the items in your store, congrats on such a successful start up! Old Navy has the best tween stuff, I always shop there for myself. The kicker is I used to teach and a 5th grader walked in wearing the same dress as me one year. My secret was outed from that moment on!

  11. Courtney says:

    Oh I can't wait to see your beach pictures!!

    I only wish I could shop kids section. Never gonna happen for my 5 7 self.

  12. Can't WAIT to see your beach wrap up pics! The girls are getting so big, and they're more adorable than ever! I was totally living vicariously through you last week – can't wait to get my toes in the sand!

  13. Dana says:

    Mary Kay Andrews is one of my favorites! I just read Summer Rental and Spring Fever…all of them are SO good!!!

  14. I just love Mary Kay Andrews, her books are always fun reads. I actually got to meet her at an event and she is hilarious!

  15. I love this Five on Friday Post! Such a positive message for everyone! Have a great weekend! 🙂

  16. Kate says:

    Hudson's outfit is ADORABLE, I'm heading over to check out your shop now. We have a little baby boy on the way and it's never to early to prepare 🙂

    That's a beautiful picture of your family, hope you have a great weekend!

  17. That last pic is gorg friend! Also, SO proud of CC!! What a big girl!

  18. Hannah says:

    Those books look like the perfect read; I've never read any of her books before but I'm excited to get my hands on them now. Thanks for the recommendation!

  19. Jenny says:

    I read The Fixer Upper last summer and just started reading Summer Rental…her books make the best pool/beach reads!!

  20. My sister is very petite and can shop in the kids section as well. I always joke around that my sisters are Kim and Kourtney and somehow I, the youngest, became Khloe!

  21. I saw my friend I ordered the teal and orange bike jammies for (I had it shipped to her) so I was able to see it. We both loved it. Her husband loved it. Great job!

  22. Vacation seemed like such a blast! You should post more of your awesome vacation photos! :O)

  23. I shop in the kids section too to save money. I also have small feet so I can get away with the shoes too!!


  24. Jackie says:

    My height would allow me to shop in the kids section…my hips and chest however do not. haha

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