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colorful life + style blogger | native nashvillian | wife and mom to two darling little ladies | bringing you all the happy you can handle

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Back to Life, Back to Reality…Girls Beach Trip Recap


July 24, 2014

It was a hard weekend…a long, exhausting weekend at the beach with some of my very best friends in the world and we had a ball! Times like these, I am reminded that we all need a break every now and then. To take off work, put things on hold, hand off babies and husbands and other responsibilities and just savor time with your girlfriends…it’s good for the soul! And also give thanks that family comes to help and lend a hand to make sure everything runs well in your absence, too.
From Instagram overload, I am certain you were able to tell that we had an absolute ball gallivanting around 30A…eating our way into food comas, indulging in some adult beverages while beachside, catching up on our chick lit, taking a few group snapshots here and there, and having loads of girl talk, too!
Thursday morning, us Nashville girls took the early bird flight to make sure we had ample time to take in the Florida sun. We arrived at the airport by 10AM, took the shuttle to the Watersound complex we were staying at, and then waited poolside for other caravans to arrive. Luckily for us, we didn’t have to wait too long and we checked in and headed back outside to spend the afternoon by the sand and surf. We then got ready, headed to Great Southern for a late dinner (birthday cake included since my 31st just happened to fall during our vacation–lucky, huh??) and then us wild ones went to Bud and Alley’s to round out the evening. Fast forward to closing time and let’s just say we might have been given a ride by a local Sheriff to help us find our condo…yeah, no GPS phone navigation and friends who didn’t answer meant we LITERALLY almost died (inside joke, not being serious). It absolutely makes for a funny story, though, I assure you.
The next morning, we woke up and headed to the beach so we could have some major time basking in the warm weather. We all huddled around, lounged out, and spent the entire day at the ocean, listening to tunes, talking, splashing in the water, and eating as much junk as we could stuff our faced with (no diets on vacation allowed). That night, we went to La Cocina for dinner in Seacrest…the best little Mexican restaurant along 30A, with amazing service, too! (ask for Hector, and order a mojito and the lobster quesadilla…you won’t be disappointed)
Saturday came quickly, and so did the rain. A few of us girls went on a morning walk that ended up being more of a marathon tredge to Alys Beach and we got back from the 5-mile journey just as the rain started. That afternoon, we vegged at the house, and watched hours upon hours of Sex and the City episodes…it was AMAZING and we had a blast. Once dinner rolled around, Meg made her famous Martha’s casserole and then we spent the rest of the evening playing too many rounds of Cards Against Humanity (a girl’s trip must!) We then decided it was a fantastic idea to have a late night dance party and I brought out my college iPod…it was HILARIOUS and I think we are all thankful those videos shall stay secret.
Sunday rolled around, our last day at the beach, and we were getting sad the weather wasn’t cooperating with us…we decided to make the best of it and headed out anyways…just to be rained on and come back inside. We gave it our best effort, but the winds, rain, and chilly dip in temperature made it impossible. Luckily, the sun came out that afternoon and we spent the rest of the day at the pool, promising ourselves we wouldn’t go home less tan than we arrived. For our last supper, we went to the crowd favorite Red Bar and all indulged, just as it should be! We then had a wild evening of ice cream and then headed to bed!
All in all, it was a FANTASTIC trip…way too much fun with women I am proud to call my friends and sisters. We all agree it’s something we need to do more often and we will be planning again soon! Here are some favorite pics from our adventure: #miranda #imafoodie #literallygoingtodie #bronte #makeupbeast #30on30a #microwave #pamdown

 we travel light 🙂 
 cute cups Jo had made for us
outfit of the night…top via Gap, shorts via JCrew Factory
 Jo AKA Miranda…hahaha
 girl pic after dinner
 yummy cake compliments of the best friend
 outdoor concert before dinner 
  jules, lizzy, and i
 us with Hector…ole!!
 SATC marathon AKA couch time
 rain didn’t ruin our party
the infamous circle of friends pic
 color coordinated…and we didn’t even know it
 our cute little prego mamas and lizzy

  1. Kathleen says:

    So fun! I'm headed to 30A tomorrow morning from Nashville to have a girls' weekend as well!

  2. How stinking fun!! So cool that you girls do this!!

  3. Looks like the best time!! Glad you had so much fun!!

  4. Looks like y'all had a great time!! You and your friends are presh!!

  5. Looks like such a fun trip! 30A is the perfect spot for a girls weekend—although the weather on the panhandle has been ugly for the last couple of weeks with these July storms. We love Great Southern cafe but will have to try the mexican restaurant the next time we are there!

  6. Girls weekends are the best! So glad you girls had a fabulous weekend getaway! Now I need to schedule one with my girls…

  7. Meredith says:

    Looks like such a great time!!!

  8. Looks like a blast. I can't wait to get to Rosemary soon!

  9. Loveeee those JCrew factory shorts! So cute, but they still look totally comfortable!

  10. girls trips are the BEST and that flight from Nashville to ECP is so fast & easy! I love all the places that yall went. Red bar & Great Southern Cafe cannot be beat!

  11. E Hayes says:

    So much fun! I'm actually really jealous reading this and secretly wishing I was one of your friends on vacation!

  12. Tess says:

    How fun!!! I haven't been on a girls trip – just for the sake of a girls trip (not counting bachelorette parties) in waaaay too long. I love that you girls got a little beach time, going out time, and time at home to just sit and play games.

  13. Sounds and look like SO much fun!!! Good for the soul, that's for sure! You are making me so excited for my girls trip to Texas wine country next month! 🙂

  14. Hate the weather wasn't great for ya'll last weekend, but it still looked like you girls managed to have a fabulous time!! You looked adorable as always 🙂

  15. Brownie says:

    Jealous of your fun trip! Looks like a blast!

  16. Sara Moon says:

    So fun! I've never been away from my little boy or husband for a night but another friend and I have planned a girls trip for October. I've thought about canceling already but this post might be the extra push I needed to stick with it.

  17. Looks like a great time! I need to get all my girls together for something like this even if it isn't out of the State it is just a must and doesn't happen nearly enough for us! I love love your hair, saving a picture for the next time I go to get mine done (:

  18. SATC marathons are a must for girls weekends! How cute are y'all. A weekend like this is good for the soul!

  19. rachel says:

    Oh what fun!!! This has me aching for a girls trip! You all are just too cute! And La Cocina is one of my favorites. Will definitely have to find Hector when we go next time. 🙂

  20. Meg O. says:

    I'm major jelly of this trip! Glad y'all had such a great time!!!

  21. Natasha Red says:

    Love your necklace! Have been searching for one to engrave my little girls name on….do you mind sharing where you found it? Thanks! 🙂

  22. Shannon says:

    Love your necklace! Where is it from?!

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