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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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The Love of My Life…Happy Anniversary Jeff!


June 11, 2014

Today Jeff and I celebrate three years of happy, crazy, fun, and extremely blessed marriage. It’s been a wild ride so far, but with his motto “go big or go home”, I wouldn’t have expected anything less from the man I love so dearly.
They say the more you know someone, the more you grow to love them, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t learn from you Jeff. You’re a wonderful example of dedication, hard work, and strength. I can’t imagine my life without you in it and you make my world complete.
Our date nights might be few and far between these days, but I love the nights we get to share together when the girls are sleeping and it’s just me and you cuddled up on the couch watching a movie…these are the simplest joys, but the ones I hold the most dear.
You’re the husband I always dreamed of and more and I fall more in love with you each and every day. I know your little idiosyncrasies that make you “you” and I treasure the secrets that we share.
Thank you for being my best friend, and the best better half I could have ever imagined. Thank you for this life we share together, and for your unconditional support. Nobody said it would be easy, but baby, it’s absolutely worth it. I love you the mostest Jeff! OXOX
And yes, I always love reasons to look back on our “magic day”…the day I became a Mrs. and got to marry my best friend. 

  1. Meredith says:

    Happy Anniversary to y'all!!!

  2. Happy Anniversary!! What a beautiful post!

  3. BEAUTIFUL photos! Congrats!

  4. Sarah says:

    Happy Anniversary! Our 8th was yesterday 😉

  5. Pamela says:

    Happy anniversary to a gorgeous couple!

  6. Ashley says:

    I just love your wedding photos, happy anniversary!

  7. April says:

    Happy Anniversary and beautiful wedding pictures. I've been to a wedding at Scarritt Bennett before and it's just beautiful!

  8. BLovedBoston says:

    Happy anniversary!! Wishing you many many more!!

  9. Rachel says:

    I always love seeing your wedding pictures…so gorgeous! Happy Anniversary to y'all 🙂

  10. Beautiful photos!! Happy anniversary!! We are celebrating our 9th today – time flies!!

  11. E Hayes says:

    Happy Anniversary, you are just the cutes! Beautiful photos and what a wild three years you've had!!

  12. Tess says:

    Happy, Happy anniversary!! It's wild that in 3 years yall have moved and had two beautiful baby girls – along with just LIFE!! Pretty crazy to think that you had no idea what the future would store 3 years ago on this day, in that beautiful church.

  13. Rachel says:

    Aw gorgeous! Happy Anniversary!

  14. Nat says:

    Happy Happy Anniversary!! I would say you've had a wild three years- but what fun! Gorgeous wedding photos!

  15. Happy Anniversary Natasha and Jeff, ya'll are toooo cute!

  16. Happy Anniversary!!

  17. Sara McCarty says:

    Happy Anniversary, you love birds! You two are precious. And I can't believe it's only been 3 years. Feels like a lifetime ago I was stalking your blog for wedding stuff. 🙂 Congrats!

  18. Happy Anniversary and cheers to many more.


  19. preppylove says:

    Awww cuties!! Happy anniversary!!


  20. Happy Anniversary! You two are too cute.

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