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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Hairbows and Headbands…My Favorites {Shops and Storage}


June 10, 2014

If I get one subject email over any other, it’s people asking where I get the girls’ hairbows and headbands. I can’t lie, I’ve ordered a ton since Caroline was born 2+ years ago and have found what I think to be the right proportion for their heads, because it’s overwhelming and there are SO many places on the internet to find them given Etsy, websites, and such.
I had someone last week ask me to do a post dedicated to just these things and so I am hoping this helps you other mamas as well!

Favorite Bows
Hands down, my go-to bow destination is Julia’s Bowtique online. She has the best bows in my opinion, and they are very moderately priced as well. Right now, Carson wears the 3 inch bows and Caroline wears the 4 inch variety. Even better, if you’re starting from scratch and need to build up your bow selection, she has sets you can buy with all the colors, which make great gifts, too!

Favorite Headbands
When it comes to headbands, comfort is key and we have a few favorites that we shop from. All have shops on Etsy and we have had positive experiences with each of these amazing vendors featured below: Jameson MonroeLittle Loves DesignsKena BowsCuteness Buns, and Our Baby Thompson Love

In terms of storage, there are so many fun and cute options that are totally DIY-able. For Caroline’s bows, I used metal D-rings and then strung thick grosgrain ribbon and then hung them with tacks…nothing fancy, but it does the trick. Carson’s are in a storage cube in her closet with a chalkboard tag marked “Bows”. Here are some easy ways to store them via Pinterest:

  1. Meredith says:

    That's where I've always ordered Millie's bows too, I did try ordering one from someone else and they were not near as well made or the quality of Julia's.

  2. Chelsea L says:

    Great post 🙂 Always looking for new places to get hair pretties for Lilly Belle. Just ordered 15 little 3" bows from Julia's Bowtique! Thanks!

  3. Just placed a order for Julias from your recommendation. 🙂

  4. You should check out Willow Crowns as well. Megan is a fellow blogger and has adorable bows and headbands!

  5. A.M. says:

    ahhh YES !! I was JUST about to email you–so many friends expecting little girls–Auntie needs to get them bows 😉

  6. Sara McCarty says:

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I've actually been meaning to ask you this exact question! I'm working on building up Mim's stockpile of bows and headbands and have been looking for good sites. THANKS!!!

  7. Andrea says:

    Which clip style do you prefer from Julia's bowtique…. French barrette or alligator clip? Curious what style stays in toddler hair best!
    Thanks for the helpful post! 🙂

  8. Such great timing! My little one arrived with a ton of hair. I've been waiting to purchase bows bc it took over two years for my oldest to grow hair. Can't wait to order! And random question you may have answered long ago but where did the girls laundry hampers come from? I am still searching for one.

  9. aww those headbands are the cutest! xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  10. Jacque Pinol says:

    What a great post, lots of adorable photos and cute storage ideas!! Love


  11. LOVE this post AND Julias Bowtique! Also, we just sent Caroline's newborn announcement to print aaaaand it is pretty much the exact same as Carsons — bow on head and monogrammed diaper cover. Perfection.

  12. Yay! Thank you so much for the shout out. I loved seeing your cutie in one of our headbands!!

  13. I've been loving your bow collection! Thank you so much for sharing where they are from!!


  14. Jen says:

    Where can you find the headbands to go with the bows from Julia's?

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