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A Letter to My Carson…It’s Your First Birthday!


June 15, 2014

Dear Carson,
Today marks your 365th day in this world. The day you were born was like any other day, except this mama was getting mighty anxious to meet her mini #2. I had visited the doctor the Thursday before and was already progressing a lot (to say the least). I remember counting down the days until your due date, though thankfully you surprised us all and came two weeks early…which I was so appreciative of because it was steaming hot in Nashville. That Friday afternoon, we took your big sister to the park, I had lunch with Pappy, and then we took CC to get gelato after dinner. It was a normal Friday night, until around 10PM when I started having contractions and I had a feeling something was up. We immediately called your Aunt Meg to come over to stay with Caroline since she was already in bed and we headed to the hospital to see what was going on.
Once we got checked into triage, we called grandparents, Mimi and Pappy came to meet us, and then we waited for a few hours there to see if I was actually in active labor. Looking back, I prayed for that to be the night, but it didn’t seem like it was going to happen as time passed and nothing had changed and contractions weren’t in any regular pattern. Finally, they let me walk around the labor and delivery floor to try to speed up the process and by 6:30AM, I was 5cm dilated, they admitted me, and then the doctor broke my water. Suffice to say, you were being a little stinker then just like you are now!
Looking back, the day you were born was so calm and peaceful and the whole labor process was easier the second time around (thank heavens!).…I progressed quickly and then once the doctor told me I was ready to go and it was time to push, you were here within a matter of minutes. It only took 3 rounds of pushing, and then there you were, wailing away and then nestled happily in my arms. I will never forget the moment we made eye contact and you just gazed at me, and it was though you and I were the only two people in the room. Cherished moments I will treasure for always Little Bit.
In the weeks following your debut, life was hectic, but incredible. You were SUCH an easy baby and actually enjoyed sleeping… breastfeeding was easier this go-around, your demeanor was easygoing, and it made the newborn stage such a breeze.
People told me you would be different from your sister, but I never dreamed you would be totally opposite. It’s a funny thing and I treasure your little attributes that make you “you”. From day one, you have been a mama’s girl through and through. When you want me, no one else will do and you’ll cry real alligator tears until I take you in my arms. You still love to be held, love for me to rock with you and sing you songs every night when I put you to bed, and you love to giggle and laugh…that smile of yours is contagious my dear and I have a feeling it’s going to be one of your most endearing traits…it simply melts my heart.
This year has had its share of ups and down, triumphs and tribulations, and good and bad days, but because of you, my heart knows what it is to experience real, unconditional love and you bring joy to my life each and every day…you have been an incredible blessing to our family. To see you and your sister play with each other gives me more happiness than one deserves and I thank God for letting me be your mama.
I love you to the moon and back peanut! Happy 1st Birthday Carson Elizabeth

  1. Alycia says:

    She is precious!! Such cute photos! Happy Birthday Carson!!!
    Alycia//Crazily Normal

  2. Lyndsey says:

    Such a beautiful little girl! Happy birthday to Carson!!

  3. Cari says:

    what a little beauty! Our daughters share a birthday! 🙂

  4. Happy Birthday little one! Such a cutie!!

  5. Meredith says:

    Happy Birthday, Carson!! Hope y'all had a great first birthday party!

  6. Happy birthday, Carson!! She is way too cute for words!!

  7. Happy Birthday to Carson!! How can she be one? She is so beautiful!

  8. aww so sweet! happy birthday to your beautiful baby! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  9. she is just so adorable!! love her two little teeth!!


  10. Too cute! Happy Birthday, Carson!

  11. Cute little princess! She is adorable. Happy birthday!
    Steam Carpet cleaning Balham

  12. Nicole-Lynn says:

    She's so precious (as is Caroline!). Happy 1st bday sweet girl! I can't wait to see how her party turned out. I bet she had a blast!

  13. QPT says:

    Carson is looking very cute!!!Happy Birthday!!!
    Happy Kids

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