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31 Candles


July 17, 2014

I may be turning 31 today, but I sure don’t feel 31. That just sounds old to me. Not that I mind growing older, I just don’t “feel” older…maybe it’s the working out, eating better, and using a skincare regimen that’s starting to work its magic and do some good to mind, body, and soul.

This past year has been another whirlwind–don’t I always say that? Everyone keeps telling me to slow down, but that’s just not in my DNA. We have started a business, sold our first home and moved into another, traveled, and survived our first year as parents to two crazy, happy, healthy, and amazing baby girls. I’m hoping we can take it down a notch this next year.
For this birthday, I decided not to do a big celebration, but spent loads of quality time over the past few days with my favorite people. Sunday evening, we had family dinner at Mimi and Pappy’s and mom made my favorites by request. Then, she and I had a day date on Tuesday, getting our hair done and eating lunch together. Finally, last night it was all about quality time at home with Jeff and the girls…sometimes the simplest of days gives you much more joy than anything else in the world, and that is what my heart truly needed.
However, as of today, two of my besties and I are on a plane headed to the beach to celebrate a fun-filled weekend at the beach with our incredible girlfriends. Four days of all girl fun and I know it’s going to be a weekend we’ll never forget. Be sure to follow along on Instagram (and I will apologize ahead of time for oversharing)

Thanks for sticking with me this year…lots to reflect upon, but I know undoubtedly I will still be focusing on all the happiness life has to offer! Be back soon my dears…OXOX
  1. Happy Birthday sweet blog friend!! I hope you have a wonderful time at the beach!! I look forward to following along via Instagram!

  2. Happy Happy Birthday Natasha!! Hope you have an amazing time on your girls weekend!!

  3. Sara Y says:


  4. Kelly-Belly says:

    Happy Birthday…hope you have a fun and safe weekend!

  5. Sara McCarty says:

    Happy birthday, gorgeous! You are going to rock your thirties! I'm halfway through them and will admit they're WAY better than I ever imagined. Hope you have a wonderful weekend with the girls…so jealous of that trip!

  6. Meredith says:

    Happy Birthday, Natasha!!!

  7. Happy Happy Happy Birthday! Have a fabulous long weekend celebrating with your girlfriends!

  8. Happy happy birthday… hope you have a great weekend!!

  9. Mel says:

    Happy Birthday to you! I'd love to hear more about your skin regimen. Do you have any blog posts on it? Thanks so much! And have a happy day!

  10. Paige says:

    Happy birthday! A girls weekend sounds perfect- enjoy!

  11. Happy birthday from a new blog follower!

  12. Happy Birthday tons of blessings xoxo

  13. Happy Birthday sweet lady. Yes, please over share! I'll be living vicariously through your instagram pictures 🙂

  14. Happy Birthday! I hope year 31 treats you well!!!!

  15. Rachel says:

    Happy birthday to you, Natasha! Hope 31 brings you amazing joy. Have a blast on 30A!

  16. Tess says:

    Happiest of birthdays to you – and here's to an even better year ahead!!! xoxo

  17. Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like you've had the best celebration already with your family!! Let the celebration continue….have fun with your friends and enjoy your birthday weekend!!

  18. Happy Birthday! Enjoy another wonderful year!

  19. Jo says:

    Happy birthday! Cheers to another great year!

  20. Happy happy birthday!! What an amazing life you are leading! Here's to another great year!

  21. Angie says:

    Happy 31st Birthday my friend!

  22. Liesl says:

    Happy 31st Birthday, Nicole…you look as beautiful as ever! Yay for us ladies in our 30's! 🙂

  23. Happy, happy birthday! Hope you have the best weekend!

  24. Happy Birthday Natasha! We will be going to Rosemary Beach in about 3 weeks – can't wait! It's my favorite place on earth 🙂

  25. Nat says:

    I'm a few days late but followed along on your instagram trip- Hope it was a happy happy birthday!!

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