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Five on Friday


June 13, 2014

One. Pippit. Join Along
Looking for a fun new way to keep track of your favorite bloggers and their posts? Look no further than Pippit, a hot new tool to help you do just that. The app lets you create and share “pips” from posts, photos, and videos in an instant. Dots are placed within each picture that include hyperlinks, info, and descriptions…is this not genius!!!!
I love that you can shop by clicking on links, like/want/find useful to keep track of things you want to remember, and all sorts of other fun tools and such. Always looking for new, helpful apps and this one is great. You can find me under the username: hellohappiness.

Two. Victoria has my Secret
This year, I was so thankful to be able to buy a few non-maternity swimsuits…it’s been awhile! I showed you one I bought for the beach, and just this week I picked up a few others because of the VS Swim Sale online. If you’re looking for a cute suit that works for wrangling wild monkeys on the beach, check out the Beach Sexy Push-up Bandeau Top (comes with straps, too) and the Beach Sexy Boyshort (great coverage for us booty girls). Both are on sale right now and they come in some fun, bright colors!

Three. Couples Retreat
Alright friends, have any of ya’ll traveled to Scottsdale, Arizona before? If so, I am looking for some input! We have booked a long weekend trip there in September (at this resort) and I am looking for some fun things to do…Jeff will be playing golf a lot (I make a great cart driver) and I hear their spas are really good, but we will need other activities to occupy us as well. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Four. This Lady is a Keeper
If you haven’t ventured over to Pawley’s Island Posh and had a stay with Julia, then you are missing out. This lady is one of my favorite bloggers and I have followed hear for years…she is a mom, has an incredible eye for design, and is someone you know you could absolutely relate to in real life. Yesterday, she posted about a nasty website called GOMI (read her post here) and I love every single thing she had to say. Some of us are afraid to stick up for ourselves, and she was so eloquent, honest, and heartfelt in her words. Bullies are mean people and it’s ridiculous for these said lurkers to be able to post untrue and hurtful things about people they don’t even know.

Five. The Baby Turns One
This adorable nugget turns one this Sunday and I am a basketcase full of emotions right now as we finalize all the party prep for her big celebration tomorrow afternoon. I cannot believe this bundle of joy has been in our worlds a year now and I am a hot mess just thinking about it milestone. It’s going to be a special day with wonderful people showing my little bit with love and hugs, and loads of ice cream, too. I promise to show you all the goodies soon! Happy weekend friends. Get out there and make the most of it! 
And as always, be sure to check out my amazing friends (and mamas) blogs for our weekly link-up…April, Christina, and Darci. See you next week 🙂
  1. Tawnya Faust says:

    Happy birthday to your sweet little one year old! Oh my they grow so fast! Have a great weekend and thanks again for hosting this link up!

  2. Obsessed with VS, and their Semi annual happening!
    Happy Birthday to your little one, too precious!

  3. Lauren says:

    Thank you for sharing about the coverage for the bottoms at VS – I can neverrrrr find a pair that cover very well from there! I came across those and wondered if they covered well so very good to know! 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!!

  4. That picture of Carson is adorable and I love the idea of an icecream party!

  5. love that swimsuit!! happy birthday to your little one! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  6. Happy Birthday sweet baby girl! Isn't it so weird to be all new baby and then no new baby all of sudden?! One is still itty bitty but it's such a milestone! And thanks for including my post in your round up. They have a right to think whatever they want but to publicly speculate and scorn and stir up untruths about so many people just pushed me over the edge. I swore I'd stay away from blogs for my whole hiatus but that's just lame letting them take away something else from me 🙂 xo

  7. Happy birthday to your lil peanut! My own turned one a month ago and it truly was a whirlwind! That resort looks amazing. I haven't ever been to AZ, so I have no other suggestions, but I might just sit there and relax by that amazing pool the whole time 😉

  8. emily says:

    I remember reading when she was just born! wow how time flies! My little one will be one at the end of the summer and I'm knee deep in pinterest boards planning her party! My husband and I go to Scottsdale often–his family has a house there. If you want some restaurant recommendations, hiking places, or shopping locals, I'd be happy to suggest!! A couples retreat sounds AMAZING!!!!

  9. Dawn says:

    Happy Birthday sweet Carson!!! 🙂 The resort looks awesome!

  10. Happy Birthday to sweet little Carson! I cannot wait to hear all about her big day and see all the pics from her party.

  11. Alycia says:

    Amazing how fast time goes with a little one!!! Before you know it, she will be 17 months and destroying your house on a daily basis!!! 🙂

    Have a great weekend!
    Alycia//Crazily Normal

  12. BLovedBoston says:

    Pippit is pure genius!! So many apps – so little time!! Your couples retreat sounds heavenly! Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Cat says:

    Thanks for sharing the Pippit info. I have been wondering what it was. Now I am for sure signing up for that too.

    Also thanks for hosting the linkup. I love finding other southern bloggers. Also my little girls name is Karsyn (like Carson) too 🙂 Hope you have a blessed weekend.

    Yes DEER

  14. I've been eyeing that VS swim top, but can't decide on a print! haha I love them all! I better decide soon cause you can't pass up on their sale they have going on right now 😉

  15. Casey says:

    You will love this resort!! Its amazing!! I have family there and we go here when I am there!! The spa will be amazing as well as the pool! There are so many great restaurants around as well. And the shopping is out of this world in Scottsdale make sure to visit Fashion square!!

  16. I downloaded Pippit a couple days ago and still don't quite understand it! Just started following you!

  17. That picture is so cute!! I hope she has an awesome time at her birthday party!

  18. Rosy Villa says:

    Hello there!
    I just came across your lovely blog. Love these Five in Friday posts, thanks for hosting! Consider me your newest follower 🙂

    Happy Friday
    -Rosy A Joyful Kinf of Life

  19. Sarah J. says:

    I've never commented before but love your blog! As a new mom to a 6 month old girl it's always fun to see what's in store for me with my daughter. And had to comment today because Scottsdale is one of our very favorite places to visit. For a total splurge meal that will blow you away, definitely get a reservation at Mastro's or Mastro's Ocean Club & don't forget to finish with the butter cake…life changing! For the best margaritas ever & upscale Mexican with amazing atmosphere, check out The Mission in Old Town Scottsdale. So many amazing places…I could go on & on…but those are definitely my two faves. Enjoy your getaway!

  20. Jenny says:

    I live in Scottsdale and it is amazing here, absolutely beautiful with warm weather and no humidity. September can still be pretty hot but you might be able to hike (check out Camelback or Squaw Peak), shopping at Scottsdale Fashion Square is awesome, and there are a million amazing restaurants in Old Town Scottsdale (which isn't far from the Phoenician). The Phoenician spa is pretty good, but I also love the Joya spa at the Montelucia resort. Elements restaurant at the Sanctuary resort is amazing, too. Have so much fun!

  21. We love to hike Camelback in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area. It's a beautiful at the top. And their shopping is awesome (Fashion Square).
    So exciting your little one turns 1! Such a fun age!

  22. Courtney says:

    Aw! I can't believe your sweet little girl is going to be ONE! Wow that went fast!

    Scottsdale is beautiful and September will be gorgeous! My parents recently moved to Phoenix and we love visiting them there!

  23. Oh my gosh, I can't believe Carson will be one! I remember reading about when she was born 🙂 Hope you all have an amazing weekend! Can't wait to see pics from the party!!

  24. Megan C says:

    I went to Scottsdale last summer and we loved it. There is some great shopping in the area, definitely go to Kendra Scott! And we took a day trip up to Sedona, very pretty.

  25. Happy birthday Carson!!!

  26. Jacque Pinol says:

    Love the party theme, happy birthday!!!


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