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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Rosemary Beach Family Vacation 2014…Days 3-4


June 4, 2014

I’m back today with another installment of our sunny beach days vacation recap…the third and fourth days were perfect for settling into our beach/pool rotation, the girls figuring out it’s really OK to sleep when on vacation (although still waking up at 6AM on the dot every morning) and us eating and drinking as much as possible…that’s the life, right? 
More cute swimsuits and outfits for the minis, because what they wear is way more important than us these days and tons of time getting some sun for the adults! Jeff took Caroline to the store and bought her a brand new Disney Princess fishing pole so they could go fishing together…it was the sweetest thing, seeing the two of them so excited to go off on their little adventure and of course CC went nuts when they returned telling us all about the two fish she caught. 
Thankful for both wee ones loving wearing hats…made sunscreen application far less painful! 
Calmest I’ve seen the Gulf in quite awhile
Working on her sand fort i.e. baby jail for little sister
Deep in thought
Getting splashed by the waves
Playing ball on the lawn
Mimi and Little Bit hanging out while the boys cooked
The grill master at work…he is SO good!

Of course what nightly meal is complete without a walk down to the Sugar Shak… Yes, we might have gone there 4 times in 7 nights, but calories don’t count on vacation…didn’t you know that?

Looks like we are trying to recreate Abbey Road, but no, we’re just taking up the entire street
Me and My Love
Back just in time to watch the sunset! 
The best we could do :/
My little family…vacation makes for a happy heart spending days with the ones I love most
The next day we stayed at the pool, hence no pictures from me…fail! It took awhile for Caroline to get warmed up to the idea that she would actually enjoy the pool, but she finally went in with her Puddle Jumper (greatest invention ever!!) and loved every minute of her time spent at the no-sand water hole. That afternoon, we relaxed at the house and Alex and the minis had a Mexican dinner date while Jeff and I had a couple’s night together. We stayed local and ate at Edward’s, which was amazing! Before we left, I took the girls outside for a little photoshoot so I could attempt to get some good pictures of them together (for once)
My sweet little button…chubby cheeks and lashes for days!
Perfect little football stance
Someone is mighty tickled with herself
Proudly sporting Mimi’s bracelet
Timber!! And they all fall down
My cup runneth over…there is nothing better than this
They’ve had enough…never enough pictures!
I had to share this one. Such a hard life 😉
Marveling at the airplanes!!
  1. Meredith says:

    Love Carson's little football stance, too cute and CC's smile, adorable!!

  2. can you tell me about that blue sundress? my farmer would just die to see me in something like that.

  3. Jacque Pinol says:

    Love all these pictures, they are S O cute!


  4. Charity says:

    Looks like a great time!!! And I would also love to know about your blue sundress. So cute!

  5. I love all the pictures of your girls play around! They are the cutest! And can I just saw that Carson's chubby cheeks make me miss Owen being a baby 🙂

  6. Whitney says:

    They are such precious girls!! I didn't even know which one it was in the pictures with the sun hat…their little faces look so much alike!

  7. Can I come next year? Seriously, your parents are so awesome and they would be too much fun to spend a week with! The girls look oh-so-happy too!

  8. Love all the pictures, it looks like you all had a great vacation!!

  9. Looks & sounds like a great time!!

  10. Jess Norden says:

    Adorable!!!! They are TWINS!!! I love all of your family photos – your house must be covered in them!! ANd the football stance…love it!!

  11. gorgeous photos and I'm obsessed with that perfect blue dress you are wearing and that necklace!! You look amazing! And of course the girls are dressed to perfection and are as cute as pie!! Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  12. Such a great little trip I want to go to the gulf now! Your girls are adorable Tash!

  13. Kate says:

    Jeff's poor, blotchy legs… Hahaha!!! Ouch. Is Carson going to be a little blondie? And you and Caroline look perfect in every photo, per usual 🙂

  14. Gorgeous pictures! Looks like the perfect vacation!

  15. Courtney says:

    Vacation always makes the heart happy! Such a wonderful time of refreshment. Beautiful pictures!

  16. Nat says:

    Those pictures of Caroline and Carson together are too cute!! Love you in that blue sundress – also you have the best hair!

  17. Morgan says:

    Looks like a great trip! I love that y'all took your bevs on a walk. We totally do that when vacationing in Florida as well. Sunsets are just that much better with booze. 🙂

  18. Morgan says:

    And where did you get that adorable blue sundress?

  19. Megan says:

    What kind of double stroller is that? Thanks 🙂

  20. Buddy says:

    I am also curious about the double stroller! I will be needing one soon!


  21. Meghan says:

    That last striped dress is so cute! Having two girls looks like a lot of fun! Great pictures 🙂

  22. Joie de Viv says:

    Looks like just the best family vacay! What wonderful pictures and memories made! We have that ruffle suit too. It just looks so cute on these little ones!

    xx Viv at JoieDeViv

  23. Maydelin says:

    Love all the Pictures, looks like you all had a great time there, your little girls are so cute and it seem like the loved the beach!!! thanks for sharing!!

  24. Tawnya Faust says:

    Oh my gosh, loving all of the photos! This vacation looks magical!! Your girls are so darn sweet too!! xo

    Tawnya @www.littlebabyscarlett.blogspot.ca

  25. What a wonderful trip! Your girls are precious. Savor these little moments. They are growing so fast!

  26. Vanessa says:

    Oh my goodness, this vacation looks PERFECT! And the girls are just too darn cute!

    You and Darci have totally inspired me to plan a Rosemary Beach trip!!! We were thinking about Destin for a big family getaway next year, but I think we may need to go this route instead 🙂

  27. Oh my heavens this looks like paradise! Great pictures and I must say the football stance is my favorite! haha Have a great rest of the week! xoxo

  28. Natasha, they are so cute I can't even take it!!! So glad ya'll had a great time, I love Rosemary Beach. Hoping to get back there next year.

  29. Sara McCarty says:

    These two are so stinking cute! I am so curious to hear more about Rosemary Beach. The place looks really beautiful! Do you stay close to the water? The gulf was definitely not that calm last week when we were down there.

  30. They are to cute! That little pink bathing suit is adorable!

    gameday dresses & online boutique

  31. I am totally looking into Rosemary Beach now for our next family vacation – it just looks perfect!!!! Beautiful girls and beautiful pictures!

  32. Looooooove that football pose 🙂 🙂 🙂

  33. Megan says:

    Love all of these pictures!!! Rosemary Beach + your family make the perfect vacay!!! And can we please discuss how amazing the black agate looks on you!? xo

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