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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Rosemary Beach Family Vacation 2014…Days 5-7


June 6, 2014

It’s the end of my little show and tell and this makes me miss it all the more…though I can’t lie, I am going back on an all girls trip in July and I know I will be good and ready for more time in the Florida sun soon enough!
Mid-week came up on us quickly so we made sure to soak up every bit of gorgeous weather while we could…complete with hoards of SPF sunscreen, especially for the minis!

 Sweet little cutey booty
 Mimi’s Mermaid Masterpiece
 Someone woke up from her early morning nap and was totally ready for some beach time
My little swimsuit model…I’m not ready for this baby stage to be over quite yet!!

That afternoon, we headed in to get ready so we could venture to nearby Seaside for dinner at one of our favorites, Great Southern AKA home of the best shrimp and grits! It was a gorgeous night,  and we shopped around some adorable shops, had a few mojitos, and then had gelato with the kids!

 cheesin’ for the camera…while sister is mesmerized by other people
 hahaha…sisterly love, right? 
Family shot
Mimi and her little button
Thursday, we stayed at the pool with the girls the majority of the day so Caroline could get in the water to play since she wasn’t the biggest fan of the waves from the ocean. It took awhile for her to warm up to getting into the deeper part of the pool (with an adult of course), but once she did we couldn’t get our little prune finger toddler out! Then it was off to spend the last hour at the beach…building and splashing in the ocean! 
 Me and my nugget…she just LOVES being in the pool with her mama
jumping into the “wave”
 hanging out under the umbrella with mimi and pap…AKA snack time
flying beach baby!

That night, we met up with Amy Riley, who we had scheduled a family session for some new pictures! Of course, in proper wee one fashion, things might have gone a little south, due to melt downs, face plants in the sand, and not wanting to have their picture taken, but such is life, right? She just sent us a sneak peak and you can see that HERE. The CD is in the mail and headed our way so I cannot wait to see the others!!

Our final day came and went way too fast and we were all sad to say goodbye to another fabulous week away. We spent all day outside, walked to “town” to eat lunch at Cowgirl Kitchen, did a little shopping, and then had the boys cookout that night so we didn’t have to get out, but could enjoy our last Florida sunset.

Until next time my favorite place!!! Thanks everyone for tuning in to see our vacation rewind…it’s been fun looking back and I am happy to share any details about the house/destination/restaurants/and such if you’re interested. Cheers to a happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend.

  1. 1. These photos are fantastic. What kind of camera do you have? 2. YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE. 3. I want your bathing suits – where are they from? 4. Looks like an incredibly memorable trip!

    • you are WAY too kind. i have a nikon d3000, but hoping for an upgrade soon!! it's an easy to use one though 🙂
      really appreciate the sweet comments…i stocked up from victoria's secret before the trip when they had a big sale!

  2. Jo says:

    Looks like te perfect family beach trip- so fun! You look fabulous, the whole family is just beautiful and I want that little straw hat for when my little peanut is big enough to romp around the beach!! (And those sneak peek family shots look amazing!!)

  3. Friend, you look AMAZING – so skinny and tan! What a wonderful week with the fam!

  4. Tawnya Faust says:

    First of all… I can't believe you birthed two children, you look incredible!! This vacation looks so fun, and your family photos will surely turn out gorgeous!! Thanks for sharing your trip with all of us!! Happy Friday! Xo

  5. Jen Dearmore says:

    You have one gorgeous family, dear!!! Your pics of the girls remind me so much of my sis and I growing up! We're still best friends to this day! 🙂 Loved your beach recap! What a fun week!!!

  6. melissa says:

    The girls in their matching dresses – my heart melts! I always said I'd only have two but oh how I'd love for Blaire to have a sister. Maybe one day!

  7. April says:

    Love seeing your pics and your girls are precious! That little one so reminds me of my daughter. I love that adorable red and white swimsuit with the skirt. Where did you get that? Adorable!!

  8. Jess Norden says:

    SKINNY MINNY!!!!! So jealous of your body!!! I love all of your pictures…perfect family vacation!!

  9. Your daughter's swim suits are so stinkin' cute! And a huge high-five to YOU for looking so fantastic after your babies. From one fit mommy to another, way to go! Keep rocking it, girl.


  10. beautiful photos! i love that little animal print swimsuit! so cute. xo jillian – cornflake dreams

  11. Dying over the professional pictures of the girls! So beautiful!!! Please tell me you are going to have that blown up big for your house.

  12. I have said it on your last posts but, I love all the pictures you babies are adorable. You have officially sold me on Rosemary Beach, and that will be were we vacation next year. I may have to email you about condo recommendations. I also have to mention you look great, gives me hope I can get somewhat of a bathing suit body back since I had my second! 🙂

  13. Pamela says:

    You look great!!! Gorgeous pictures! 🙂

  14. Miss V says:

    Where are your bathing suit bottoms from VS and if it's not too much tmi what cut are they? You look fantastic! Such a gorgeous family!

  15. I am def adding this to our vaca destination list! If you wouldn't mind sending condo/house recommendations, I'd love your take on where to stay.

  16. Nat says:

    You look awesome!! I hope I look this good after two babies next summer! Your girls are just too cute and despite the meltdowns the sneak peek of your family photos look great. Glad you all had such a good family vacation

  17. Your trip looked so amazing! Love the beach pictures…they are certainly ones that you'll treasure!

  18. Your family pics are the cutest!

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