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Moms and Opinions… Everybody Has One


July 10, 2014

When I find a good read, I must share…kinda like paying it forward in a random sort of way, but I think if you find something special, you need to let others know.
Two years ago, when I was a first time mommy (and scared out of my mind if we’re being honest), I wish I would’ve seen this article…I wish I would’ve known that I’m doing OK, that I wasn’t failing, and that all Caroline needed was love, nourishment, and attention.
I’ve realized lots of young mommies, moms-to-be, and others read this blog and I want you to stop and take a moment to read this article (via Pregnant Chicken)…I found it so therapeutic and realized we’re all doing the best we can, so stop, smell the flowers, and just know you’re a great mom just the way you are.

  1. Amanda S. says:

    I read this article when I was pregnant with my second. Thanks for the reminder 🙂

  2. Meredith says:

    Love this, great article!!

  3. meg-made says:

    I remember reading this article a while back, and wished i'd pinned it, so thanks for re-sharing. It is so wonderful to support other mums, it is such a tough time to parent!!!! Thanks for sharing xx

  4. Love the article. Thanks so much for sharing. I feel like i'm failing as a mommy every other day… so great to have support from other moms and to support them in return!

  5. Great article! As someone who is about to be a mom in five short weeks this will be a good reminder for me!

  6. Joie de Viv says:

    OMG that stroller story! It really does put into perspective the differences in "raising a kid" is now vs. our parents or grandparents' generations. I think my dad put it as "intense parenting" now – and that's pretty true relative to how we were brought up. Thanks for sharing!

    xx Viv at JoieDeViv

  7. Love this Natasha! So many moms feel like they're failing or doing a bad job, and I think we all need to tell each other we're doing a good job every once in a while!

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